It is the strong men of the Aoki Longevity Empire coming in large numbers!

The Deep Blue Sea is a place with a lot of treasures in the eastern region, and there are many temple remains.

Therefore, many forces have come here to explore.

With a single blow from this horizontal ruler, the force shattered the sky, strong enough to break the mountains and rivers, and ordinary Profound Gods would be beaten to death in front of Emperor Grade artifacts.

Chu Yuan faced Hengtianchi's blow, suddenly his palm shook, and golden light hit the ruler.


Heng Tian Chi was violently hit by this, shaking and shaking, and was knocked out.

"Your strength!"

Hong Xixuanshen also came.

He looked at Chu Yuan tightly.

The collision of this blow made him feel that Chu Yuan's strength was much stronger than that during the Battle of Falling Wind City not long ago. He had the ability to behead him, and he was terrified. He didn't know how he cultivated.

And beside him, there are also a few strange but powerful Profound Gods.

"The strongest of the Aoki Longevity Empire has arrived, let's watch the changes!"

These people suddenly became less anxious and looked like they were watching a good show.

"Emperor Wu Wu!"

An imperial Profound God looked at Chu Yuan with extremely cold eyes, "Your strength is really extraordinary, but there is only a dead end to the empire, and the gods can't save you. Cooperating with the Holy Heaven Empire, there is only one dead end, you He is a great character, but unfortunately he chose the wrong way."

"I am conscripted by the order of the empire. If you can kill the **** army, you can get the reward of the empire, the imperial grade **** pill, the imperial grade artifact, everything!"

Hong Xi Xuan Shen also wanted to use these people.

"Just killing the **** army can get the imperial grade divine pill, can the imperial grade divine tool? So generous, there will be no fakes, right?"

"The empire still attaches great importance to promises. The Divine Army is Dawu's most elite legion. This destruction will greatly damage the vitality. If you only deal with the Divine Army, you can still do it!"


The unkind eyes of this group of people all looked at the **** army.


The **** army was not afraid, and showed his weapon.

The evil spirit demon Zun Can smiled, he held the national seal of Dawu in his hand for Chu Yuan, changing into a vision.

Countless army of monsters were sealed in the seal of the country, deliberately lasing a scene for them to see.

"That is Dawu's monster army, all sealed!"

Everyone was shocked and said: "There are so many...there are so many Profound God monsters, how many Profound God monsters there are, it is impossible to see at all, but they only know that there are many!"

"This person is not the resentful devil, why is he also in Dawu!"

Others recognized the evil spirit demon.

The resentful demon is very famous.

Of course his name is because he is notorious enough.

"You can't do anything to Dawu at will and just watch the changes!"

Many people who moved are calm again.

The strength of the Divine Army is not weak, and there are countless army of monsters, this hard bone they can't eat.

"Hengduan Mountains and Rivers!"

Wow! When Hengtianchi hit, the entire deep blue sea was split into two halves, and the terrifying power hit Chu Yuan violently.

But Chu Yuan clenched his fists, his eyes gleamed like a waterfall, and his fist blasted out, the supreme might be so terrifying, with a bang, the energy on the horizontal ruler collapsed, and Hong Xixuanshen retreated fiercely, shocking him. Turbulence within five.

"If there is no Hengtianchi, if I fight him, he will be killed!"

Hong Xixuanshen was shocked, Chu Yuan's power at this time was much stronger than before.

"Suppress him!"

At the moment when Hong Xi Profound God shuddered, those empire Profound Gods all displayed strengths that were not weaker than Hong Xi Profound God. Their mana erupted, forming a big hand and grabbed Chu Yuan.

The glory of an instant!

Chu Yuan broke this big hand with an instant brilliant power, and as soon as he turned around, he entered the temple.

"It is impossible to seize the treasures of the temple!"

The Profound God Hong Xi and the Profound Gods of the empires urged the power of Hengtianchi together, and a beam of light rose into the sky, shaking the earth and the earth.


Suddenly, a deadly murderous election attacked at this time. This force, very deadly, combined assassination with the way of the void.

"Shadow Valley!"

Chu Yuan is proficient in large cutting technique and is extremely sensitive to the turbulence of the void.

In his eyes, an old man hidden in the shadows launched a fatal attack on him, and he chose the timing very well. It was when the Imperial Profound God attacked Chu Yuan.

"If you don't die, you have to be seriously injured!"

The nine elders are extremely confident in their own strength.

But when his power fell, Chu Yuan suddenly disappeared in a very strange way.

"He's gone!"

The power of the Ninth Elder hit the sky, no matter how he searched in the space, he couldn't find Chu Yuan's existence.

"Where did Emperor Wu go?"

The Imperial Profound God was shocked, and could not find Chu Yuan either.

Looking into the temple, it was empty and there was nothing.

"He took everything away!"

"Impossible, how did he escape into the void? The time and space in the temple is weird and impossible to escape. Where did he go?"

"Could it be that Emperor Wu controls something mysterious that we cannot understand!"


They couldn't figure out Dawu's mysterious methods at all.

But after a few breaths, Chu Yuan appeared in front of them again.

It turned out that after entering the temple, he didn’t take a closer look at the treasures left in the temple, and he took them away, opening the alien space in the treasure map at an instant speed. After taking the flame, he appeared again. In front of everyone.

"Enough to introduce the void, a secret treasure that people can't deal with!"

The Ninth Elder thought that Chu Yuan was in control of some secret treasure about the void.

If he missed a hit, he was afraid that if he continued to take action, the stronghold in Shadow Valley would be exposed and disappeared.

"Great Combat Technique!"

At this moment, Chu Yuan took all the treasures away, coldly looking at those other powerful forces, the golden light on his fists was rich, and his punches were extremely fierce, like the **** of war descending, he came directly to the imperial Profound God and bombarded them.

As soon as Hong Xixuanshen defended with the horizontal ruler, he was blown away with a punch and fell into the deep blue sea.

"His strength is much stronger than when he was in Falling Wind City!" Hong Xixuanshen vomited blood.

"The glory of the gods, the glory of an instant!"

The power of glory and glory emerged from Chu The horror and murderous intent that broke out made the imperial gods change their expressions.

"No, that's the trick again. The power of this trick is several times stronger than that of the day. Let's retreat!"

Hong Xi Xuan Shen will never forget the scene where Chu Yuan beheaded the Xuan Shen with instant glory.

With a loud shout, he slapped the deep blue sea fiercely with the horizontal ruler, and after causing the boundless waves, the imperial Profound God disappeared without a trace.

"Even the Imperial Profound God was shaken back!"

The masters of other forces were also terrified. When they looked at Chu Yuan, they quickly apologized: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. Since the treasure of the temple has belonged to your majesty, we won't stay here for long!"

Due to Chu Yuan's strength, these people left one after another.

"Look for a place to build the city and build a stronghold on the deep blue sea. There are many treasures here. The dynasty can't miss it, and the stronghold of the nine elders is around the deep blue sea. You must find him."

Chu Yuan looked at the deep blue sea.

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