Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 505: Announce, Yu God Realm!

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"Accepting God Feather Sect this time seems to have offended the Tianbo Dynasty, but in fact the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Without the God of Feather Pagoda, even if you win the Divine Sword of Dongchu, you will not be able to sacrifice, and there are many masters in God Feather. It is extremely important to me."

It has been five days since Chu Yuanduan sat in the forbidden area of ​​God Yuzong.

He looked at the pill being refined in the Taiyi Pill Furnace, his eyes condensed suddenly: "Tianbo Dynasty has begun to attack."

"Shen Yuzong will be broken today!"

Outside Shen Yuzong, countless army of Tianbo Dynasty emerged densely like locusts.

In front of the army, two supreme beings appeared, a man and a woman, two powerhouses, both of them were powerhouses.

"That is Nangong Han of the Tianbo Dynasty, she has actually broken through to the Supreme God!"

Someone looked at a young woman and said in shock: "It is said that the Tianbo Dynasty has obtained a lot of treasures in the sacred mountain this time. The fall of the ancestor of God Yuzong also has something to do with them. And this Nangonghan was still the peak of the Profound God a few years ago. This time breakthrough."

Yu Shenzong and Tianbo Dynasty have been enemies for many years.

Compared with the Tianbo Dynasty, the national fortune was like fire and flourishing, the Yu Shenzong had been declining for so many years, and even the only Supreme God had fallen.

"Nangong Han, He Zhengyang."

The Blood God Sect, a Supreme God wearing a blood-colored robe, appeared and smiled lightly: "This time, your Tianbo Dynasty will win in order to break the Feather God Sect."

"Red Blood Demon Lord, are you also here to join in the fun?"

The Supreme God named He Zhengyang said coldly: "This time, the place where your Blood God Sect has gone is almost dead. My Tianbo Dynasty is attacking in the front, and your Blood God Sect is in the back. But I don’t care. I still need to break the Yu God Sect this time. You contribute."

"Haha, of course we have to contribute!" Another Supreme God appeared, the ancestor of Jinquan Gate, and said: "If we don’t contribute, we are not embarrassed to continue sharing the benefits, but the people from the Great Wu Dynasty have also come, so you have to be careful. they."

"The Great Wu Dynasty came here because it wanted to take advantage of it."

He Zhengyang didn't care much.

At this time, there are too many people who want to benefit from it. God Feather Sect without the Supreme God is like a big piece of fat, and everyone wants to divide it.

"Kill! Directly break through the Yu Shenzong!"

Nangonghan looked beautiful and charming, and was also a cruel master. The army she had brought was ready to attack.

"Your Majesty, they are going to do it!"

Yu Shenguang looked solemn when he saw this scene.

"When fighting, take this pill."

Chu Yuan suddenly took out a bottle of pill, the blood shining brightly.

"This is... God Blood Pill! Emperor Grade God Pill!"

Yu Shenguang said in shock: "The **** blood pill contains extremely pure energy, which can not only restore the injury, but also consolidate the cultivation base. I understand, your majesty wants me to directly perform the blood burning secret technique, and then use the **** blood Dan makes up for the consumption!"

Emperor Pin Shen Dan.

These **** blood pills are all good things for cultivation, but now they let him use them as an explosion.

"Now there are only a few Shenxue Pills, you and Yujianmei will take them." Chu Yuan revealed another news: "After this battle, I will use the imperial grade **** pill, my great martial power to help you and Yujianmei. Break through to God."

This seemed to say casually, but Yu Shenguang was shocked.

Suddenly, when Chu Yuan watched countless troops launching an attack on God Yuzong, he discovered the infinite and majestic aura on his body, stepped out of the sky, and appeared in front of everyone.

"The Yu Shenzong is already in the feather **** realm, which belongs to the jurisdiction of our great martial arts. All people in this world are our people. If we continue to attack, we will become an enemy of me and great martial arts!"

The mighty voice, like the sound of the sky, Chu Yuan's magnificent voice passed out.

The army's offensive slowed down suddenly.

"What happened? When did God Yuzong belong to the Dawu Dynasty?"

"That person is not Emperor Dawu, why did he get here?"

"If this is the case, Emperor Wu's movements are too fast!"


Everyone was shocked.

The changes in things caught them by surprise.

"Really submit to Dawu?" He Zhengyang said.

"Yes, there will be no Yu Shenzong since then, and I, Yu Shenguang, is already a great martial artist, and everyone has turned to Dawu!"

Yu Shenguang showed up with a large number of masters and officially announced.

The voice was passing, seeing Yu Shenguang confessing that everyone knew this was true, and the whole case had been merged into the Dawu Dynasty.

The people who killed the Tianbo Dynasty would not have thought that they gathered a large army to besiege Yu Shenzong, but Dawu directly took the biggest advantage.

"Even if you take refuge in Dawu, you will not be able to save our determination to destroy you. Dawu is nothing but a supreme god, Scarlet Blood Demon Venerable, Jinquan ancestor, don’t you want to carve things up? I promise that Tianyu Mirror will return to Jinquan Sect. The blood corpse of the beheaded strong man returned to the Divine Blood Sect."

Although the Tianbo Dynasty did not have enough measures this time, they would not give up.

"With us, the great gods of the Dawu Dynasty can't handle it."

The Scarlet Demon Venerable smiled faintly.

He didn't care so much about Emperor Grade artifacts.

"Dawu Dynasty, the whole army is ready for war!"

Seeing that His Majesty was in the Yu Shenzong, Hu Yanbo coldly ordered that the legionnaires showed up their weapons, ready to take action at any time.

"Emperor Dawu, we don't want to be your enemy, but this Divine Feather Sect is indestructible."

Nangong ducted.

"You can't destroy this Divine Feather Sect." Chu Yuan said.

"Then let's try, how can you stop us!"

Nangonghan waved: "Offensive, Shen Yuzong!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Tianbo Dynasty is strong and powerful. If God Yuzong hadn't been suppressed by its ancestors before, it would have long been an opponent of Tianbo Dynasty. This time, Tianbo Dynasty also brought a large number of masters, and there is no lack of the existence of the peak of Profound God.

"Fight back!"

Yu Shenguang was very dazzling at this moment, his power rose extremely rapidly, and his billowing energy exploded.

"Blood burning secret technique!" Nangong Han saw it and laughed: "Yu Shenguang, you are in desperate situation. You can directly use the blood burning secret technique. Unfortunately, the strength gained by this method is always It is false and cannot last."

"Nangong Let's try it!"

Yu Shenguang was originally an existence extremely close to the Profound God, and he was also a strong one at the peak of the Profound God. After performing the Burning Blood Secret Surgery, he carried the Sky Feather Mirror, which was enough to fight against the existence of Nangong Han, who had recently broken through to the God.

A great battle began.


Several scarlet beams shot out.

Feather Jianmei and several people also displayed the secret technique of burning blood.

"It's all using the blood burning secret technique desperately, very good, I see when you can fight for your life!"

After He Zhengyang saw it, he waved the flag, and countless strong men directly collided with the Yu God strong.

His purpose is also very simple. Although the blood burning secret technique can be used to increase the strength several times within a period of time, once it is over, it will fall into a period of weakness. This period of time is enough to kill them.

But what he couldn't think of was that they all took the Emperor Grade God Pill, the God Blood Pill.

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