After leaving the Demon Abyss, the emperor continued to inspect the colleges of all circles.

   Chu Yuan used a circular map to go from the Demon Abyss to the Elemental Spirit Realm, then passed through the Rainbow Realm, and finally returned to Dawu.

   The Yuanling Realm was once the place where Yuanlingzong ruled. The power here is staggered and the foundation is complicated.

   But Dawu wouldn't say anything to these people, and directly suppressed them with great strength.

   If Chu Yuan wanted more people's obedience, to provide Dawu with faith, those sects that once stood high and dominated hundreds of millions of living beings, and anyone who dared to subvert the rule of the dynasty, the court would not show mercy to them.

   But after Chu Yuan visited the Yuanling Realm, he went to the Rainbow Realm again.

   There are three major Celestial God Realms, and the Rainbow Realm does the best.

   After all, the ruler of the Rainbow Realm, the Rainbow Sect is intact and has not been conquered. All the strong have entered the Great Martial Arts and implemented various measures of the Great Martial Arts.

   greet each other in the road, and there is a sea of ​​people.

   After seeing Da Wu descend on the main city of Rainbow Realm, countless people came out to greet him.

   "This is our majesty, wise martial arts!"

   "Although our Dawu is still the Seven-Star Dynasty, I think it is not worse than the Eight-Star Dynasty!"

   "The emperor's style, if one day, become a citizen of the empire, what an honor it should be!"


  Countless people looked at them with excitement. The more wise your Majesty, the more peerless master, the more confident your people will be in the country.

   "Your Majesty, the Rainbow Realm Three Academy system has been fully implemented. During this time, more than ten times more geniuses have been discovered than we have discovered!"

   Tianhong Tianshen looked excited, and told Chu Yuan.

   Too many geniuses have been discovered recently.

   And he also discovered that after becoming a citizen of Dawu, the probability of appearing genius is greatly increased. It seems that Dawu’s power of national destiny has sheltered sentient beings, and inspired many people's talents that they never revealed.

   A long river of humanity, a long river most suitable for human race.

   "The three-college system is the foundation of the dynasty. I inspect the colleges of all walks of life to see with my own eyes how the colleges of all walks of life are developing. I know that the college system is good for all people, but it is bad for some people. After all, it hurts some interest groups."

   Chu Yuan said: "Young academies, cultivating talented young people, strong young people, strong martial arts, young people are the foundation of the country, they are cultivated since childhood, and more recognized the dynasty.

   "Military academy is located in the army, where people in the army practice martial arts."

   "Civilian Academy is used by the people to give people all over the world a place to practice."

   Tianhong Tianshen nodded in the Divine Army. The Third Academy sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult to implement.

   The most troublesome thing is resources.

   Everyone wants to train more strong people.

   But Naihe has no resources.

   Seeing the establishment of academies in various places in Dawu, Tianhong Tianshen admired his Majesty more and more.

   "The academy system must be implemented. If the resources are not enough, we will seize it. Which dynasty did not expand!"

   Tianhong Tianshen came to Dawu for a while, and his words became fierce. No one gave away the territory of this world for nothing, but to seize it with his own wrist.

   "But some people are unwilling to develop Dawu, they will do everything possible to destroy it, you see they came to Dawu, want to do bad things." Chu Yuan said indifferently.


   Tianhong Tianshen's fierce gaze suddenly swept the crowd.

   "Want to hide?"

   Chu Yuan's eyes condensed, and the forces of national movement gathered.

   The country is erupting, turning into a palm-sealed heaven and earth, directly isolated from one person.

   "Emperor Dawu!"

   Suddenly, one person in the crowd exploded, his expression was extremely gloomy, his whole body erupted, and the murderous intent poured out, and he rushed directly towards Chu Yuan with a peerless blow with a cold light dagger and killed him.

   "There are assassins!"

   Tianhong Tianshen and others were shocked and said: "The ten-fold deity, a peerless blow, can even hurt the Profound God!"

   This assassin is proficient in assassination and is stronger than the previous Meng He!

   But Chu Yuan's expression remained unchanged. Seeing the assassin rushing in, a yin and yang domain appeared in front of him, turning into black and white colors.

   Suddenly, the assassin seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

   "This is the Great Onmyoji!"

   the assassin said in surprise.

   Great Onmyoji is a great magical power that integrates defense and domain, and it is very balanced.

   "How did you find me hiding in the crowd!"

   This assassin retreated continuously. He didn't choose to do it in the Demon Abyss and the Yuanling Realm, but chose Dawu to conquer the most perfect Rainbow Realm. The purpose was to give him a fatal blow when Chu Yuan was paralyzed.

   "Does this assassin come from the Aoki Longevity Empire?!" The Rainbow God was frightened and angry.

   "No, but from the forbidden area of ​​the Eastern Early Period." Chu Yuan said indifferently.

   He thought he was covering up well, and he was mixed in the crowd.

   But he didn't know it. His Ten Gods couldn't hide himself at all. The moment he entered the Dawu territory, Chu Yuan was aware of him, and he was locked down with the power of national luck, and the other party was completely unaware.

  The strongest place in the Emperor's Scriptures is not to enhance their own combat power, but to the National Universiade!

   The long river of humanity enveloped Dawu's entire territory, and some ordinary trash fish ran over. Chu Yuan didn't care yet, but as long as this tenth **** of heaven came into his territory, it would be subject to national surveillance and suppression.

   The infinite national fate was condensed into a big hand, and Chu Yuan personally urged him, that the assassin was not against the power of a certain strong man, but the entire dynasty, not to mention a **** of heaven, even a **** of profound restraint.


   He saw that a blow could not be achieved, and he had to retreat when he pulled away.

   "Dare you!" The Rainbow God is The tenth deity slaughters a city, a matter of minutes.

   "He can't do it."

   As soon as his mana impacted, the national movement blocked him, and the assassin was suppressed by the blow.

   "What a strong force for national luck!"

Such as carrying the power of thousands of mountains, this assassin is difficult to move. His eyes are rolling, and he suddenly rises into the sky, bursting out a burst of laughter, "Haha, Emperor Dawu, you are really extraordinary. Although you have not been able to assassinate you today, you are What can I do?"

   So arrogant!

   dare to be so arrogant in the realm of Dawu!

   "Looking for death!"

   Chu Yuan waved his hand, and suddenly a big seal appeared out of the sky, changing in the void, turning into a square sky, deep blue primordial magnetism storm, and the power of the world rolled down.

   "This big seal!"

   The assassin's eyes flashed suddenly, and his face changed drastically.

   boom! Da Yin was shocked, and his body that had just risen to the sky was smashed down, blood stained all over, and he suffered a serious blow.

   "This...what kind of power is this!"

   He was also a little scared.

   He didn't know, Dayin merged the magnetic element peaks, the power was sublimated again, and then suppressed by the power of the national fortune, where he, the tenth-fold power of the god, could stop it.

   "Emperor Dawu, do you still want to kill me? You should know where I came from!" The assassin shouted sharply, "This is just a joke."

   "This joke is not funny."

   Chu Yuan said: "There is one more, come out too."

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