On both sides of the abyss, two gazes looked at each other from a long distance, and there was a horrible electric shock in the void.

"Emperor Dawu is finally here!"

The Emperor Demon Abyss also saw Chu Yuan on the other side, his face was extremely solemn, and then ordered: "With the help of the geographical advantage, stick to the Demon God Abyss and prevent the great army from invading. Without my order, you are not allowed to attack at will."

He would not say that he would directly kill Demon Shenyuan and have a fight between the emperors and Chu Yuan, but he would control the overall situation and delay time.

He is the lord of a country, and they cannot afford to lose this battle.

If Da Wu loses, he can return to Da Wu, regroup and make a comeback.

But if they lose, it is difficult to destroy the country.

"King Zhongyong, how is the army preparing?" Chu Yuan asked.

"Your Majesty, the army has been ready for a long time, and can attack at any time, please give your orders!" Lu Qianfu said.

"Well, the purpose of this battle is to attack the opposite side in one fell swoop, annihilate a large number of elites in Demon Abyss, and lock the universe in the first battle, making them unable to fight back.

Chu Yuan looked at the sky, the Demon God Abyss was dim for thousands of miles, and there seemed to be the roar of the Demon God in his ears.

"According to the order, the army will rest for a day, and everyone will rest to the peak. All kinds of healing pills will be launched into the hands of every soldier. The attack will begin tomorrow evening."

It is impossible for the Great Armed Forces to delay here for too long.

Although they have not yet entered the Demon Abyss Imperial City, all the soldiers know that this is a decisive battle, and whether they can break the Demon Abyss depends on this battle.

Dawu is preparing here, and Moyuan Dynasty is also preparing.

"Don't be afraid of the Great Armed Army Corps. This time your Majesty's personal conquest, we are here, and we are defensive, occupying the right time and place. The other party will have to pay an extremely heavy price to cross this abyss, and let their blood flow!"

"Yes, anyone who has made merit in this battle will get a big reward!"

"The whole army is ready to guard against Dawu attack at any time!"


The Demon Abyss Lord this time, the Demon God Abyss, is to stabilize the military's morale, otherwise, with Dawu's record in the previous battles, the morale of the soldiers will collapse.

But with him, morale will not collapse, and there will be a fight.

"Pass the order, launch an offensive tomorrow evening, the artillery will not stop, the battleship stays in the Demon Abyss, bombarding the opposite shore!"

Although the Great Army Corps has not launched an offensive yet, the giant artillery and battleship regiment have already moved. Regardless of the depletion of the sacred stone and the wastage of the giant artillery, they directly launched a terrifying artillery scrubbing against the opposite shore.

Although the power of artillery was weakened by half, it still had a strong shock.

Destroy the opposing line of defense and force them to retreat, so that tomorrow's offensive can go smoothly.


The artillery fire continued, and a large number of defense lines had been built on the opposite side, but at this moment they were all torn and flattened, and even their barracks had to move back.

"Damn it! Dawu is destroying our defense line, especially the battleship, relying on the superiority of equipment. When our defense line moves back, they push forward!"

In the Great Camp of the Demon Abyss, the powerful people made extremely angry voices.

Most of the army on the opposite side is still resting, and their ears are filled with constant artillery fire.

"In my opinion, it is better to send a part of the strong to kill and destroy their warships, so that they can no longer be arrogant!"

The strong roared.

"Before your majesty has the will, you must not act arbitrarily, and the encircling orders will be cut!"

Mo Cangtian said: "And you didn’t realize that Dawu was so confident and unconcerned to bombard with artillery fire. The fundamental purpose was to force us to leave the abyss line of defense and let us take the initiative. They were not stupid and sent many strong men to guard the battleship. God will be immediately suppressed if he goes!"

Everyone was afraid if Emperor Wu didn't make a move.

In their eyes, Emperor Wu was more shocked than Ning Xiuchen.

"Is it just being beaten like this? Can't be bombarded by artillery?"

The strong people are aggrieved and weak.

Their equipment is not as good as a big weapon, so it is unrealistic to send a strong man to fight with their own mana.

"Endure the opposite attack!" Mo Cangtian said, "This abyss will be their burial place!"

The gunfire never stopped.

I don't know how many guns were broken.

But Dawu's giant artillery didn't seem to know how many, so he quickly refilled them if they were broken.

However, although the cannon was powerful, there was a Demon Abyss in the middle, and the Demon Abyss Dynasty could not be destroyed without launching an army to attack.

One day time.

The state of Dawu's soldiers has been adjusted to the peak.

On the other hand, the Demon Abyss Dynasty was enveloped by artillery fire all day and night, and all of them were angry but unable to attack, which made their morale weak.

"Your Majesty, it's evening, the army is assembled, please signal!"

Lu Qianfu knelt halfway in front of Chu Yuan, eloquently speaking.

Gengjin, Changsheng, Heishui, Lihuo, the Five Armies of the Thick Earth.

Demon Army, Shenwu Army, Scourge Army, three elite legions.

And there is the strongest army of the great military of the gods.

"Across the Demon God Abyss, I would like to be this pioneer!"

Ning Xiuchen had cold eyes. He had already learned from Chu Yuan that as long as the Demon Abyss Dynasty could be destroyed, there would be a way to restore him to his peak state.

"Moshenyuan is long and is a powerful natural line of defense. Although the giant cannons destroyed most of the traps that the Moyuan Dynasty placed on the opposite side, the army still has to pay a great price to invade."

Chu Yuan looked at Demon Shenyuan: "Presenting my will, Dawu's all iron-clad flying boats, sky battleships, are shield-shaped, and march forward to oppression. Shenwu, Demon God, and Scourge will follow closely, and the Five Elements and Five Armies will follow."

"Huge artillery cover!" Chu Yuan said majesticly: "This battle will do whatever it takes. Even if you destroy all the warships~www.ltnovel.com~, you must cross the abyss and defeat the Demon Abyss army!"

His thinking is very clear.

Consuming iron armor flying boats, sky battleships, and a large number of puppet soldiers as a cover at any cost, push the front to the opposite side!

It doesn't matter if the equipment is damaged, Chu Yuan gets the resources of Moyuan Dynasty and can rebuild it.

In Chu Yuan's eyes, the soldiers' lives were much more precious than these equipment, and they couldn't die here in vain.


All the soldiers shouted.

Lu Qianfu was also shocked. Although he had thought of using a battleship as a shield to push it over, this matter was too big, and Chu Yuan didn't dare to let it go without giving an order.

"When a battleship crosses, it will inevitably be blocked by the opponent. Ning Xiuchen, pay attention to the opponent's gods, and I will let Kong Mi Dao Kun cooperate with you."

Chu Yuan dropped his hand, "Go out."


The army roared.

"Exterminate Demon Abyss!"

"Exterminate Demon Abyss!"

"Exterminate Demon Abyss!"


This rolling sound burst out, the void was shattered, the earth was in an earthquake, and the terrifying sound wave could shatter the soul and transmit it to the other shore.

The sky battleship, the armored flying boat is pressed on!

A large number of steel fences suddenly appeared on the Demon God Abyss.

The terrifying murderous intent is permeating the Demon God Abyss.

The war has begun, and this deadly murderous intent even if the gods feel it, there is a deep chill, unable to control the overall situation.

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