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The Tianlin Dynasty was powerful, and there were several masters in the Profound God Realm, and they were not worse than the Flame Demon Cave Sky.

At a place not far away from Luofeng City in Shenshan, the army of Tianlin Dynasty is gathering here.

"Are you ready?"

An old man wearing a brocade robe appeared in the camp, coldly looking at the more than 20 gods in front of him, and said: "This king has received news from the Eastern Chu Forbidden Land, and they have sent more Profound Gods from the Forbidden Land. , And united with Dae Young, Flame Demon Dongtian and several other Profound God forces, and soon launched a general attack on Dawu Falling Wind City, killing Dawu’s most elite legion in one fell swoop, and breaking through this city."

This old man is a profound god, is an old antique of the Tianlin Dynasty, a member of the royal family, and the uncle of Lin Sheng today is called Lin Yan.

Not long ago, Da Wu sent out the Demon God Army to destroy one of their soldiers and horses, and also made the Tianlin Dynasty angry and sent the Profound God over.

"Enlighten the Lord!"

Suddenly listened to a **** in gold armor said: "The prince, it is clear that this is to use the forces of other dynasties as cannon fodder in the Dongchu Forbidden Land, and try to consume the power of Dawu. I benefit from behind. The Dongchu Forbidden Land is very strong. The ancient forbidden forces, even if we finally reach Dawu Imperial City, we will not get the best treasures."

"The king you mentioned has already considered, Dongchu forbiddenly promised that the Emperor Grade Divine Veins will be divided by us, and who is not using whom?"

Lin Yan sneered and said: "Take us as cannon fodder, no one is a fool. This king, Dayong Dynasty, and the Profound Gods of the Flame Demon Cave Sky will meet each other, unite, and in turn use the power of the Eastern Chu Forbidden Land. You don't want to consume the foundation. , We will not act as a shield for you and seek greater benefits together."

"Furthermore, I also received news that the Aoki Longevity Empire has also sent strong men."

Lin Yan said: "The Holy Heaven Empire is terrible. It seems that it gave up the imperial veins on that day, but in fact it is secretly carrying a misfortune. It means telling the Qingmu Longevity Empire that Dawu belongs to their side and those on the same front will let this An empire is more hostile to Dawu."

"Everything is subject to the Lord's instructions!"

Now that Emperor Shu Lin Yan had a countermeasure, people like them obeyed the orders honestly.

"Hold the soldiers and wait for the king's order, not to be cannon fodder for the Dongchu Forbidden Land. Our goal is to be strong, wave the flag and shout for the Lord."


Oh oh oh!

Suddenly, the yin wind whistled, and thick blackness rose up from the ground, as if the door of **** opened.

Thousands of black magic beads erupted together like the magic sun, and the emanating magic energy enveloped the entire Tianlin Dynasty camp, and it was the abyss of evil energy erupting.

"Abyss Demon Qi!"

Seeing this devilish energy, Lin Yan's face was full of terror, and he sternly shouted: "It's the Dawu monster army, **** they are here!"

Devilish whirlpools swallowed under their feet, and they spread across the camp. Countless people were terrified to find that the ferocious monsters seemed to come out of the ground. They stretched out their hands and slammed their ankles.


Countless people made painful noises.

At this moment, I don't know how many people were torn apart by monsters.


Lin Yan did not expect that the monster army that had not been used in the tug-of-war for months with Dongchu Forbidden Land would actually be used on them.

You know, even the Qingmu Longevity Empire suffered a big loss that day. How could the Tianlin Dynasty he brought with him be compared with the empire powerhouse.

The horror scene also appeared immediately, and many monsters with hideous appearances immediately began to fight in the camp.

Where did the Tianlin Dynasty see such a horrible scene? It was the demon soldiers in the **** slaughtering them, each one was so scared that their calves were trembling. Although they were afraid, the monsters would not let them go.

"Damn it!"

Lin Yan sternly shouted, "Which one of Dawu's strong men led the monster army here, dare to appear and see this king!"

"It's me!"

A whirlpool appeared in the sky, and an existence looked down on the sky and the earth. The dark imperial robe on his body seemed to be mixed with the devilish energy, and he looked at Lin Yan when he was over the world.

"Emperor Wu Wu!"

Lin Yan raised his head abruptly when the terrifying voice came.

This was the first time he had seen Chu Yuan, but the strong aura from this person made him tremble.

"Emperor Wu, is there any misunderstanding between us?"

Seeing the slaughter by the monster army, Lin Yan's scalp was numb, and he quickly said: "If there is a misunderstanding, I will solve it. My Tianlin Dynasty has no intention of being an enemy of Dawu. I also asked Emperor Wu to raise his hand. Don't kill the wrong person. Become an enemy with Tianlin!"

"Do you still need to say more about the troops here?" Chu Yuan said indifferently.

"Misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding!" Lin Yan said: "My Tianlin Dynasty knows that the Eastern Forbidden Land united with all forces will be detrimental to your majesty, and is here to help Dawu!"

"Treat others as fools?"

More and more monsters appeared from the nether **** transformed by the ghost lamp.

For the sake of the mountain world, Chu Yuan spent a period of time in the Demon God Abyss day and night, until there were no more monsters in several areas.

"Do you really want to keep it? If you have to do it, let me see how strong you are!"

Lin Yan's eyes were fierce, and his violent killing intent swept out. This is not in his Dawu dynasty, which is suppressed by the fortune of the country.

Suddenly, Lin Yan grabbed it with a palm, the divine light was hot, Profound God slammed out with a palm, and slapped Chu Yuan fiercely. Many monsters were killed directly by this wave of fluctuations.

"act recklessly!"

When Chu Yuan flicked his fingers, a few magic beads exploded under Lin Yan's feet, and several Profound God monsters came out ferociously, killing Lin Yan all together.

"Xuanshen monster!"

Lin Yan retreated immediately. Although his strength was able to contend with several Profound God monsters, he did not dare to fight to death at this time, and made an angry voice: "Retire, how much can be retreated!"

As soon as his voice fell, the whole person was about to jump away, not even the royal soldiers and horses entangled by the monster army.

"Don't abandon us!"

"Help us!"


Dynasty soldier Marshy screamed and saw Lin Yan want to run. With their strength, they are not the opponents of the monster army at all~www.ltnovel.com~ Whether you die or not, it is the most important thing for the king to live. Emperor Wu's strength is unfathomable, and I will fight him desperately only if I am stupid. My life is more precious than the lives of all of you! "

Lin Yan was cold-hearted and cruel, he didn't care how much the soldiers and horses lost, he cared more about his own life.

If he wanted to run with all his heart, this Emperor Wu would never even want to kill him.

"Where can I run?"

Lin Yangang escaped into the void.

Suddenly two perfect figures appeared, one on the left and the other on the right, as if they were a yin and yang Taiji diagram at the same time, and two forces blasted him out of the void.


Lin Yan backed away fiercely, staring wide-eyed, looking at the two figures blocking him, and shouted: "Profound **** puppets, two!"

He immediately looked at Chu Yuan with an unbelievable look, the Emperor Wu was ready to kill him!

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