Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 444: Star battleship, shuttles outside the domain

After finding the direction indicated by the treasure map, the treasure map shot a ray of light at the void in front of it, and suddenly opened a void that never seemed to exist.

Chu Yuan stepped into the space.

In this space, empty, Chu Yuan only saw a group of pale, pulsating flames in front of him.

"Is this flame the treasure in Treasure Map One?"

Chu Yuan reached out and grabbed the flame.

Bang! The flame burned suddenly, not a hot barbecue, but a cold to the extreme, a chill swept up, and the soul was to be occupied by a terrifying evil spirit.

Evil Spirit Fire: There is a special sacred fire between heaven and earth, without terrifying temperature, but there is an ice-bound soul, which makes the soul be occupied by evil spirits, which is extremely weird.

"Can you swallow it?" Chu Yuan said.

The Buddha's sacred fire jumped, and the flames condensed into an arrogant expression, seeming to express that don't look down on me, I can swallow all kinds of sacred fires in the world.

Sure enough, the Buddha's sacred fire immediately enveloped this group of evil spirits, and it only took a moment to devour it for its own power, and then a wicked cold wind blew over.

"This Buddha God Fire?"

Chu Yuan's expression is a bit strange: "This group of Buddha fire is like a container, which can swallow any sacred fire and possess their various powers. The only trouble is that the sacred fire of the Buddha is very weak in the early stage. You need to keep looking for the fire to upgrade it."

He thought again.

There are seven treasure maps of Vulcan Cave Sky.

Is every treasure in it related to flames?

Now, he is somewhat looking forward to the release of the next treasure map.

"Go back to Dawu first."

Chu Yuan returned to Dawu.

Time flows, and now it's April forty years in Dawu.

Although Dawu has been calm in the past few months, the outside world has been different. Chu Yuan's spies received news that the Profound God of the Holy Heaven Empire and the Profound God of the Qingmu Longevity Empire were fighting, and the forces under their control were also fighting frantically.

But these have nothing to do with Dawu for the time being.

The army expansion is still continuing.

Use military methods to manage the powerful in the Five Realms.

During this period of time, the army of God has also expanded to 60,000.

Although there are few people, all of them are elite, and they are all above the Void God Realm.

The system of Dawu Third College is also being implemented to the Five Realms.

"The Star Battleship finally built ten ships!"

In mid-April, the starry sky battleship that Chu Yuan was looking forward to finally produced ten ships, enough to organize a small-scale battleship army.

The star battleship is ten times larger than the sky battleship. After all, it is a battleship that can travel through the universe.

The dark silver brilliance is equipped with a more powerful cannon, and a more terrifying cannon is also equipped in front of the battleship. If this cannon is shot out, even a star will be penetrated deep. Big hole.

And the bow is extremely sharp and can be used for impact.

What surprised Chu Yuan was that in addition to the big ships, there were hundreds of small ships in the storage bin at the bottom of the battleship.

If the big ship is destroyed, the small ship can still escape.

"It's worthy of being a starry sky battleship. This time, with the resources of the Five Realms, I spent more than half a year to build only ten ships. Now I can use them to experiment in the universe!"

Chu Yuan summoned the battleship corps and asked them to send a large number of people over to get acquainted with the Tongtian battleship.

"Your Majesty, is this the new battleship of my Dawu Battleship Corps?"

The people from the Battleship Corps came, and after seeing the Starry Sky Battleship, their faces showed deep shock.

"This is called the Star Battleship. It is a newly equipped battleship for you. It can sail into the universe. You should be familiar with it first."

Chu Yuandao.


The people of the battleship legion immediately boarded the starry sky battleship.

The operation method of the star battleship is not much different from that of the sky battleship, but it is equipped with a star map.

Taking the eternal world as the origin, all the places you have sailed are recorded, so that even if you get lost, you can find the map of the eternal world based on the star chart.


The defense of the Star Battleship has been greatly increased, and it can easily resist the bombardment of the Celestial Class.

In a state of full defense, even if the Profound God wants to bombard, it is not easy.

It can be said that the Star Battleship is extremely suitable for navigating in space.

"Star battleships are slow to build. Some are left in Dawu. The sky battleships are used for domestic inspections, and the star battleships are used for external warfare. Some are sent to explore the universe first, draw star maps, and occupy mineral stars and dig ore."

Chu Yuan had already allocated.

"This time I give your battleship army a task. I will send five battleships to the outside world to take on the burden of mining and drawing star maps."

Chu Yuandao.

"Listen to your majesty's orders!"

The soldiers said in unison.

"On the battleship, I haven't seen what it looks like outside the realm."

Chu Yuan was also full of curiosity outside the eternal world.

Five star warships rose into the sky, and extremely bright exhaust gas was ejected from the engines behind them. After a while, they shuttled towards the highest sky.

"The normal flight speed is fifty times that of a sky warship. Every twelve hours a warship can shuttle across time and space and teleport into the void!"

When the warship flew out of the eternal world, the soldiers were recording data.

Soon, the sky-reaching battleship arrived in the confusion day, and the layers of gravity couldn't trap it at all, and it went directly to the sky.

"Then...what is that?"

"It seems to be a few battleship spaceships!"

"Oh my God, if you want to use a battleship to break through the gravitational force of the eternal world, I am afraid that only the Jiuxing Dynasty, or even the powerful Empire, can have this ability!"


The five star warships caused violent fluctuations in the void, and after some people saw it, they all made deep shocks.

"Attention, we are about to reach the crystal layer!"

The crystal layer is the last barrier of the eternal world.

When I looked up, it was very bright, the pure crystal was as thick as the sky.

He saw that there were many things in the crystal layer, and there were even icy figures inside, and even many battleships were frozen inside.

"These are all people who want to explore the outside world and can't. Even the true gods can barely survive outside the territory, but they don't have enough mana to break even this crystal wall."

Chu Yuandao.

It's not that the sky battleship can't go outside the territory, but can't withstand the squeeze of the crystal wall and cannot penetrate it.

"Start the extraterritorial shuttle power and break the crystal barrier of the eternal world in one fell swoop!"


The power of the starry sky shuttle is the most powerful skill of the starry sky battleship. In an instant, each battleship consumes at least hundreds of millions of imperial sacred stones, which inspires this skill. .

The hull seemed to be elongated and rushed into the crystal layer at once.

The crystal layer is very thick, and every time it breaks, it will be replenished in an instant, endless, and even the gods can't imagine the crystal layer of the entire eternal world.

This starry sky battleship seems to be nothingness, not breaking the crystal layer, but more like merging in, like a stream of light, soaring upward!

Huh! The five streams of light pierced from the crystal layer, which was truly outside the domain, not in the eternal world.

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