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At the moment when the two supernatural powers were subdued, Chu Yuan saw an indomitable figure, unleashing an immortal combat tactic, using the broken sky.

Fight the mad king!

I am mad, I am mad!

[Fighting mad king: The fighting mad king is advanced, the **** emperor in the battle, comprehend the nine styles of the war emperor, and the nine styles are one, as the world has no emperor, but I am the only one! 】

"There is no emperor in the world!"

Chu Yuan moved suddenly.

The nine styles are still nine styles, but the king becomes the emperor, but it is a qualitative change.

In this world, no emperor's power can even increase tenfold in an instant, killing the Void God King!

"Sect Master Luo, we can go now."

On the second day, Chu Yuan and Luo Yueying met in Wucheng.

When I saw her, he smiled and said: "This Canghai Profound Pearl contains a rich water source, which is the treasure of the deep sea. If Sect Master Luo obtains it, he can break through the duality of the Void God, stimulate the power of the gods, and increase the speed of cultivation. fast."

Luo Yueying did not speak.

She suddenly felt a madness of heaven and earth in Chu Yuan.

Mysterious, so mysterious!

In just one night, Chu Yuan's aura became stronger, and even she was in the Void God Realm, and she felt extremely oppressed.

"Okay, let's go, this sect knows the location of Canghai Xuanzhu." Luo Yueying nodded.

"Sect Master Luo is sitting on my sky battleship."

Chu Yuan released the sky battleship. Although he and Luo Yueying can fly fast, flying by himself takes mana, so there is no comfort in the battleship.

"This is the famous sky battleship of Dongxuan!"

Luo Yueying had heard of Dawu's sky battleship.

The silver-white hull and streamlined silver bars reflect the brilliance of machinery. Every part seems to be polished to perfection, without any flaws, and it is also equipped with a terrifying sky cannon.

Even she was amazed.

This is not only a weapon of war, but also a perfect artwork.

"My Dawu has something that no one else has." Chu Yuan smiled.

He invited Luo Yueying to board the sky battleship, and immediately flew into the Gangfeng layer in the direction indicated.

He brewed two cups of Tianyuan tea and pushed it to Luo Yueying's side: "Sect Master Luo, this time refining the brand of God, I am afraid that in the near future, there will be one more true **** power in this Eastern Profound Realm."

"Even if the brand of the refining **** wants to break through the true god, it is not so easy to achieve. You also need to fight with the sky, fight with the earth, and fight with people. Among the five profound realms, only the middle profound realm has true gods, and the difficulty can be seen to be average. Too many resources."

Luo Yueying sipped the tea lightly, "This tea is very peculiar, you can see the law after drinking it."

"Since Sect Master Luo likes me, I will give you more." Chu Yuan was not stingy.

"Then thank Emperor Wu."

As the leader of a sect, she knew that she and Chu Yuan respected each other in order to maintain a friendly relationship.

Then he smiled and said: "I saw in Dawu yesterday that Emperor Wu's elites are not comparable to those in the Eastern Profound Realm. It will be the day when the Five Realms will contend for hegemony."

"Five domains contend for hegemony." Chu Yuan nodded: "I have heard about it."

"Five-domain hegemony is a grand event in which all countries and sects of the five domains can participate. It is located in Zhongxuanzhou. Each country can send a powerful army to fight in a special place and decide the ultimate winner. But I hide the Yuezong. participated."

Luo Yueying said: "The Five Realms Hegemony is extremely cruel, and the Xuanzun Dynasty will participate."

"Zongmen is different from the dynasty after all."

There was still some distance away from Canghai Xuanzhu, and Chu Yuan was chatting and drinking tea with Luo Yueying in the battleship.

If this scene is seen by other people in Five Domains, it will definitely be stunned.

Sect Master Luo, who was like a mysterious fairy, would sit with a man drinking tea and chatting. This is something that many people can't envy.

Especially Luo Yueying's current cultivation base had returned to the Void God Realm.

This identity is even more noble.

The more Luo Yueying came into contact with Chu Yuan, the more attracted by his temperament.

He is different from other people.

"It's here, right here!"

While chatting and rushing, time flies quickly. Luo Yueying also made a sound when she saw the scene outside through the sky battleship.

"Okay, let's find that Canghai Xuanzhu!"

Putting away the sky battleship, Chu Yuan and Luo Yueying appeared on a sea area.

Although the ocean in front of him seemed calm, Chu Yuan had already felt the fury originating from the deep ocean.

"Emperor Wu, the Canghai Xuanzhu is within the deep sea, and the Cangyuan God Metal will appear beside the Canghai Xuanzhu in the associated mine."

Luo Yueying said.

"Then we will dive into the deep sea." Chu Yuan said.

"Every time the Canghai Profound Bead is generated, it will absorb a lot of energy. The sea seems calm, but in fact, there has been a violent deep sea under the sea. There will be extremely terrifying deep sea tidal forces, which will stir the cracks in time and space and produce extremely powerful distortions. In some places, even imaginary gods have to be careful."

Luo Yueying reminded.

"Space distortion? The last thing I worry about is distortion."

Chu Yuan's expression was indifferent.


During the conversation, the two of them had already entered the deep sea with mana.

This Canghai Profound Pearl sneaked down for about hundreds of thousands of meters on the extremely deep seabed, and saw the sea water in front of it turned into a spiral and twisted, and the surrounding space was affected, and countless spiral water arms stretched out.

This is not a distortion of ordinary space, but in the deep ocean.

Originally, there was strong water pressure in the deep sea. This distortion caused a pressure increase of nearly ten thousand times. When ordinary gods came here, they would be directly pressed into meat sauce.

"There is the Canghai Profound Pearl in that twisted place. This place is definitely not a good place. It is very likely to be transmitted to a certain Jedi."

Luo Yueying was not afraid of the distortion of the space here, but was worried that the suddenly distorted space would exile them into the unknown void.

Space is always mysterious and dangerous.

"No problem, follow me."

Chu Yuan looked at the twisted and violent sea in front of him, and a force that swallowed the realm spread around him, mixed with the attributes of the void twister.

He stepped forward in one step, and within a hundred miles around him, he suddenly calmed down. As soon as those twisted forces reached his side, they turned into nothingness.


Luo Yueying's expression changed slightly when she saw this scene.

Although she used her mana to counteract the power of space distortion, she couldn't be as light as Chu Yuan, with all traceless power~www.ltnovel.com~ She followed Chu Yuan into this sea of ​​distortion. Earth, enjoying the incomparable ease, he doesn't need to release a little mana, just follow the man in front of him.

Bang, bang.... The more you move toward the twisted sea, the more violent the storm in the sea, but even with the violent power, Chu Yuan can easily resolve it.

She seemed to have invited Chu Yuan to share this opportunity this time.

"Back then, I just looked at it from a distance, and left before I was born."

Luo Yueying followed Chu Yuan and continued to dive deep into the bottom of the sea. The storm outside was still there, but here was calm and calm.

"It seems that the distance to Canghai Xuanzhu is close." Chu Yuan nodded.

"It's close."

The two dived again for a few minutes. Luo Yueying looked forward, where there was a huge sea eye, and the water column was erupting. The worry still happened!"

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