The war is approaching, and the whole country is actively preparing for war.

Fight fear!

The one who shakes the military will cut!

Although Dawu used his record to show that they were the most powerful dynasty in the Chenchu ​​Realm Sea Demon Realm, they were facing the two great powers of the Sky Rainbow Sect and the Moyuan Dynasty, and even the three major powers of the Yuan Lingzong.

Although these great powers of the gods regarded Dawu as a turtle in the urn, they did not dare to do it lightly.

After all, it can be known from the Yuan Lingzong that Da Wu has the power of the gods, and the lack of overwhelming power is likely to cause great casualties to them.

In the sea magic world.

Dawu hoarded a large number of soldiers and horses in the Blood Shadow City.

The enemy was very few, and the Great Armed Corps did not attack at will, but arranged a large number of cannons outside the city.

On the opposite side of the Blood Shadow City, looking at each other in the distance, there are also many cities standing up, and a large number of soldiers and horses are constantly gathering.

At this moment, nineteen figures appeared in a hall.

There was another person beside True God Demon Jin, who also existed as the Demon Heaven God of the Demon Abyss Dynasty, and he was also transferred here this time.

The others in the hall are the emperors and suzerains of the ten kingdoms and seven sects.

The two gods are here, and they must come.

"Dawu has arranged a large number of giant cannons in the direction of Blood Shadow City. These giant cannons are very powerful, and the Void God can tear apart, and the most powerful one can even threaten the True God. This is a clear attitude and wants to fight a tough battle with us. "

The existence encased in the black robe was the Sect Master of the Demon Shattering Soul, coldly said: "Strong action, the casualties are bound to be huge, the great force is extremely powerful, although there are few people, it is difficult to deal with."

This time, a large number of soldiers and horses were dispatched from seven schools in ten countries.

But they are an alliance, and in their hearts they hope that the soldiers of other countries will be cannon fodder, and they are sitting on reaping the profit.

The Demon Jintian naturally saw their thoughts at a glance, and said with dissatisfaction: "What are you trying to say? Their cannons are powerful, but how many people can they kill? With our strength, all the strong are overpowered, and within a few days of **** shadows The city is bound to be broken, wasting time here?"

"Who is the pioneer?"

"Yes, who is this siege vanguard?"

"As long as there is a pioneer, my Shaling Dynasty is willing to be the first to follow!"


There is a lot of discussion, but no one wants to be a pioneer.

"All right."

The Demon Cangtian said: "This **** brings the Demon Cang army this time, and is willing to be the vanguard. Three days later, don't talk about any excuses with the god. All the army must be dispatched and pressed to pull out the Blood Shadow City and break through the Great Martial Territory. "

"Have you heard, this time my Demon Abyss Dynasty is leading the battle."

Mo Jin said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense at that time, you can get as much as you pay, and I will give you three days to prepare."

"Haha, Natural Demon Abyss Dynasty is willing to take the lead, of course I will follow."

"Three days is enough!"

"Dawu Dynasty will be destroyed!"


These people in power quickly left, leaving only Demon Jin and Demon Cang gods in the hall.

"These **** Sea Demon Realm Demon Cultivators, one by one, are better than monkeys. If they are not for dealing with Dawu, they need their power to consume, how can they be accommodated."

Mojin Tianshen was extremely dissatisfied.

"Majin, the Seven Sects of the Ten Kingdoms are not fools. They have sent troops here. In fact, they have formed an offensive and defensive alliance. If you deal with them, the Seven Sects of the Ten Kingdoms will unite and fight back. Now they still need their strength."

The Demon Cang Tianshen was very calm.

"Although they are nothing to my Demon Abyss dynasty, but in this critical period, they still have to be used, otherwise the **** will be so polite with them?" Mojin Tianshendao.

"It's not a big deal to start the battle. Once you fight with the Great Martial Army Corps, they can't decide if you want to retreat."

The Demon God said coldly: "Devil Jin, the purpose of you and I sitting here this time is that demon cultivator. This person has a weird power, not a god, but more like a god, he That's the big problem."

"This person may have reached the point of breaking through, but without seeing the vision, he hasn't broken through yet." Mojin Tianshen said: "You and I joined forces, it is enough to cut him off, and then only Emperor Wu is left. Must die!"

"Inform the Rainbow Sect, we are launching an attack here, and they can't be idle there."


Three days, fleeting.

Ten countries and seven coalition forces united for the first time in history.

"Devil Abyss Demon Cang Army!"

In front of the Seven Sects of the Ten Kingdoms, there appeared a group of troops wearing hideous magic armor, in order, and their combat power was indeed a level higher than theirs.

Too many troops have gathered this time, and every country has sent out a large number of elites, densely packed, standing from a distance, looking like an ocean, with no end in sight.

"Old Ning, the other party is about to attack!"

The powerful man looked at the opponent's army, his expression extremely solemn.

If he were to change to another dynasty, seeing such a momentum, he would have collapsed in fright and fled in all directions, but Dawu is still stable and not chaotic now.

"Then wait for them to arrive, and my hands are itchy. If you don't cut the gods, how can you be worthy of their so loudly."

Ning Xiuchen also felt a little strange.

He has been alone for hundreds of thousands of years, and today he has become the head coach of the Dawu Dynasty.

"Devil Blue Army, attack!"

The Demon Abyss Dynasty should set an example, otherwise no one would believe them, and suddenly a large number of Demon Blue Army made a deep roar, urging the extremely wild supernatural powers to rush towards the Blood Shadow City.

"The giant cannon is ready, let go!"

Although the number of the Dawu Dynasty is not as large as that of the opponent, the giant artillery is their biggest advantage, which is comparable to the billions of troops.

The endless energy rays are intertwined, and the giant cannons of the sky are also mobilized here. These giant cannons spray out, even if the Demon Blue Army is the elite of the Demon Abyss Dynasty, they can't bear it. I don't know how many people were killed on the way to the charge. .

"Dawu's giant artillery is getting more and more powerful!"

The seven powerhouses of the ten countries are also trembling in their hearts.

Before the Battle of the Blood Shadow City, Da Wu hadn't used so many powerful cannons. This time I saw that the Demon Blue Army was bombarded and killed.

"You still do not know how to press up?"

Mojin Tianshen coldly drank.

People from these ten countries and seven schools are still watching the excitement makes him very dissatisfied.

"Follow the Demon Cang Army, follow them, the army presses on!"

The powers of the Ten Kingdoms and Seven Sects also knew that when the Demon Cang Army came, they didn't need to go, but they also kept a few thoughts, that is, their charge did not exceed the Demon Cang Army and followed them closely.

"These people!"

Mojin Tianshen said angrily: "If it were suppressed from all directions, with the advantage of the number of people, this Bloodshadow City would have been filled long ago!"

"It’s better to expect them to count on themselves, Demon Jin, press up with the god, lead to the demon repair comparable to the gods, destroy the Bloodshadow City, and the giant artillery in the city will be brought back to the Demon Abyss Empire this time. This kind of war weapon, yes A big battle is very helpful!"

The Demon Sky God suddenly rose into the sky, and came to the sky above the Blood Shadow City in an instant, and the terrifying Demon God's hand blasted past.

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