Jiao Wukong is a monster, his idea is simpler than others.

Just because he took refuge in Chu Yuan, he couldn't have two hearts, otherwise he would feel like he was going to die when he thought of the terrifying wheel of life and death.

He immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Say." Chu Yuan said.

"On the bottom of the sea, I found a city buried under the bottom of the sea, here I am dedicated to your majesty!" Jiao Wukong respectfully said.

"The city buried under the sea?"

Someone frowned and said, "Since it's a city buried under the sea, why didn't you have no time to explore, you will stay for now."

There is a fight where there are people, and it is obvious that someone has seen Jiao Wukong's loyalty and made a voice of doubt.

"The vicissitudes of life, the years have changed, and there are more treasures on the seabed than you think. This Eastern Profound Realm was still buried under the seabed in ancient times, and the seabed may have been a land before countless years."

Although Jiao Wukong is a monster, he is not stupid. He glanced at everyone coldly: "I live on the bottom of the sea. I naturally know places you don’t know. I have also explored that city of ruins, but there is something there. The power of horror, even I can't get close, I will tell your majesty about this."

"Since there is an ancient city under the sea, you have to check this. You can't even get close to Jiao Wukong. I have to see it myself."

Chu Yuan slowly, he used a godless power, naturally knowing that Jiao Wukong was not lying, and said: "If you find something beneficial to Dawu, you will be the first to do it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Jiao Wukong said quickly: "I will lead the way for Your Majesty!"

Suddenly, many rays of light went to the bottom of the sea.

Deep under the sea, the pressure is extremely terrifying, but there are still some special sea creatures.

"Your Majesty, it's there, you can't get close to that ancient city for ten miles, otherwise it's like walking into a maze."

Jiao Wukong reminded.

Under his reminder, Chu Yuan saw that there was an ancient city buried in the silt of the seabed in the dim seabed. Apart from knowing the years, it looked like an ordinary city, which was not surprising.

"Can't get close." Jiao Wukong continued.

"What a powerful space force!"

He was extremely keen on the power of the void, and he sensed that there was a horrible power of the void surrounding that ancient city.

After a moment of contemplation, he stepped over.

Immediately in the sight of everyone, he was not far from the city under the sea, but he changed in front of Chu Yuan.

In front of his eyes, there were countless terrifying void turbulences, fast spinning, and the ancient city could no longer be seen, as if it had formed a kind of instant maze, which would change countless shapes in a flash.

It seemed that no matter where he went, he couldn't find the way back, and would be trapped here forever.

He walked casually, keenly aware that he was actually still in place, but the changes in the void made him forget the terrain.


Chu Yuan snorted softly.

As soon as he pointed, the void in front of him was cut open, as if countless layers of walls were broken, but in an instant the void returned to its original shape.

"Sure enough, it's a bit strange."

Chu Yuan felt it.

This is the power of the void forming a very chaotic field.

If it wasn't for too long, you wouldn't even be able to see this ancient city.

"It's not difficult to crack." Chu Yuan smiled and said, "Little Kunkun, it's up to you to play."

He emptied Mi Dao Kun out and patted its huge head.

He has this kind of void beast.

Kong Mi Dao Kun was extremely disdainful of the chaotic void in front of him, its mouth suddenly opened, and in an instant, the countless torrents of void were swallowed by it.

"As expected to be my emperor beast, I can devour space, and you can also devour space." Chu Yuan smiled.

Kong Mi Dao Kun heard it, and shook his fin proudly.

As Kong Mi Dao Kun swallowed, Chu Yuan could keenly feel that the power of the spatial chaos was weakening, and after a few moments, the chaotic void before him returned to normal.

"You can pass." Chu Yuan suddenly said to Jiao Wukong and others.

"That's it?"

Jiao has no time to be surprised.

He tried countless ways before, knowing that there were treasures here, but he couldn't get close, but who would have thought that Chu Yuan only appeared for a while before he broke the Jedi.

At this moment, he admired Chu Yuan even more.

He walked over first, and he realized that the strange power had disappeared.

This city is just a corner, and what is in the eyes of everyone is only the tall walls and some ancient buildings. The real whole picture is still buried in the deep seabed.

"Dig this city out for me."

Chu Yuan ordered.

The people who came with him were all imaginary gods who were able to move mountains and fill the sea. At this moment, they also exploded their own mana, turning them into big hands and digging past the ancient city.

Gradually, the whole picture of this ancient city appeared in front of Chu Yuan.

The ancient city is extremely huge, and the architectural style is extremely old. I don't know which era it is. Although it has been on the seabed for a long time, there is no sign of corrosion in this city.

Kong Mi Dao Kun spit out a huge bubble, shrouded the ancient city in, cut off the entry of sea water.

"Go in and take a look."

There was dead silence.

There are streets and ordinary dwellings in the city. It seems that this place also prospered hundreds of millions of years ago.

"Who can tell which ancient country this city came from?"

"I can't see it. Although there are some traces of text here, some of the twisted and twisted ones have been obliterated. These texts are too old, I have never seen them."

"The Eternal World is too old. Even the nearest ancient times to us is too long to calculate, but I can be sure that this is not the ancient city, because there is the Eastern Profound Region in the ancient times, and the terrain has not changed much. ."

"In this way, it is even older."

"The vicissitudes of life, who can tell which ancient country this is left behind."


Everyone shook their heads watching the ancient city talk.

If it were the characters of the ancient times, that is, the period when the Five Emperors ruled, they could still recognize them, but these characters were indeed too old to be distinguished.

Although Xu Shen's longevity has ten thousand years, it is like a drop in the ocean before the years, too small.

Even if the gods are only a million years old, who can truly achieve eternal immortality?

Seeing that this ancient city was unearthed~www.ltnovel.com~ they all had a sad emotion in their hearts.

Eternal life, this is the goal that many people pursue.

But if there is not much chance, Void God is already their limit.

"This is a lost city buried under the sea for countless years."

Chu Yuan didn't have that much emotion. He saw that there were actually bones in this ancient city.

However, these bones were the original masters of the city, but the people trapped inside after being involved in countless years.

These people also had imaginary gods, but it was a pity that Chu Yuan felt that their king-rank **** soldiers had been corrupted and could not be used for sacrifice.

"There is!"

When Chu Yuan walked to a place, he suddenly saw countless stone statues appeared in front of him!

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