About the Chihai Dynasty, Chu Yuan has also sent someone to find out, the Seven Star Dynasty.

   belongs to the strong seven stars and is guarded by ten gods.

   But even if the seven stars are strong, they can't participate in the battle between Dawu and Dongchu Forbidden Land with just this strength. There is a background of the eight stars behind them.

   This eight-star force, Chu Yuan is no stranger to it, it is Yan Devil Cave Sky.

  The power of the Flame Demon Cave Sky belongs to the sect.

   But they will also support the forces. Under the leadership of the Flame Demon Dongtian, they have controlled several dynasties, provided them with genius, collected resources, and used them for cultivation, just like a servant country.

   The emperor of the Chihai Dynasty will do it, and it's up to the Flame Demon Cave Heaven to have the final say.

   This kind of seven-star dynasty looks very strong, but just look at it. Their royal family is just a puppet and does not have much autonomy.

   Yan Devil Dongtian had trouble contacting Dawu himself, so he sent someone there on purpose.

   They didn't really want to help Dawu, but to obtain resources. I am afraid that even if the army came, they would not help, but would be like a knife. First, they would stab Dawu severely.

   After he rejected the Chihai Dynasty.

   Sure enough, a few days later, there were traces of soldiers and horses of the Chihai Dynasty on the border, deliberately exerting pressure on Chu Yuan.

   "Don't worry about the Chihai Dynasty, Yan Demon Dongtian doesn't want to intervene in the war between Dawu and Dongchu Forbidden Land too early. Their idea is nothing more than to profit from the fishermen, let them hang around, and free their hands to clean them up."

   Chu Yuan ordered.

   must stare at the Chihai Dynasty, but cannot waste too much power on them.

   Dawu prepares for war across the country, and all kinds of strong people continue to enter the front line.

   This is destined to be a war that will not end very early, and it will continue to be seen.

   Although the two sides continue to send strong men to the front, the real battlefield has never broken out, but small-scale battles have broken out non-stop.

   Aoki Longevity Empire also drew in the strong.

   "Meng Tian, ​​except for the defense corps, all the troops in Dawu have been transferred to the front line of the Eastern Chu Forbidden Area. We have not sent any forces here. Is this looking down on us? Think that our empire has no power to deal with him?"

   dressed in Tsing Yi, he looked like a young man, but the vicissitudes of his eyes revealed his age.

"Li Jue, isn't this better? Dongchu forbidden desperately wants to annex Dawu and plunder the foundation. Although our imperial dynasty does not need their resources, it needs to destroy Dawu to let others know that the empire is back and there is no one. Can stop, not everyone can provoke."

   Meng Tian said coldly.

"Dawu's use of the national destiny even felt shocking and horrible to me. The Eastern Forbidden Land once sent Xuanshen to carry out the beheading plan, but it still failed. I don't need his Dawu's resources, but I need his method of condensing national destiny. "

   Li Jue said: "This time all the resources can be handed over to the Dongchu Forbidden Land, but some special details must be firmly controlled in my own hands."

"It makes sense. It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish. We don't need to rush to do it. We just wait. We are doing it when Dawu fights the national forces and the forbidden area of ​​the Eastern Chu Dynasty. Even if there is a national fortune, we will also block it. No less than us!"

   Meng Tian looked at Dawu.

   "The Holy Heaven Empire is the most **** thing, so we can't send more power, they are drawing all the power that can be drawn!"

   Li Jue said: "And here is coming soon, the forbidden area in the early east should be about to break out with Dawu war."

   "Wait quietly!"


"who are you!"

   Suddenly, Li Jue and Meng Tian suddenly saw a sacred existence.

   "Boom and kill him!"

   This sacred existence is very strange, Li Jue immediately grabbed it with a palm of his hand, and the vast Profound God's mana blasted on it, only shaking it a few times.

   "What a powerful defense!" Li Jue said, "Not a real person, but a special puppet!"

   "The special puppet is also a great martial artist. Only this great martial artist can often come up with unexpected things. I thought he would not send someone to come. As soon as I finished talking, I sent a puppet here. Is this looking down on who?"

   The two profound spirits spread wildly around.

   "There is no one, only this puppet, what is he going to do?"

   The two are also a little strange.

   sent a puppet, is this to give away the head?

   "Don't worry about so much, let's take it down, I want to see what tricks the Dawu Emperor is playing? This is a guiltless trick, can I only send a puppet?"

   When Li Jue was about to do something, he suddenly retreated towards the meeting.

   The sacred puppet waved his palm, boom! Bang! Bang! Tens of millions of black beads were thrown out.

"this is!"

   Li Jue and Meng Tian's faces changed drastically.

   Tens of millions of black beads were suddenly released, like tens of millions of rounds of pitch-black sky, the billowing magic energy was released and directly transformed into a demon domain, and all the vitality began to decay and perish, resulting in decay.

   This is a gift from Chu Yuan to them.

what! what! what!


  I don't know how many decayed demonic energy in the Demon God Abyss is sealed here, and it is powerful enough to resist, but their army stationed here has begun to rot, turning into a black skeleton.

   This breath is extremely poisonous, and it is Chu Yuan's collection of the deep magic seal.

   "This is the abyss demon energy in the Demon God Abyss, infinite decadent breath!"

Li Jue saw a large number of deaths of the army, his face was distorted in anger~www.ltnovel.com~ roared: "Damn, damn, how can Dawu have the ability to seal such terrifying energy? How he did it, I am still wondering He didn't respond, it turned out to be prepared!"

   He attacked with the magical power of the Profound God, trying to contain this demonic energy.

   The sacred puppet took the artifact on Chu Yuan's body, first saw the Nether Soul Lamp appear, and used its artifact skills, Nether Hell!

   Inside the nether hell, there are dark green flames everywhere, like the color of hell.

   At the same time, in the Great Wu Kingdom Seal, the Prison Guarding God Monument carrying a large number of monsters appeared in the Nether Hell.

   The seal was unlocked, the monsters awoke, their mouths roared and roared, their scarlet eyes opened, and the murderous aura rushed out, which was enough to make people feel scared.

   Once the monster awakens, it will kill indiscriminately, no matter who you are, as long as the creature you see in front of you will kill it.

   "Monster! That Dawu actually sealed so many monsters. This is a great seal technique. That artifact can suppress the monsters for his own use!"

   Seeing a large number of monsters rushing over, Li Jue and Meng Tian's eyes widened and their scalps were tingling.

   The Emperor Dawu is very good at calculating, using monsters to fight his Aoki Longevity Empire, but he does not need to use soldiers to march.

   "There is something comparable to a mysterious god!"

  Never mind the ordinary monsters, but Li Jue Mengtian saw the five Profound God-level monsters, and there was no words to describe his inner feelings. This was a great gift for them.

  The monster army fights, cannot be commanded, and directly rushes into the army camp for indiscriminate killing.


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