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The pill of Shenwei Pill can increase the success rate by 50%!

This effect is already very horrible.

You know, even if it's a breakthrough in God's position, you don't know how many people are going crazy, five achievements are half the chance.

What's more frightening is that it won't be life-threatening after failure, but it can't be taken again.

Chu Yuan knew that if this god-level pill could be refined in large quantities, there would be a large number of god-levels in his dynasty.

Looking at the materials, most of them are available, but only one thing called the Five Spirit Fruit is missing.

"It looks like I'm going to ask Ning Wan where there are these five spirit fruits."

Chu Yuan first input the pill prescription into the Taiyi Pill furnace.

In the past, the Taiyi Pill Furnace did not have this pill, but the imported pill can be automatically refined according to the proportion, as long as it does not exceed the limit of the current quality.

Ning Wan has stayed in Wucheng most of the time since the long-term transaction of Wangpin Shendan with Dawu, which made Yuezong a bit resentful, but they have a relationship with Chu Chenyao, and their relationship with Chu Yuan is also very good. .

"Huh? The five spirit fruits?"

After Ning Wan was invited by Chu Yuan, she said: "Your Majesty needs these five spirit fruits for anything. The five spirit fruits are not very useful, but they are very cherished. They are made of the five elements."

"I am useful."

Chu Yuan looked at the radiant Ning Wan: "Since President Ning knows the Five Spirit Fruits, he can get them for me."

"To tell you the truth, I know the Five Spirit Fruits, but there are too few of these things. They exist in a small space in the Southern Profound Realm, and the passage of the space secrets is uncertain. The approximate location should be here."

Ning Wan carried a map of the Five Profound Realms with him and pointed out a place.

"There are not many in the Five Spirit Fruit Chamber of Commerce. There are about fifty or sixty. They are usually used to absorb the five elements and strengthen the law. If your majesty needs it, I can bring it for your majesty." Ning Wan said.

"Okay, thank you, Chairman Ning, for providing me with information." Chu Yuan said.

"As long as your Majesty can provide me with a large amount of medicine, some information is not worth mentioning."

Ning Wan smiled.

"Naturally, I also need a large amount of medicinal materials from the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce." Chu Yuan responded.

Of course, she also knew that with Chu Yuan's ability, even without her Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, if the news was released, she didn't know how many chambers of commerce would crazily provide Chu Yuan with medicinal materials.

All of this must originate from transactions within the Martial Domain.

After sending Ning Wan away, Chu Yuan obtained sixty five spirit fruits from her hand in the past few days and refined sixty god-position pills.

This god-position pill really had a half success rate. After 60 people took it, only 30 people successfully broke through the god-position.

When Chu Yuan wanted to collect some more, Ning Wan bluntly told that there was no more, and only this amount was accumulated over the past ten years.

This also made Chu Yuan shook his head, thinking about the small space.

February 36th year of Dawu.

Chu Yuan originally practiced in Wucheng.

But suddenly, the whole world was shaken and the mountains shook, and the emptiness changed.

"what happened?"

"This is the earth is moving, the sky is shaking!"

"Could it be the end!"

"No, you look at the sky, it's a vision from the sky!"


The outside world is in chaos.

When Chu Yuan saw such a vision, he also left the palace, looked at the sky, and suddenly saw a dark area outside. The sky was clear, but it seemed to be eaten by a tengu, making the sun disappear.

This dimness contained a strong shaking force.

"Could it be that a **** is fighting?"

Fang Lei said in horror.

Under such tremendous changes in the world, he also felt his own insignificance.

"Not a god."

Chu Yuan said, "It's a star colliding!"

The sun did not disappear, but the sky where Chu Yuan was located was obscured by dust.

Although his sight was obstructed by the shaking of the heaven and the earth, Chu Yuan saw that a huge star hit the crystal barrier of the eternal world, traversed the sky, and the target of the fall was towards the sea of ​​the Eastern Profound Region.

What a big fireball!

Although the stars were burned up, their size continued to shrink, but they were still huge.

"The power of national luck!"

Chu Yuan abruptly protected the coastline of Sifu with the force of national transport to avoid greater losses.


This star was continuously disintegrating in the void, gradually becoming smaller, and finally fell fiercely into the sea.

The waves that set off are as high as a thousand feet, and the falling giant power will also be smashed to death. Fortunately, this star did not fall directly on the Eastern Profound Territory, but on the uninhabited sea. How many people will be crushed to death.

And at this moment, above the sea, huge waves are surging, triggered by submarine volcanoes, all erupting, turning into a terrifying Jedi.

"A star fell directly."

Everyone was stunned.

Even in Wucheng, you can see that there is an extra bumpy thing on the extremely distant sea surface, which is just a part of the star's fall.

"The starry sky in the universe is boundless, and the eternal world is one of the most powerful worlds. How terrifying is the suction power. This star is obviously close to the eternal world, and is captured by suction. This kind of thing is not in the eternal world. rare."

In addition to practicing, Chu Yuan was also studying various knowledge.

Thankfully this is in the eternal world.

If it was in the world before him.

Although this star is constantly disintegrating, the one that fell to the sea is also a tenth the size of a moon, and I am afraid it will bring about a great extinction.

But in the eternal world, although it caused a violent shaking, the sky was covered with thick dust, but here are all martial arts experts who use the power to disperse the dust, there is not much impact.

The eternal world is too big, beyond imagination, even the stars are very small in front of it, as if a meteor came in.

"This star brings great wealth!"

There is a great martial artist.

Yes, a large amount of meteorite fine gold in the stars can be used for mining.

On Chu Yuan's side, the Meteorite's fine gold was consumed too much, which was an astronomical figure. Even if the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce provided the terrifying amount, it would be difficult to support.

If you want to leave the eternal world and pass through the crystal wall, you must at least possess the cultivation base of the true god.

"People can mine the meteorite fine gold, so close to Zhen Wu City."

Chu Yuandao.

But as soon as Chu Yuan did something, he suddenly saw dozens of figures flying above the meteorite.

"Your Majesty, it's from the Xuan Xing Sect!"

Lu Qianfu reported to ~www.ltnovel.com~ with a solemn expression: "The Xuanxing Sect has sent several Void God Kings, and they have blocked the Meteorite, expelled people from other forces, and are not allowed to approach them. They threatened that the Meteorite belongs to the Xuanxing Sect. Who dares? Get close, let alone kill!"

The Profound Star Sect is the two strongest forces in the Eastern Profound Region.

One case, one country!

"What a killer! This Xuanxing Sect is too domineering."

Fang Lei's eyes also flickered with anger.


Chu Yuan was also observing the meteorite, and said calmly: "I roughly know what the Xuanxing Sect wants. They are going to occupy the star core in the meteorite. The star core is made up of countless elements, which is more than the fine gold of the meteorite. Precious, not only can absorb the power of stars, but also can be used as a high-level material!"

[Choice 1: Try to think about it, use any means to capture the star core, get 500 fate points, and 10% progress in the creation of the Gate of Thunder. 】

[Option 2: Give up the star core contention, get 500 fate points, and chance for a random lottery x1. 】

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