Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 422: The overall situation is set


   The Human Emperor Sword was unstoppable, and it cut all strength to directly kill the Lord of Demon Abyss.

His mighty divine body couldn't resist it at this moment. The imperial grade armor was chopped in half by a sword, the flesh and blood of his entire body was chopped into it, the divine blood spilled from the sky, and the heavy divine blood smashed the earth. There were huge pits.

   "The lord!"

   All the strong in Demon Abyss Dynasty made extremely sad sounds!

   Their powerful and invincible emperor is facing the crisis of fall, which makes all the powerful in Demon Abyss do not know what to do.


   Chu Yuan traversed the sky with a sword, and the Gate of Heavenly Thunder was also under the operation of Chu Yuan, and he immediately slew towards Demon Abyss Imperial Town.

   If this is to kill the town, the current state of the Lord of Demon Abyss will definitely be bombarded.

   "The lord!"

But at this time, the face of a **** who besieged Ning Xiuchen was extremely determined, and he rushed over, blocking the gate of the thunder with his body, and roared: "Your Majesty, the minister is blocking this gate for you. You leave quickly, you Immortal, the dynasty is immortal, we can all die for it!"

   Although cruel, wars between nations do not distinguish between good and evil, but for profit.

  The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The loser is destined to bear the extremely tragic price.


   The portal was suppressed, and this **** was directly shocked, and the blood of the **** was spilled!

   The heaven and earth oven swept over, and the power of the gods was sucked in and turned into a billowing divine essence liquid.

  Shen Yuan Liquid is an extremely important war reserve. It can not only refine the **** pill, but also directly improve the realm of the people.

   "Leave the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood, there is only one withdrawal today!"

   Although the Lord of Demon Abyss is ready to die in battle, he also knows that today's crisis is no longer possible. He cannot lose all the combat power of Demon Abyss. Even if he pays an immeasurable price, he must retain some of his strength.

   In the imperial city, he has ordered the prince to supervise the country, believing that he knows the information here and will respond according to the instructions he left behind.

   "I can't run anymore!"

   Chu Yuan once again sealed the eternal life, and the void turned into a realm.

   He walked step by step, and each step seemed to go unfavorably, but each step accumulated immense power, and the thunderous sound rumbling, made the soul of the strong of Demon Abyss dynasty about to collapse.

   "Burn yourself, sacrifice everything!"

   The Emperor Demon Abyss made a desperate voice, burning himself whole, hoping to break Chu Yuan's seal of eternity, but the seal at this moment is no longer something that his current strength can break.

   Chu Yuan punched, and the shattering of the myth would end the overbearing existence of Emperor Demon Abyss.


   With this punch, the Lord of Demon Abyss was beaten into meatloaf, and he bounced.

   His primordial spirit made the final voice: "Ah! Don't avenge me, run, run as far as possible, the winner is the king and the loser is the invader, I didn't expect the destruction of the country is in front of me, hahahaha!"

   His voice is desperate.

   At the next moment, he couldn't make any sound.

   The heaven and earth oven came down, and it seemed that the bell of death rang, completely enveloped the Emperor Demon Abyss.

  The Lord of Demon Abyss is dead!

   All the strong in Moyuan Dynasty are sad!


   The remaining gods knew that they had been defeated, and now they only had to preserve their strength and reconcile with the prince. There would be no chance for a comeback in the future.

   "No one can run away!"

   Chu Yuan made an extremely cold voice.

   Heavenly **** powerhouse kills, Shen Yuan liquid is extremely important strategic reserve, the law can also be used to refine the imperial product or cultivate the powerhouse.

   "Great Thunder and Lightning, the Gate of Heavenly Thunder!"

   Chu Yuan descended in front of Gufeng Tianshen.

   "I did it with you!"

   Gufeng Tianshen roared desperately, his entire body burned, and he violently waved his fist to kill Chu Yuan.

   But his realm is no more than the four levels of the gods, and he is not an emperor-level existence.

   Chu Yuan was extremely indifferent. The Gate of Heavenly Thunder shrank and turned into the appearance of a few meters. He held it in his hand and blasted it in an instant. The peerless ultimate move came, and the Gufeng Heavenly God was also blasted instantly.

   "Don't even think about running away!"

  The commander of the God of War joined the battle group and together with Ning Xiuchen besieged the remaining four Demon Abyss Dynasty gods.

   "Run, run away, run away one by one!"

   The last four gods showed horror, and they scattered all around. If the Lord of Demon Abyss did not die, they would still have the courage to desperately, but they had completely lost it now.

   But Ning Xiuchen started very quickly, spotting the weakest deity powerhouse, grabbed him with a palm, grabbed his head, squeezed it hard, and squeezed it.

  The last three gods, although they struggled with all their strength, but at this moment Chu Yuan, Ning Xiuchen, and the commander of the God of War army, the special creatures' combat power were no longer restrained, and they were also beheaded one after another.

  The gods of this war of the Demon Abyss Dynasty are all beheaded!

   Their gods were all taken into the oven by Chu Yuan!

   So many gods can extract and refine a large amount of **** essence liquid without mentioning their imperial artifacts.

   This time Chu Yuan can be less stretched, and can distribute a large amount of Shenyuan Liquid to the entire Dawu realm, which has solved the lack of background to a large extent.

   "Those who bravely kill the enemy, I have a great reward!" Chu Yuan's voice passed vigorously.

   "Chasing and killing the Demon Abyss defeated army!"

At this moment The Demon Abyss army, which was still fighting with Dawu, is now defeated. All the god-level existences have been beheaded. This terrible reality is placed in front of the army, so that they can no longer mention anything. resistance.

   The army chases and kills!

   The first to kill was the opponent's virtual god, high-end combat power above the true god!

   Ning Xiuchen also shot.

   Heaven-level existence sweeps away. None of these true gods can run. I don’t know how many they have been killed. Chu Yuan only knows that an extremely large amount of sacred essence liquid has been refined in his heaven and earth oven.

   Shen Yuan Ye, crystal clear and bright, extremely dazzling.

  The chase lasted for several days, and the Demon Abyss army was destroyed. I don't know how much.

   "Your Majesty, the army that chased the Demon Abyss has returned, please give instructions from your Majesty in the next step!" Lu Qianfu reported the situation.

   "In the battle of Demon God Abyss, all the soldiers are brave enough to kill the enemy, and they are the warriors of the dynasty!"

   Chu Yuan waved his hand, the spiritual energy of the divine essence liquid mixed with the divine veins turned into a rain of spiritual qi and immediately fell down and sprinkled on everyone.

   "When will we enter the Demon Abyss Imperial Capital, all the soldiers can't wait!"

   Fang Lei's armor was dyed red after killing, he knelt in front of Chu Yuan, and strongly asked for battle.

   "The warriors quickly cleaned the battlefield on the side of Demon Shenyuan, and then let people quickly record their military merits, and the seriously injured were transported back to Dawu territory by Kong Mi Daokun for training. They are all Dawu warriors, the most loyal soldiers!".

   Chu Yuan said: "Tomorrow, we will attack the Demon Abyss Imperial City, and fully enter, the imperial city will be broken, the Demon Abyss will destroy the country!"

  The imperial city is the last hard bone of the Moyuan Dynasty, but this hard bone is already in the bag in front of Dawu!

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