Shadow Valley is hidden deep in the invisible, and it is a power of the highest level, extremely difficult to deal with.

But this is not the most troublesome. You can't find their lair in the most terrible place. Even their Profound God doesn't know where their lair is. They rely on the Supreme God of Shadow Valley to attract them.

What really made them famous is that their Supreme God once attacked and killed a Supreme God of an imperial power.

The emperor-level forces were angry and sent out their ancestors to retaliate, but they couldn't find their lair in a circle, so they could only leave with hatred.

It is rumored that Shadow Valley has acquired an original divine object cultivated by the origin of the eternal great world, and is closely connected with the eternal void.

In the deepest void, a torrent of torrents rolled and countless dust-like particles impacted, and among the billions of trillions of particles at this moment, there was a spot of light smaller than dust, which was unremarkable.

Within this light spot, there is actually a lot of space, like Xu Mi mustard.

The shadow valley powerhouses, with the help of that original divine object, cultivate the void method, all are top killers.

"Dawu...huh! The background is good, but I can't think about living Ansheng when I'm staring at Shadow Valley, dare not listen to us, let alone you are a great martial artist, even the imperial-level forces will have a headache. Hey, our methods are extremely versatile."

Inside, like in hell, the shadows are dense, there is a dark castle, and a mysterious **** is sitting on a throne of skeletons.

To be honest, what Shadow Valley wants most is the Dawu battleship.

That battleship is so easy to use, it can resist the bombardment of the Profound God class.

"Attention, always keep an eye on Dawu's movements. Elder Nine gave them ten days to consider. During these few days, he will keep an eye on them. If they are not obedient, he will teach them a little lesson and chop off a few heads. In short, let them treat me. Shadow Valley produces horror."

Xuan Shen Tao.

"My lord, our people found out about the Dawu news. They didn't seem to have agreed to it. Instead, they mobilized the entire army. The warships cruise day and night and act cautiously. They won't give in so easily."

Someone reported.

"The Nine Elders have already arrived at this point. They won't cry without seeing the coffin, but it doesn't matter. I attack and kill them day and night. My Shadow Valley has endless methods to make them succumb."

This Profound God is extremely confident, they know that great martial arts are difficult to deal with, but they don't use normal methods, only use the insidious methods of sneak attacks.

Dare to go out?

I don't know when I go out, there will be a butcher knife.


A flame suddenly enveloped the void in front of him, the pure color of glaze, and the extremely terrifying temperature brought the killing of the Buddha.

"what happened?"

The Profound God was still closing his eyes and restoring his mind, and suddenly saw a fire in the entire space.

Looking up at the sky, there is a terrifying flame that envelopes this place, trying to refine this secret world.

"No, someone is using great supernatural powers, refining the void, to destroy the world, who? Who is it?"

This Profound God struggling to open his eyes, saw a stalwart existence!

He was expressionless and extremely cold, waving his hand to incinerate this space with flames.

Combined with the terrifying face in his mind, he said in shock: "Emperor Dawu, it's you!"

The sharp voice passed through the void and reached Chu Yuan's ears.


Chu Yuan vented his anger!

Shadow Valley void methods are good practice, but this is not in their lair, there is the suppression of the original gods.

Kong Mi Dao Kun is the overlord of the void. The use of power in space is as common as eating and drinking water. As Chu Yuan travels through the void, it senses unusual fluctuations in this place.

Chu Yuan was not interested in finding one spot by spot, and directly used the Buddha's divine fire to refine them to death.

"Run! Then Emperor Wu discovered our existence, this matter must be reported to the Ninth Elder!"

This profound **** watched the entire world disappear into nothingness, terrifying to the sky, and instantly led the people in this stronghold to move and escape.


Aggressive, murderous... The **** army showed off its weapons, and was already prepared, and shouted: "Kill, kill, kill!"

A blade of light came through the air, and the head of the Profound God spun around, and it was cut off by Xu Dao.

The army of the gods went out without a blade of grass, and uprooted.

Everyone in this stronghold was killed.

Their bodies were also refined by the furnace of heaven and earth, turning them into billowing laws and energy.

"Many resources."

Chu Yuan broke through this stronghold, reached out his hand and grabbed it, and he sucked the countless resources piled up in front of him.

He knew that this was plundered by Shadow Valley, but now it belongs to him.

"His Majesty!"

Flame Demon said: "Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, Shadow Valley people are cunning, and there are strongholds everywhere. Those who want to stare at us firmly will have more people hidden in the nearest void."

"Swept them, found one who didn't stay, and killed them all."

Chu Yuandao.

At this time, Kong Mi Dao Kun finally exerted its greatest ability and made great contributions to Dawu.

With its own emptiness talent, it can perceive the roughly hidden fluctuations in the emptiness. As long as a general location is determined, Chu Yuan will use the Buddha's sacred fire to refine it all the way to extract these bugs hidden in the dark.

What made Chu Yuan's brows frowned was that the number of strongholds in Shadow Valley around his Dawu was frightening.

The true gods strongholds, the heavens strongholds, and the profound gods strongholds are densely intertwined. It is a network of rapid transmission of information, and every movement can't be hidden from their eyeliner.

Fortunately, Chu Yuan has time to talk about it, otherwise it would be really troublesome to catch them.

This kind of sweep, the time has passed for ten days.

In the depths of the infinite void, I don't know where to hide.

There is also a cloud of dust here, the space inside is gloomy, and the castle is built.

"Nine Elders, something has happened. We have lost contact with the strongholds around Luofeng City. No matter how we send messages, we will not get a response. It seems to have disappeared forever and been cleared."

The Nine Elders are wearing shadow robes. Although they are not the gods, their cultivation bases are extremely high and powerful.

This area belongs to him.

"The large-scale stronghold disappeared. This is because someone is deliberately working on us. Is that Emperor Wu?"

The Ninth Elder figured out what was going on in an instant, his face was cold, "I have heard that Emperor Wu is domineering and arrogant, and he won't be so succumbing. Time, how did you do it, so fast?"

"Elder, there is a sacred beast next to Emperor Wu. After our comparison and investigation, it is called Kong Mi Dao Kun. It has reached adulthood."

Someone said beside him.

"Damn it, the adult Kong Mi Dao Kun, it's no wonder that he can find our stronghold so quickly, that Kong Mi Dao Kun is the Void Overlord, sensing the power of infinite space, and the adult is even rarer than the God !"

The Ninth Elder's expression also changed, "All the staff are mobilized back, the situation has changed, we need to re-plan our countermeasures!"

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