Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 428: Heaven and earth divide yin and yang

 Meng Shan said lightly.

   He told Chu Yuan not to remind him, but to make Chu Yuan panic, a flaw in his mind.

   Chu Yuan didn't move, and their people didn't dare to go to the Dawu Dynasty at will, but when Chu Yuan came here, he gave them the courage to move.

   "There are not many gods left in your Yuan Lingzong."

   Chu Yuan had everything under control, and suddenly asked.

"Hahahaha, to tell you the truth, my Yuanlingzong **** is divided into three parts, one part went to the forbidden place of longevity, the other stayed here to wait for you, and the other part has already set off to your Great Martial Empire. At the same time, the empire also has extreme The strong master is gone, you just wait for the beacon everywhere, the city is destroyed!"

   Sect Master Yuanling laughed.

   The support of the Aoki Longevity Empire gave him great confidence.

   "Presumably now, your dynasty has fallen into chaos." Yuan Ling Sect Master continued.

   "If you really can do this, it will upset me?"

   Chu Yuan laughed, so much that it made Meng Shan, Yuan Ling's master and others feel a great danger, it seems that they made a wrong move. Recommend to read Biquge TV https://://

   Chu Yuan didn't move, they didn't dare to move casually. Biquge TV mobile terminal https://

   But at this time, seeing Chu Yuan's calmness, he felt that he had fallen into a trap.

   They thought that in the Dawu Dynasty, only Chu Yuan's combat power could shock the audience, but they would not have thought that there was another Ning Xiuchen who condensed the law of the Profound God in Dawu.

   And the long rivers of humanity flow across the country, like the sky shrouded in the sky, they can condense into the emperor at any time.

   "This person is weird, and can always come up with shocking hole cards!"

   Mengshan Tianshen felt bad, he teleported suddenly and arrived in front of Chu Yuan extremely strangely. A spear emerged from the void and pierced Chu Yuan's head.

   This spear is blue-gray, like a rock, it is a stone gun.

   Chu Yuan glanced at him casually, then lifted his hand, a fierce golden light swept over, colliding with the grip of the **** of war, bursting out thousands of brilliance.

   The destructive power radiated out, causing Meng Shan's hands to tremble, under extreme pressure.

   "Disperse quickly, the strength of this Emperor Wu is stronger than when he was in Demon Shenyuan, damn, what method did he use, in a short time, so powerful!"

   Sect Master Yuan Ling immediately let people disperse, and at the same time, he was wary of the sudden action of the two heavenly gods.


Meng Shan swept across with a shot, a burst of slashing air burst out, spreading a spirit of light, and directly slashed towards Chu Yuan with a fierce attitude, and at the same time he shouted: "The **** wants to see if you have The power to destroy the sect!"

   Chu Yuan stared indifferently.

   Not only did his realm rise to the Seventh Level of the True God, but also the Qi Xing Dynasty's luck. The condensed imperial cloak swayed with the wind, swallowed the rivers and mountains with anger, enveloped the sun and the moon with his big hands, and stepped out of the sky full of stars.

   He hit out with a palm, and the whole world seemed to be spinning because of him.

   Boom boom boom!

   The entire Yuan Lingzong seemed to have been smashed down directly by stars, and they all collapsed.

   "Emperor Dawu, this **** knows that you are powerful, but if this alone can't destroy a Yuan Lingzong, this time this **** will let you suffer a cruel price!"

   Meng Shan yelled, his spear was extremely fierce, swept down like a torrential rain.

   Chu Yuan looked at it casually, and slashed it away with a palm. A huge crack broke through the entire Yuan Lingzong. With a more ferocious posture, he broke his strength in one fell swoop.

   Seeing Chu Yuan hit him with a palm, Meng Shan was confident, but he didn't dare to be careless. His murderous cohesion, like a peerless assassin, staged a good show of assassinating the emperor, and suddenly his spear flicked and condensed.

   This shot confuses the laws of time and space. It seems to be slow, but it is actually a flash.

   What can you do in an instant, a movement of your mind will take thousands of instants.

   "This is the shot of the Mengshan god, and the power of the moment is fast!"

   Yuanling Sect Master's heart is settled.

   "In an instant?" Chu Yuan could think countless times in an instant, and said coldly: "Life and death are two boundless, the world is divided into yin and yang!"

  The yin and yang air flow rushed out and turned into a Tai Chi picture of one yin and one yang. His hands controlled the power of the great yin and yang technique and separated the sky and the earth into yin and yang. He immediately saw that the gun fell into the realm of yin and yang.

   "This is the Great Onmyoji? How many kinds of magical powers of the Three Thousand Great Dao do you still have, hateful, and another power that is not in the material!"

   No matter how Meng Shan pierced this gun, it would still be unable to break this yin and yang realm.

   His power is tyrannical, but there is an extremely weird and weird power in this yin and yang domain, which makes him fall into the quagmire.

   "Yin and Yang Thunder!"


   Chu Yuan had instilled the power of the great thunder and lightning technique, and immediately saw the yin and yang thunder strikes in a vertical and horizontal direction. Meng Shan's body shook suddenly, and he was struck by the thunder, even he felt unbearable.

   Meng Shan immediately changed his tricks.

   He disappeared in front of Chu Yuan at once, but in Chu Yuan's eyes, a strip of shadows appeared in the void, which was his blinding technique. The real body was still moving fast, accumulating a very threatening blow.

"it's here!"

   Chu Yuan's eyes penetrated the depths of the void, he just raised a finger, and a dark brilliance turned into a slash.


   There was bleeding in the void, and Meng Shan was cut out by Chu Yuan with a big incision in an extremely embarrassed manner. His face was extremely gloomy, "Can't you hide it like this?"

   He used all kinds of big moves, but every one of them had no effect on Chu Yuan, as if this person was the most perfect existence, with no flaws or weaknesses.

   The glory of the gods!

Chu Yuan stepped out, his breath condensed, the power of the gods emerged, and the divine light spread out. He clenched his fist, a blow from the myth of shattering legend that ended everything .

   This trick enveloped Meng Shan, and he knew immediately that he could never avoid it, he could only resist it with his own strength.

   He suddenly did not move like a mountain, and even his skin turned into a rock-like color. This is an extremely powerful defensive supernatural power, even stronger, even a blow from the Profound God, he can barely resist.

   But at this moment, the blow came down.

   Meng Shan's skin was oozing with blood beads, and his mountain was blown into flight.

   "Even Mengshan Tianshen is not his opponent, he can only reluctantly contend!"

   Yuanling Tianshen's face changed wildly.

   Chu Yuan walked in the void and looked at Mengshan, who was still defending. With his palm upright, a sword aura swept out and turned into a sword of light, suddenly fell from the sky and slashed directly at Mengshan.

   Meng Shan roared wildly, knowing that at this time, instead of being able to withdraw from the state of motionless defense, on the contrary, he had to bear it with his own defense.

   With this sword cut, Meng Shan's body was slashed again, and a shocking bloodstain appeared on his body. However, because of his defensive state, his injuries only hurt the flesh and blood, and did not seriously hurt his **** foundation.

   "Can't let him go on like this!"

   Yuan Ling Sect Master also knew that Chu Yuan could not be allowed to be mad, and he shouted: "Please come out of the Yuan Ling Mirror!"

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