Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 450: Legion of Light and Darkness

The country's strength has soared.

The existing corps was no longer enough, and Chu Yuan decided to set up another corps.

Legion of light and darkness.

The Bright Army recruits troops mainly from the three realms of Tianhong, Yuanling and Chenchu.

The Dark Legion recruits troops mainly from the sea monsters and the Demon Abyss. It belongs to the standing corps and can be used to recruit a lot.

One yin and one yang, one bright and one dark, a legion of light and darkness.

The two army regiments recruited, and the news caused a shock, and the strong from the five realms enthusiastically signed up.

"Your Majesty, the minister has received an invitation. Quanjiang City will hold a refining competition in January. There will be many refining masters to participate, and there are also many god-level existences. The minister plans to go to Quanjiang City this time. I also want to go there and get to know the world's crafting masters, and I have come to ask your majesty for instructions."

Ouyang Ming reported to Chu Yuan.

"Quanjiang City, refining tools compare battles." Chu Yuan said: "Quanjiang City I have also heard that Quanjiang ancestors are strong in the Profound God, and competitions will indeed attract many people. Go participate and show off the refining of the great martial arts refining site. Only by spreading the power and reputation can attract a large number of excellent craftsmen."

"The minister also thought this way." Ouyang Ming said.

"But this time the journey to Quanjiang City is far away. Apart from equipping you with a starry sky battleship, I will also let him follow you."

The sacred puppet appeared.

He used to guard Demon Abyss City, but now he does not need to guard it.

"This puppet!"

Ouyangming's eyes lighted up, he looked around the sacred puppet, and said, "Your Majesty, this seems to be the sacred puppet recorded in the true interpretation of the refining device."

"Yes, this sacred puppet has an attack power comparable to that of the gods, but it can defend against the impact of the power of the gods. It is best to protect you. And this time, I also equipped him with exclusive weapons."

Chu Yuan handed the shooting bow to the holy puppet.

The attack power of the sacred puppet is too weak, but if there is a magic bow, this short board will be supplemented accordingly.

"The minister will go to Quanjiang City tomorrow!"

Your Majesty sent a sacred puppet to protect him personally, even if he encountered a Profound God-level existence.

"See Your Majesty."

Ouyang Ming retired, Chu Yuan summoned Ning Xiuchen to meet him.

"Ning Xiuchen, do you know the monsters in Demon God Abyss?"

Chu Yuan asked.

"I know some of those monsters. They are low in wisdom. They are like wild beasts. They are almost impossible to be domesticated. They are all monsters born by the evil spirit of the devil. Does your Majesty want to fight this monster?"

Ning Xiuchen guessed some Chu Yuan plans.

"You are right, I do have this plan."

Chu Yuan slightly signaled: "The next time I have been to Moshenyuan not long ago, those monsters are fierce and violent, but they have good combat power and are not afraid of death. If they are suppressed, they can strengthen the strength of the dynasty."

"Your Majesty, it is impossible for monsters to domesticate obedient ones. Someone once wanted to tame them, but they were harmed." Ning Xiuchen said truthfully.

"I have a way to use the seal. Since your strength has reached the Profound God, follow me to the Demon God Abyss and capture the monsters. There are monsters comparable to the Profound God in the Demon God Abyss. You control them with the power of the Profound God. I used the Great Seal Technique to seal them. Before the army fought, I broke the seal and suddenly sent it to the opponent's camp."

Chu Yuandao.

"Your Majesty has a great seal technique, it is possible to control the monster."

Ning Xiuchen nodded, unconditionally obeying any order from Chu Yuan.


Just leave, Chu Yuan didn't delay a little time.

Soon, the two reached the bottom of Demon God Abyss.

"I am for the magic repair, can sense the tyrannical monster fluctuations, I will lead the way for your majesty!"

Last time, Chu Yuan was only looking for the location of the treasure map without much depth. This time, the two of them dived all the way to the extreme depths, looking for traces of the monster.

This Demon God Abyss is extremely wide, and as it reaches the bottom of the ground, the demon energy is as strong as the substance. Grasping a hand is as if it is not airflow, but water, and it feels like diving deep into the sea.

"Under the Demon God Abyss, the environment is complicated, it's like a different world, and I have reached the Profound God, so I dare to go so deep."

Ning Xiuchen resisted with the power of the Profound God.

But Chu Yuan was more casual, he opened the Devouring Domain at all times, and walked in the Demon God Abyss casually.

"Great Devouring Technique!"

Ning Xiuchen was very envious.

The Great Devouring Technique is not difficult to learn, but it is almost impossible to learn a realm like Chu Yuan. Ordinary people can also swallow some laws and flesh, and can swallow and transform any energy that cannot be achieved.

Looking up, the time and space in the Demon God Abyss is chaotic, and the sky is full of evil spirit.

Take out a **** stone at will, and it immediately becomes a magic stone.


Chu Yuan's strength was shocked, his devilish energy shook away, and he dropped a great distance again.

"Here, even the gods can't stay for a long time. After a long time, when the evil spirit enters the body, it will become a beast, lost in it forever, and become a zombie!"

Ning Xiuchen also sensed the aura of the monster, and he tore the demon energy in front of him abruptly, and then saw a dozen monsters floating around.

"The cultivation base of the Void God Realm."

Chu Yuan used a large seal technique, and the chains were submerged in the monster's body, swept one by one, and then the state seal was installed.

Installed in the national India, suppressed with the power of national transport.

He saw that in the country's seal, these dozen monsters had their heads lowered and fell into a deep sleep.

"The Great Seal Technique is really easy to use. It seals mana and soul, especially monsters that are powerful and low in wisdom, directly sealing their core magic beads!"

Every magical power controlled by Chu Yuan is enviable.

Ning Xiuchen thought inwardly.

"Can you feel the breath of more monsters?" Chu Yuan asked no problem! "

Ning Xiuchen affirmed.

The two of them dived and sealed them. In just a few days, the number of monsters sealed by Chu Yuan exceeded a thousand, and each of them had the strength of a Void God, and even a Celestial God.

"Although I know that there are many monsters in Demon God Abyss, I never thought there would be so many, it seems endless!"

Although Ning Xiuchen has cultivated to the Profound God, he is still full of deep fear of Demon Shenyuan. He cautiously said: "Your Majesty, we have dived for a day, but I feel that even the iceberg has not been lifted. A world belonging to the demon has been opened up, and it is no surprise even if I appear to be comparable to a god."

"I went to the outside world once. The Eternal World is said to be a world, but the area is as big as a huge galaxy. It is unimaginable, but what makes me most curious is, what is the source of this devilish energy? The existence of levels is also unclear."

Chu Yuan was also full of curiosity.

Moshenyuan is the greatest secret in the eternal world.

"No one can tell this, Demon Shenyuan has always been a taboo place."

The two kept talking while searching for monsters.

Ning Xiuchen shook his head: "I can't explain it to the gods. What I know is not even the tip of the iceberg. Maybe there is the kind of gods strong enough to control a realm to know."


While the two were talking, the devilish energy in front was torn apart, and the two saw a dark and dark magic cave on the mountain wall.

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