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Xuanshen fought against each other and attracted more attention.

Countless people are watching.

"Break your sword!"

Feng Jun was extremely solemn, he slammed out with a palm, and the light of hundreds of millions of profound spirits intertwined.

He knew very well that all the skills of Xu Dao as a swordsman were in his knife.

This kind of swordsman used all his own knives, instilled countless hard work, and even used his own blood to sacrifice his knives to integrate with the soul of the sword.

Even if he gave him the Emperor Grade Long Sword, he would not change it.

The knife is his life, everything about him, instilled his soul of the sword.

Xu Dao was calm, smashed into pieces with a single knife, and the light of the knives intertwined in the sky, deducing a world of knives.

The mystery of that sword technique was deduced at this moment.

"Enraged prairie fire!"

A little flame swept out like anger, Feng Jun's mana was profound.

His whole person seemed to be ignited with anger, and his power condensed into violent violent in an instant, and a palm of sky fire eroded Xu Dao.

Only Feng Jun existed in Xu Dao's eyes, and he slashed out.

"All kinds of phantoms, change their shapes!"

Around Xu Dao, 10,000 Feng Jun appeared, each exuding the same spirit and attacking him at the same time.

But Xu Dao knew that only one was the real Feng Jun. His eyes condensed, and he suddenly slashed forward, slamming on a real object, and suddenly blood spattered out, cutting Feng Jun out.

"It's terrible!" Feng Jun had a lingering fear. "As expected, he was a swordsman. He broke my phantom with a single knife, but it's not enough to beat me like this."

Infinite mana impact!

Feng Jun's attack was a real use of all his strength, and with one move, the world was turned upside down, and it seemed that thousands of great stars fell from the void and wanted to destroy everything.

But the battlefield that the country has turned into has endured all his power.

"Swordsman, no retreat!"

In the face of Feng Jun's eruption, Xu Dao was fearless and did not panic. Even if he died the next moment, he would not frown. He still went forward and showed the domineering sword.

The swordsman is chic, like a sword fairy in the world.

Swordsmen are domineering, smash everything with one knife, and death in battle is an honor.


The domineering sword light turned into a bright white brilliance and washed down, Xu Dao smashed Feng Jun's power with the most domineering power, slashed at him, and the terrifying power made him vomit blood.

"I lost!"

Feng Jun clutched his chest, knowing that he had already lost, "Even if I fight life and death, I am not your opponent, I will be cut by you. I am indeed an extremely rare swordsman. Your sword is very powerful."

He was also calm and admitted that he had failed.

Looking down at this battlefield, there was no trace of damage, and Xu Dao's overbearing blade light did not penetrate.

Chu Yuan waved his hand and dispersed the battlefield.

"His Majesty, the Azurewood Longevity Empire sent envoys to my Profound Spirit Sect not long ago, but my Profound Spirit Sect does not want to participate in the fight, they are planning to deal with you."

Feng Jun left these words, with a dejected genius, said: "Farewell!"

Although embarrassed, but able to cultivate to the Profound God, a few care about face, he will report today's affairs to the Sect Master.

In Dawu, the suppression of the national movement was overwhelmed, and he was very depressed and didn't want to stay long.


When Dawu's people saw Xu Dao defeating the Profound Spirit of Xuan Lingzong, they all burst into cheers.

Profound God is the real high-level combat power.

A dynasty has extremely powerful profound gods to guard its territory.

Xu Dao had no expression on his face, he was recalling the sentiment brought by this battle.

"Xu Dao, come with me somewhere."

Chu Yuan took Xu Dao to the altar of the ancient battlefield.

"here is?"

Xu Dao looked at the surrounding prehistoric environment, and said in surprise: "This is my mind and entered a phantom-like world. This should simulate the prehistoric world, but it's so real and almost like reality."

"This is the altar of the ancient battlefield, where the great military trains the army. Here, you can set up opponents of various strengths and attributes."

Chu Yuan said: "In front of you is a swordsman who simulates your own strength, go and defeat him."

Let the Profound God train and consume a huge amount of God Stone, but Chu Yuan didn't care.

Xu Dao played against the simulated swordsman, and Chu Yuan entered the data recorded in the battle between him and Feng Jun. It was also very difficult for Xu Dao to fight.

"How do you feel?" Chu Yuan asked.

"Very powerful, this opponent knows the sword tricks I used, as if he was fighting against another himself!"

A rare excitement appeared in Xu Dao's eyes.

"The more complete your moves evolve, the more you can record your data, the simulated opponent is similar to the real you, and you can fight with yourself to see where your weaknesses are. Besides, you can choose a variety of different opponent."

Chu Yuandao.

"It's amazing. Although there is no excitement between life and death, I can train myself with many opponents I have never met before."

Xu Dao felt that he was right.

In other places, how could there be such a real illusion for him to train.

"Train here well." Chu Yuan left him here.

Dawu early forty-two.

Over the past year or so, countless resources have been obtained.

Especially after the dynasty was promoted to eight stars, the addition of a large number of strong men made the discovery of dynasty's resources extremely rapid.

The Forbidden Area of ​​the Eastern Beginning was originally stationed at a place not too far away from Luofeng City, but Dawu recently successively dispatched Profound God to avoid conflict with Dawu.

Even if it is the forbidden area of ​​the Eastern Beginning, it is not allowed to retreat strategically and not get too close to Dawu.

As soon as they left, Dawu immediately sent troops to occupy more areas.

This time is a relatively peaceful period for the major forces to gather resources.

"The number of star battleships is still growing too slowly. There is a lack of Profound God-class refiners and the purification of materials is slow."

Chu Yuan shook his head.

Most of the star warships he built during this period were defensive versions.

In the sacred mountain, after all, it is not outside the territory. It does not need such a fast maneuvering speed. The most important thing is for the warship to cooperate with the army.

"The number of the **** army has also been recruited to 100,000."

Chu Yuan has annexed so many sites ~www.ltnovel.com~ and a steady stream of masters from the outside world have come to take refuge, bringing the number of the Divine Army to 100,000.

One hundred thousand is very small for an army.

But these 100,000 people are the elite of the dynasty, and all of them are strong in the same realm.

There are swordsmen like Xu Dao, the five-layer Profound God like the Flame Demon, and Wuling special talents who can use the misty city.

If it weren't for Chu Yuan to control too strictly, the number of divine troops would be even greater.

For the Divine Army, Chu Yuan is not blindly expanding the number of people, only selects the most elite masters to maintain a high level of combat power.

"Two pieces of news from Shenshan World urgently."

Looking at the news presented, Chu Yuan opened the first envelope with joy, but after the second envelope, his face was frosty, and instantly became cold.

"Divine Army, follow me back to the mountain world!"

As soon as he received the news, he immediately returned to the mountain world!

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