Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 430: Catching turtles in the urn, waiting for you to cast yourself into the net

All the strong people who stayed behind in the Yuan Lingzong were beheaded, but the only pity was that Meng Shan ran away.

Chu Yuan looked at the Yuan Lingzong who had turned into a dead silence, his expression unchanged, and he took out the Yuan Ling mirror.

Although this mirror is only an imperial artifact, it has been sacrificed and refined by the Yuan Lingzong for thousands of years. The magical laws inside it are extremely strong, completely comparable to the imperial artifact refined by the Profound God.

He used tyrannical force to kill the inner spirit, and he was surprised to discover that there was actually a huge secret in this mirror, which was like a fairyland, with rivers and mountains arranged in it.

It can be seen that a large number of divine veins are arranged inside, and there are also palaces, all of the wealth accumulated by Yuan Lingzong for countless thousands of years.

In fact, Chu Yuan didn't get too many treasures after breaking the Demon Abyss Dynasty, most of them were taken away by the Prince Demon Abyss.

And Yuan Ling Tianshen would not have thought that Yuan Ling Sect would be destroyed so quickly, so these treasures were also obtained by Chu Yuan.


Kong Mi Dao Kun made a longing voice, looking at the Yuan Ling Jing, his huge body kept turning around Chu Yuan.

"It's cheaper for you this time, but I want to take away the materials inside."

Chu Yuan transferred the materials away from the secret territory, and threw the Yuan Ling mirror into Kong Mi Dao Kun's mouth.

Kong Mi Dao Kun does need to reach adulthood, and its void talent has a great effect on Chu Yuan.

And there is a secret realm hidden in this Yuanling Mirror. If you want to open up a stable and huge secret realm, it is equivalent to a small world. It needs a lot of spatial origin, which is of great help to the growth of Kong Mi Dao Kun.

But this is not enough.

"I will help you this time!"

Chu Yuan directly mobilized the divine body of the Yuanling Tianshen from the furnace of heaven and earth, and injected it into its body with rolling power.

"A period of refining can almost reach adulthood."

Chu Yuan estimated that he would continue to supply resources to Kong Mi Dao Kun here.

Holding the thigh is strong!

Without Chu Yuan's help, it would be difficult to reach the maturity period.

"However, the Yuan Lingzong hasn't been completely wiped out yet. They sent the gods to our Dawu, but there is the urn, waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap."

At this moment, Chu Yuan used the thousands of tributaries of the humane river to sense the domestic situation.

Dawuhai Demon World.

"This is the Sea Demon Realm. Just start here. The Great Wuwu Emperor went to the Yuan Lingzong. There must be no strong fighting power in the country. As long as I wreak havoc, who can stop the original god?"

This is a **** of Yuan Lingzong, he still doesn't know that Yuan Lingzong has been breached.

He sneaked into the realm of great martial arts and wanted to wreak havoc with his own strength.

He came to a big city and wanted to use the power of the gods to directly slaughter a city.

"Heavenly strong man!"

When he appeared in the sky above the city, the people in that city were moved by the power of the gods, and each made a sound of horror.

The strongest in the city is nothing but a true god, no one can stop this god.

This is why, as long as they reach the gods, even the many powerful forces of the gods must be polite.

If a strong **** of the gods puts down his face and is determined to do damage, the troubles will be endless in the future, and if he is not completely killed, the troubles in the future will be endless.

"Shake with fear!"

This deity made a sound, and a deity's big hand enveloped the entire city. With a single blow, it could kill millions of people in this city.

The power of the gods is already at a strategic level.


Just when all the people were desperate, suddenly endless bright rays of light swept across, the sky was turbulent, and the rainbow was vast, condensed into a sacred and majestic existence, blocking the front of the strong **** that day.

This shot fell to this existence and crashed.

"Heavenly strong man! You are Emperor Wu!"

The **** looked at the divine existence that day, and furiously said: "No, you are not the Emperor Wu, but the Qiyun incarnation of the Dawu Dynasty. An incarnation has such a powerful strength, but only with one incarnation, he tried to block me. , You value yourself too much!"

Seeing that it was just an incarnation, he was no longer afraid.


He let out a cold snort and continued to attack wildly.

But what he would never imagine was that this incarnation merely extended a hand and suppressed his existence as a god!

"No, I am not reconciled, I am not convinced!"

The last roar of this **** in his life.

"Your Majesty is eternal!"

Seeing that Chu Yuan directly mobilized the power of the national movement, he suppressed a deity. All the people knelt down. In their hearts, they directly recognized Da Wu and looked for His Majesty Wu.

Your Majesty can guard them.

The ordinary force of national movement can not kill a **** of nature.

But what Chu Yuan mobilized was the power of the long river of humanity, with thousands of tributaries flowing everywhere in the dynasty, and it had become a sky covering the entire Dawu territory.

Cultivating the Human Emperor Scripture does not seem to directly enhance Chu Yuan's combat power, but the Human Emperor Scripture was not originally intended to enhance personal combat power, but to unite people's hearts, manpower, and turn them into royal beliefs and human power.

The long river of humanity runs through Dawu, as long as it is in the realm of Dawu, ordinary gods can directly kill them.

Not only in this place, several places encountered the gods, but they were all suppressed by the humane river.

Inside the Demon Abyss.

"Dawu forcibly destroys the Kingdom of Demon Abyss The most unstable part of people’s hearts is here. As long as the gods act, as long as they enter Demon Abyss City and destroy their army, the entire Demon Abyss Realm will be directly Turbulence, some ambitious people will respond one after another."

The one who came to Demon Abyss was a deity who had reached the fifth level of the deity!

He sneered: "The Emperor Dawu forcibly eats the Moyuan Dynasty. As long as there is chaos here, he will be allowed to bear the bitter fruit and contain the power of the Dawu Dynasty!"

He urged a mana to form a huge grinding disc, crushing and bombarding Demon Abyss City.

He smiled triumphantly, this time he was about to set the backyard of Emperor Wu on fire.

"Those who dare to be presumptuous, suppress!"

But what he didn't expect in any way, a burly figure appeared, and the sacred puppet directly blocked this celestial power.

"There is a deity guarding him, and he is unscathed after taking a blow from the god!"

The heavenly **** was shocked and said: "This heavenly **** power, the Demon Abyss Empire?? has never seen it before, **** it, it turns out that the Dawu Emperor has already left the deployment and can't stay here for long!"

His purpose is to destroy the entire Dawu area, and is definitely not to be held back by fighting here.

He is about to leave here in no time.

But above Demon Abyss City, a long river of humanity swept over and turned into a blocked realm, and the holy puppet also shot at him.

Although the sacred puppet had only the five-fold attack power of the gods, it could resist even the power of the gods.

Coupled with the help of the country's luck, this **** has fallen into this quagmire, and it is not so easy to get out of it.

"Dawu National Destiny, National Destiny Suppress!"

A majestic voice came from Hanoi, the leader of humanity, and it also turned into a great existence, which was to be suppressed.

The boundless force of national movement blocked him inside.

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