Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 426: The imperial decree can’t come, please

The birth of the four gods is a great blessing for the dynasty, and it is worth celebrating with a feast.

"Your Majesty God!"

Lu Qianfu and Ouyang Ming knelt down and their faces were extremely ecstatic.

God, this is the realm that many people want to dream of.

To make an analogy, the heavens are all mortals, and the heavens are the gods and people in the heavens, and the life level is no longer on the same level.

Ouyang Ming sighed.

His father was buried in the confusion day in order to break through a district of the true god, but he had already broken through to the realm of heaven.

Chu Yuan now has no shortage of one or two ordinary gods.

The breakthrough of Lu Qianfu's realm is to command the armed forces.

But when Ouyang Ming reaches the gods, he can refine the imperial artifacts.

"Get up."

Chu Yuan said, "King Zhongyong, this time I will show you something."

When he arrived at the school field, Ning Xiuchen and Shenjun were already waiting.

"Open disciplinary battlefield mode, a prehistoric map."

There are so many maps in the altar of the ancient battlefield, what Chu Yuan likes is the prehistoric map.

Shenjun followed Chu Yuan into the prehistoric map.

"Here is it?" Ning Xiuchen looked around, "This is actually an ancient, prehistoric world. No, this is not a real prehistoric world. It should be an illusion constructed by some means, making it difficult for people to distinguish the truth. "

"It's a real illusion. It's as if I have come to the real prehistoric land. Those are materials that were only available in the prehistoric period. Unfortunately, they are all false!"

Ouyang Ming was also shocked.

Honghuang, only seen in ancient classics, is an era far away from the present and ancient, but now it really appears in front of you.

"Kill kill kill!"

Suddenly, a hundred thousand army appeared in the prehistoric map, each with a cultivation base comparable to the power of the gods, especially in the front, there are several powerhouses at the level of the gods.

"The predecessor! It's a real feeling, the aura that exudes actually looks like a real person!" Ning Xiuchen sighed.

"This is a disciplinary battlefield mode. The **** army defeated them, King Loyalty, Ouyang Ming, you two have just broken through the gods, you have to practice your hands and adapt to the power of the gods."

Chu Yuandao.


The **** army attacked and fought with the prehistoric army.

Lu Qianfu and Ouyang Ming are also shooting.

The sky is falling apart, the law is permeating, everything is extremely real, as if in the real battlefield, but behind it is the rapid consumption of the sacred stone.

This battle is fierce.

What Chu Yuan chose for them was a difficult option. All of these prehistoric legions had the most elite strength. Even the Divine Army had tried their best to face them reluctantly, unable to gain the upper hand.

After the prehistoric map was over, Chu Yuan chose several maps for them again and again before stopping.

"How do you feel?" Chu Yuan said.

"It's very real, as if I'm working with the real god, my soul is still in pain at this moment. Although the minister doesn't know what treasure this is, he knows that he can choose any opponent, any map, and there will be no death. "

Ouyang Mingdao.

"It's not just that." Lu Qianfu added: "Some of the fragile minds simply can't adapt to such a battlefield. This is no different from a real life and death fight. With the help of this divine object, a group of inappropriate soldiers can be eliminated."

"The analysis is very good."

Chu Yuan nodded: "King Loyalty, this is an ancient battlefield altar, I will set it up in the imperial city, and you will be responsible for it in the future, leading the soldiers to open various maps for experience."

"It would be extremely terrifying for this kind of **** to be used in the army!"

Lu Qianfu was more excited to see the ancient battlefield altar than he broke through the gods, and he was overjoyed: "Although it can't be compared with the real battlefield fight, but with this thing, the minister can hone the cooperation and combat power of each legion. It can increase dramatically in a short time!"

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing, the minister has already prepared, and the Artifact Refining Holy Land will be truly opened soon."

Ouyang Mingdao.

"Well, this time the dynasty has added four gods, and the national power has increased to seven stars. I am holding an imperial banquet. One is to celebrate the promotion of the dynasty, and the other is to congratulate the four gods. The holy place for refining will choose to open at this time and make the momentum. To the maximum."

Chu Yuandao.

With Dawu's current strength, few Seven-Star Dynasty can compare with them.

"Your Majesty, besides issuing the order this time, who else do we need to invite? Over there?" Lu Qianfu said.

"The Rainbow Sect issued a sacred decree to invite them to me. The sacred decree can't be invited, the army will please."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

If he wanted to destroy the Sky Rainbow Sect now, it would be easy for him to do nothing. Ning Xiuchen could suppress the audience without him.

However, the Rainbow Sect is different from the Moyuan Dynasty. This time he is not going to destroy the sect, but to directly annex this seven-star sect and turn it into his great military power.

"This imperial banquet, I don't know how many forces are staring at us." Lu Qianfu said: "There is the Qingmu Longevity Empire behind the Yuan Lingzong, I am afraid it will not be peaceful this time."

"The Yuan Lingzong is indeed a trouble, but this trouble is always to be solved. With Dawu as the center, these worlds must be connected. Since they have already killed their gods, there is no need to be polite with them."

If you don't deal with Yuan Lingzong, Chu Yuan's side mission will not be completed, and it must be solved.

He could go to annex the Sky Rainbow Sect, but the Yuan Lingzong would never be able to swallow it. In this area, the Qingmu Changsheng Emperor would inevitably send strong men to suppress it.

"You are going to host this imperial banquet. I will leave the Yuan Lingzong. The imperial city I have left the formation of protecting the country, and the Profound God cannot break it."

Chu Yuan knew that now is the best time to deal with Yuan Lingzong. He was surprised and said lightly: "Ning Xiuchen, this time you are guarding the imperial city. Beware of some troubles that may arise. The defense here is left to is you."

"I'm already, even if I meet the Profound God, I dare to fight!"

Ning Xiuchen was full of unmatched confidence at the moment, and his strength recovered and surged again. He couldn't wait to find a strong man to fight a battle to release the backlog of depression in his heart.

"Well, the emperor banquet will be in these few months, and that Yuan Lingzong will also go for a walk."

Before his words fell, the whole person had disappeared in Dawu Imperial The idea of ​​the gods could not catch up with him, and he was out of everyone's perception almost instantly.

"This kind of void movement is so fast, I am far behind your Majesty!" Lu Qianfu said: "Your Majesty's strength is no longer what I can imagine."

"Hmph, let alone you, even if I am, I may not be able to catch up with your Majesty. I have lived for so long. This is the first time I have seen your Majesty who is so mysterious and unpredictable. The methods your Majesty used are unheard of. , Never seen before."

Ning Xiuchen even suspected that Chu Yuan was a certain power who came to the eternal world to reincarnate and rebuild.

"The Yuan Lingzong is over this time." Lu Qianfu said.

"Everyone, there are still a few months to hold the imperial banquet. We must prepare the imperial banquet this time to welcome all nations!"

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