Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 433: Congratulations to Emperor Wu

what! what! what!

Those people had just rushed into the Profound God Cave Mansion, and suddenly they uttered a very sad scream.

The endless thunder and fire shrouded in, and the first batch of people who rushed in were immediately burned to fly ash.

People from the three major forces are sneering.

Profound gods exist in a proud starry sky, extremely arrogant, looking at ordinary people like dust.

The cave they set up is not so easy to enter, they are not in a hurry, they want these people to try it first before talking about it.

"With the restrictions placed in this cave, even the gods will be threatened, but it's not that they can't enter!"

The eyes of the three gods flashed, and when they were about to use their supreme supernatural powers to rush in, suddenly one person and one kun appeared in front of them, and they were about to step directly into the cave.

"Who are you!"

The three powerful forces looked at this person one after another, shocked in their hearts, and the thunder and fire enveloped him, but they disappeared within ten feet of him, unable to resist his entry.

"Stop him, can't let him in!"

All the gods of the three major forces joined forces to break through the void with rolling mana, forcing them to come up, dozens of overbearing magical powers simultaneously killed his vitals.

Chu Yuan's eyes were cold, and all the magical powers collapsed in front of him. He rolled his hand with a big hand, and the supreme aura burst out, and the terrifying three powers of the gods retreated again and again.

"Who is this person?"

"What a powerful mana!"

"No, that strange beast, why is it familiar with what I've heard of, then who is this person?"

One day **** looked at Chu Yuan stubbornly, and suddenly said in shock: "I know, he turned out to be the Great Wuwu Emperor, who swung his troops to annihilate the existence of the Demon Abyss Dynasty, and the number of gods who died because of him exceeded two hands. Come here!"

The name of Emperor Wu has spread, and many gods have heard of it. He is a ruthless character.

The gods of Moyuan Dynasty, a kingdom of God, killed all of them.

"This belongs to me."

Chu Yuan stood there, but his aura caused the three major powers to retreat again and again, "Do you have any opinions?"

"Emperor Wu, I know you are very strong, but you can't swallow this Profound God Cave Mansion. We are willing to share it with you."

This is the **** of Lingguang Dongtian talking to Chu Yuan, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of the gods, which is at the same level as the Yuan Lingzong. It is rumored that there is a mysterious **** in this great religion.

"You are qualified to negotiate terms with me?" Chu Yuan said indifferently.

"Humph! Emperor Wu, even though you are famous, I have to test your strength today, can I eat this cave mansion!"

Suddenly, the power of the Aura Cave Sky flashed his eyes. With the strength of the Heavenly God's Sixth Layer, he suddenly made a move. The aura swept across the sky, extinguished the thunder and fire, and immediately arrived in front of Chu Yuan.

"act recklessly!"

When Chu Yuan saw him kill, he slapped away, and the golden light suppressed the aura.


This spiritual light hole sky expert immediately blasted out, blasting into another emptiness from this void.

This terrible scene made everyone's eyes widened and unbelievable.

The strength of this Emperor Wu was so strong.

"The first one died."

Chu Yuan ignored them. When he walked into the Profound God Cave Mansion, the three powerful forces gathered scattered one after another. He didn't dare to stop him, so he just shouted respectfully to welcome your Majesty.

"Respectfully send Emperor Wu!"

The three great power gods watched Chu Yuan enter with fear on their faces. They stood still and didn't dare to step forward and block half a step. They could only respectfully.

"Are we still going in?"

Some people are terrified and don't know what to do at this time.

"What are you going to do? The Emperor Wu even killed so many gods of the Demon Abyss Dynasty that he would kill him, and he would care about us. If he annoyed him, he would behead all of us here. There is no place to cry injustice!"

The hearts of these people were greatly shocked, and one blow hit the sixth layer of the Flying Heavenly God, which was no longer the strength they could bear.

The sixth layer of the **** of Lingguang Dongtian was blown out and has not returned.

They deeply knew that Chu Yuan had the strength to behead him, and there was no need to pay any price.

A mysterious cave mansion.

So it was monopolized by Emperor Wu.

At this time, even if they notify the sect to send a strong one, it is too late.

At this moment, Chu Yuan walked into the Xuanshen Dongfu.

The mysterious realm opened up by the Profound God is extremely stable, and it is already like a small world, with a large number of palaces, and even a city, like a country.

These people are all serving the Profound God.

But Chu Yuan walked in and saw that there was no aura of living people in those cities. Those people had been turned into bones. They all died in an instant, buried with the Profound God.

Came to the most core place of the secret realm, and there are several cave houses of the gods.

They were all subordinates of the Profound God, and they were also buried for the Profound God.

Chu Yuan did not waste time on the Tianshen Dongfu, but went directly to the core of the secret realm.

"The bones of the Profound God!"

When he came to the center of the secret realm, he immediately saw a lifelike middle-aged body in front of him. There was also a dazzling look in his eyes, and the power of the supreme mysterious **** swept out, making people unable to help but be right. He worshiped.

Profound god, profound and profound power, even after death, has terrible power.

"This Profound God does not die at the end of his life!"

Chu Yuan's body shook and immediately saw the clues. This profound **** was not aging, but was upright and mature, like the sun at twelve o'clock, at its peak.

"It's not hurt either."

Chu Yuan saw that his divine body was very intact, still containing immortal power, and still flowing luster.

"This is the failure of the more supreme realm, and the soul collapses and falls. Everyone in this secret realm can't bear the fall of the Profound God, and they all perish at the same time."

Chu Yuan saw the reason. This profound **** did not die naturally, but fell due to failure in the impact realm.

Above the Profound God is the supreme god, and the supreme power can refine imperial grade artifacts, which are unimaginable with a long life.

The existence of the Supreme God, they banged at will, and a huge star would shatter directly in front of them.

However, it was too difficult to break through to the gods, and they even saw the dragons at the head but did not see the end, and each one was delving into the Supreme Avenue.

At this time, Chu Yuan stepped forward and approached this profound god.


A feather of light was burning on the top of this Profound God!

His entire body burned, and in an instant, he completely disappeared from Chu Yuan's front, leaving no residue.


Chu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, but there was no surprise.

Even if the Profound God dies, their divine bodies will not tolerate blasphemy. This Profound God apparently expected to fail when it broke through, so a forbidden law was set long ago. As long as someone approaches, his divine body will be directly shattered. .

Otherwise, if someone else gets a divine body, it can be directly refined into an extremely powerful imperial artifact.

However, although his body was feathered, he left a big knife in place.

There are waves of thunder and fire on this sword!

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