In the Holy Heaven Empire, Pingding King Xiao Yang also came to Dawu to participate in the imperial banquet.

What is the existence of the Holy Heaven Empire.

The power of the imperial dynasty is now fighting against the Qingmu Longevity Empire.

In an imperial dynasty, there is more than one sacred and powerful person, and the profound background is unimaginable.

Even if the Flame Demon came to the Cave of Heaven, I didn't expect even such an existence to come.

A large number of people wearing the clothes of the Holy Empire came into the garden in the distance.

The people of the imperial dynasty arrived, instead of deliberately showing their power, but walked in very calmly.

They don't bother to use trouble-seeking methods to show the powerful strength behind them.

The headed man walked swiftly and steadily, with a burly figure and a calming force on his body. He was an extremely tough middle-aged man.

Profound God Zhenyan had to be honest when he saw Xiao Yang.

There are several Profound Gods in his Flame Demon Cave Sky, but they are not comparable to this kind of power.

"Dawu Dynasty!"

Xiao Yang's eyes were like torches, and he looked at the Dawu Dynasty carefully, and it was really extraordinary, especially the strong, pure and powerful, like stars, radiant and hot.

"The King Pingding of the Holy Heaven Empire has personally visited Dawu, and I am also deeply honored to be seated."

Chu Yuan appeared from the void and reached the throne in one step, his eyes piercing.

He was dressed in an imperial robe, with two bracelets of silver and gold on his left and right wrists, and his dark imperial robe had glaze-like color patterns, which turned into the power of the Buddha.

"Haha, Dawu Dynasty has been promoted to Seven Stars, how can this king not come to join in the excitement?"

Xiao Yang nodded, and then sat on the court, without arrogance.

He stared at Chu Yuan tightly, and there was an extraordinary look in his eyes.

"His Majesty Da Wu is worthy of peerless, heroic and extraordinary. This king is right here."

Although he is a Profound God, it is impossible to suppress Chu Yuan in Dawu Imperial City. On the contrary, it is very possible for others to suppress him with the power of national fortune in his own territory.

Chu Yuan's Seven-Star Dynasty was formed by swallowing the forces of three heavenly gods, and it was not comparable to the kind that was just promoted.

He belongs to the top seven stars, the strong seven stars.

"Everyone, please enter the banquet!"

Chu Yuan made a loud voice in the highest dynasty.

He has the power to suppress everything, and he said with majesty: "Today is the banquet of my Dawu promotion to the Seven Stars. The whole country is celebrated and the guests are also celebrated. When you leave, you can get my gift."

"This wine is good."

Zhenyan Profound God suddenly made a sound.

He drank ice spring wine, and even his profound god's eyes lighted up. He only felt comfortable all over, and the demon fire accumulated in his heart dissipated a bit.

Of course, this is the ice spring wine brewed by Chu Yuan's collection of the most precious things, and it also has some effects on the Profound God.

"In addition to the Seven Star Emperor's Banquet, today is also the Heavenly God Banquet."

Chu Yuandao.

There were two imperial concubine seats beside him. Yao Ling'er and Luo Yueying wore luxurious imperial concubine costumes, and gracefully sat beside him, the gods dazzling, one left and the other sitting beside Chu Yuan.

"A strong man in the Heavenly God Realm, and two of them are his concubines!"


Everyone was surprised!

The gods were all concubines of Emperor Wu, and his women.

This Emperor Wu's methods are extraordinary.

Lu Qianfu and Ouyang Ming also came.

"Holding a banquet for the four gods at the same time at the same time, the Emperor Dawu is a masterpiece!"

The Celestial Banquet is held just after the Celestial Breakthrough.

One is to celebrate, and the other is to show off national strength.

After all, without national power, others will not be afraid of you, so they can't occupy more territory and get more resources.

"It's not wrong to lose to this majesty."

The original Tianhongzong gods are also here, and they have now been accepted as officials of Dawu.

The Rainbow Sky God was also feeling emotional at this moment. Chu Yuan hadn't shown a demonstrative aura in the Camp of the Scourge Army before, but at this moment, this unparalleled temperament could not take away his brilliance even in front of the Profound God.

What gave him a little surprise was that although His Majesty's foreign war was cruel, he was still good to his own people.

After he came to Dawu, he received a lot of imperial grade **** pills.

"There is one more thing, I want to declare that starting today, the holy place for refining weapons will be opened, and all refining masters under the world can enter our great martial refining holy land, communicate with the refining masters of our dynasty, and also join our foundry division. A member of Dawu, gain a stronger inheritance."

Chu Yuandao.

The Emperor Banquet and the Celestial Banquet are only one of them, and the main purpose is to take this opportunity to let more people know about the holy place of refining artifacts.

To grow a dynasty, it needs too many talents.

The equipment of the legion can be basically completed with some of the crafting blueprints in his hand, but some specific equipment still requires a refiner.

He has the true knowledge of refining tools in his hand, a large number of imperial grade **** pills, this is where he has the confidence to recruit world refining masters.

"I, Ouyang Ming, is the head of the Foundry Division. I also hope that the world's craftsmen will join Dawu. There is a heritage that you can't imagine."

Ouyang Ming walked out. He was the director of the holy place for refining artifacts. With the help of Chu Yuan Tianshen Pill, he broke through to the gods and could already refine the artifacts of the Imperial Grade.

"There are a lot of refining places in the world, what is special about your Dawu?"

This time there were a lot of gods, some were even proficient in refining tools, and they were curious about Dawu’s holy place for refining weapons.

They naturally knew that Dawu was soliciting them.

"My Dawu has two advantages. One is ample pill, which allows you to keep up with your cultivation while refining weapons in the Holy Land."

Ouyang Ming said: "The second is the complete inheritance of the refiner. I know that every refiner is a guest in the seven-star or even the eight-star forces. There is no shortage of pills, but what is really scarce is the inheritance of the refiner. It's just that I have some Dawu."

"How can we believe it?" someone questioned.

"Here is an insight into the inheritance of a god-level refiner, you can read it by yourself."

Ouyang Ming has been instructed by Chu Yuan to take out an article that has been widely circulated in the holy ground for refining, and he is not afraid to pass it on to these people.

"God-level refining master's perception!"

Some people who were curious about the refining device immediately came up.

Although it is not important, it is still written by a profound god-level expert. There are so many insights in it that make them very obsessed with it, and they are immediately obsessed after reading a few lines of text.

On this page, even tens of hundreds of years of careful study can be fully digested.

"Also.... Anything else?" someone obsessed.

"Naturally, there are some holy places with many inheritances. After the imperial banquet is over, I will take you to the holy place for refining."

Ouyang Ming glanced at Chu Yuan, and then said: "The holy place of refining has Keqing, and Keqing has the treatment of Keqing. In the foundry department, the treatment is ten times better than that of Keqing."

This is recruiting talents.

Everyone knew it well, and deliberately released some temptations that you could not refuse, and used these inheritances to lure you to see in the holy land. Afterwards, unable to refuse, they naturally entered the Foundry Division and became his great talent.

The purpose is clear, but how many can resist this temptation?

"Dawu Dynasty? I will also join you in this imperial banquet today!"

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