In the human emperor kingdom, people and gods gather everywhere, forming a colorful air current, just like practicing in the gods, it is the place of gods.

Everyone who entered the Kingdom of Human Emperor found a place and quickly cultivated.

"Cultivating here, your speed will be faster."

Chu Yuan's voice rang in everyone's ears.

In the Kingdom of Human Emperor, Chu Yuan is the ruler and controls the power here.

"The most important part of the spiritual energy of human beings is the belief in national destiny. If you practice here, even mediocre geniuses will become peerless geniuses to improve your physique. However, the spiritual energy of human beings is not unlimited, and transformation requires a lot of resources."

With so many people coming in, Da Wu's spiritual veins and national destiny have been exhausted, which is why he didn't let more people all come in.

At this moment, Chu Yuan was at the top of the human emperor's kingdom, looking down at the entire secret world, being the **** of the gods, constantly thinking.

"The host annexes more land, dominates more people, and enhances a stronger national power. The human emperor kingdom will expand rapidly. Now it is only the scale of the secret realm. The next step is the small world scale, followed by the middle world and the big world. The super-world scale of the Eternal World."

The system prompts: "Even the eternal world is constantly absorbing the energy of the extraterritorial universe and strengthening itself, and the eternal world is also expanding at all times."

"Yes, the human emperor kingdom must continue to expand to a small world scale to allow more people to enter the cultivation."

Right now, the Kingdom of Human Emperor can only provide for a very small number of people to practice cultivation, which is very bad.

Chu Yuan's hope is to enable all his people to practice.

"We still have to develop, the imperial dynasty is nine stars. After the nine stars, it is the emperor. There are even more terrifying existences in the emperor."

Chu Yuan knew that Da Wu was far from enough now.

He looked down at the cultivation of these people, the spirit of that person was absorbed by these people, and their physique was transformed, and the genius would be even more enchanting.

"The Kingdom of Human Emperor is a secret realm of a country. It is not used for a small number of people to practice. Nowadays, it cannot be settled on a large scale. Detailed rules must be formulated."

Chu Yuan meditated in the kingdom of the emperor.

"It is still based on the contribution system, the military is for military merit, and the private is for contribution. The junior college is mainly for college assessment. The college assessment is divided into various aspects, such as civil and military, loyalty to the country, etc., there are emperors in the country, and I do not lack genius. Just need to be loyal to the country and give everything."

Chu Yuan thought: "The stronger the dynasty and the greater the national power, it will be difficult to govern. The contribution system has been in place. Now, the contribution system must be more detailed. The contribution theory is to give more people the opportunity to contribute, and to contribute in exchange for entry. The number of days in the emperor’s kingdom."

In a dynasty, the most sad thing is always the lowest level civilians.

Chu Yuan set up a contribution system to give more civilians opportunities to become stronger.

During this period of time, he did not return to the mountain world to preside over the overall situation, but held meetings again and again to formulate a detailed contribution system.

In the dynasty, moths who **** blood without making contributions are not allowed.

To get everything, you must contribute.

Honestly, this is divided into contributions. Joining the army is a contribution, and it is also a contribution to the dynasty mining.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to Dawu forty-three years.

In the sacred mountain, the fighting between the Holy Heaven Empire and the Qingmu Longevity Empire became more cruel, and Chu Yuan was also looking for opportunities to strengthen himself in the conquest of the two empires.

In the Eternal Great World, although Dawu has not sent troops to conquer this period, the country is also expanding, and many forces have taken the initiative to take refuge in Dawu, willing to serve Dawu and become officials of Chu Yuan.

Dawu domestic.

In exchange for the qualifications to enter the Kingdom of Human Emperor.

Many strong people are accumulating contributions, and practicing in the human emperor kingdom, especially when breaking through, the unique human spirit can drive away the interference of the heart demon at the time of breakthrough.

The emergence of this imperial kingdom not only strengthened Chu Yuan's own strength, but also gave Dawu a large number of powerful men.

And these two days.

Suddenly, there was no peace in Dawu.

Many strong strangers suddenly crossed the border of Dawu.

"This is the realm of that Dawu. I heard that Dawu has many magical treasures. As long as you have enough credit, you can go to a secret territory to practice."

At this time, a distinguished Profound God master passed through Dawu's territory, feeling the atmosphere of Dawu's country, and his face also showed some strange colors.

"Regardless of the great martial arts, I want to go to the Yu Shenzong as soon as possible."

This Xuanshen's expression moved slightly, he suddenly looked into the distance, and said with a sneer: "Come out, the blood-changing demon, you have been with me for so long, what is your purpose?"

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you."

Wearing a scarlet robe, this Blood Demon Lord exudes a strange aura.

"If you can't even find out, I have cultivated for so many years, hasn't I cultivated to a dog? You have never done good things with the Blood Demon Venerable. This time God Feather Sect is in chaos, you are in a hurry to rush over to make a big mess."

This Xuan Shen Dao.

"Haha, I really want to go to God Feather Sect, don't you want to go too?"

The Venerable Blood Demon said: "Well, the Mingren don't talk secretly. Today I came to you for the treasure on your body, which has a great effect on me."

"My treasure, you said it was the one I got in the sacred mountain."

The Profound God sneered: "However, you are so big, I will give it to you if you want. Others are afraid of your means of transforming the blood demon sect, but I am not afraid of you."

"I have known for a long time that you won't hand it over obediently, it seems that I still have to seize it myself." The Bloody Demon said.

"This place is in the territory of Dawu. Emperor Wu is not a respectable master. He will break him here and he will not let you go."

This mysterious way.

"Hahahaha, I don’t know how far it is from his imperial city. Even if the sky is broken, my blood **** sect is also a god, and I am afraid that he is a great martial dynasty? I will not go to his imperial city to make trouble, just I just fought with you. I accidentally made the noise louder. I accidentally trampled on some ants. Will you settle accounts with me for this little thing?"

The Blood Demon Lord does not care There are several cities under the two, and countless people live in them.

Once the Profound God fights against each other, the sky and the earth will collapse, and the city will collapse. I don't know how many ordinary people will be involved in innocent deaths.

This is what mortals suffer when gods fight.

But the Blood Demon Lord didn't care. It was nothing to die some ordinary people. He was just to fight against this Profound God, not to deliberately slaughter his great martial people. No wonder he died in the aftermath.

He is a god, and dying ordinary people is like trampling on a group of ants. What does killing ants mean?

"Hand it over, I've been coveting your treasure for a long time!"

The Blood Demon Venerable will act fiercely.

But his idea was wrong.

At the moment when the Blood-Transforming Demon Lord was about to start, a whirlpool appeared in the sky, and a stalwart force condensed in an instant.

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