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Yu Shenguang looked at Yu Tianfeng, with murderous intent in his eyes, his whole person suddenly disappeared, and he was killed in the next instant.

Bang! The fight against the gods instantly caused a turbulent wave in the Ten Thousand Sect Alliance, and only the release of the breath caused the endless continent to sink.

"No, Dawu Dynasty has done it!"

"This is ignoring the majesty of our Wanzong Alliance and not taking us seriously!"

"Leader, do you want to stop them!"

"But they are cleaning up the traitors, and they didn't deliberately want to go against my Wanzong Alliance. It is reasonable and reasonable. After all, anyone who has a traitor will clean up, and there is no reason for us to act."

"Leader, what should we do?"


All kinds of voices came out, and no one dared to stop it at will.

After all, this is a battle between the gods, and in the entire Wanzong alliance, only those old antiques who are the gods are qualified to intervene.

"It's better not to interfere."

The leader of the alliance looked calm and indifferent, but revealed Chu Yuan, who was boundless and domineering. He also hesitated and did not dare to test at will: "If Emperor Wu is only here for Yu Tianfeng, we will not stop it, but if he does something else. , We are talking!"

He was also afraid of the means to kill the gods.

After all, Yu Tianfeng was not the native sect in the southern region, and he had not come back soon, had no foundation, and had little contact with them, and the alliance leader did not want to offend Chu Yuan for this.

"We listen to the leader, so do it, only deal with Yu Tianfeng and don't interfere!"

Some people also breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that the leader would propose the righteousness of the alliance and they would have to fight Dawu.

"Sure enough, these people are unreliable!"

Facing Yu Shenguang’s hands-on kill, Yu Tianfeng’s eyes were gloomy, "Yu Shenguang, even if you break through to the Supreme God, what will happen to you, today I will show you my strength, there is too much difference between you and me. ."

When his body moves, the sky is full of his shadow, and every shadow is extremely real.

What's more weird is that the magical spells displayed by each shadow are different, and there are 10,000 ways, as if there are thousands of faculties.


After seeing it, Yu Shenguang was not surprised, and said indifferently: "The ancestors obtained the magic from a ruin. Although I have not practiced, I still know something. Yu Tianfeng, I know very well what you can do. "

"The art of all gods, all magical powers!"

Wan Dao Shadow displayed all kinds of magical powers at the same time. This kind of weirdness, with magical powers in all directions, made people very sad and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Yu Shenguang, you are not worthy!"

The cold sound of the killing sounded, and the power of the pantheon art instantly killed him, showing his powerful and enchanting strength.

"I only use one trick!"

To the gods, the mana is wound and condensed, and the light erupts.

Yu Shenguang moved his hands to return to the basics, and a huge hand of Shenguang shrouded it, covering the sky, and bombarding Yu Tianfeng's ten thousand shadows.

This single move broke Yu Tianfeng's painstaking pantheon art.

The power of the **** light hand continued to fall, blasting Yu Tianfeng's body.

boom! Yu Tianfeng was knocked out instantly,

Stronger than him, he was also vomiting blood at the moment, with shocked eyes in his eyes, and shouted: "No, Yu Shenguang, how can your strength be so strong? I refined the heart of Yu God, and my strength will not be weaker than you!"

He didn't understand why Yu Shenguang, who had just broken through, showed stronger strength than him.

he does not know.

The cleansing of the human spirit aura stimulated the potential in Yu Shenguang, as if a fish leaped over the dragon gate to become a real dragon, and his life level had changed too much.

This is what has been instilled and washed by the emperor's aura. If you practice with this aura day and night, you will be the pride of heaven, the dragon and the phoenix among the people.

The Origin God Stone and Emperor Grade God Pill have consolidated his foundation.

In Dawu, the benefits he got are too great.

"The avenue is a breeze, the ultimate move of heaven and earth!"

The pride in Yu Tianfeng's heart did not allow himself to lose to Yu Shenguang.

He strode out, body like a avenue, walking on the wind, his palms waved, huge power surged, forming a killer move instantly.

"You must die!"

Yu Shenguang used the Secret Technique of Burning Blood in an instant, the Shenguang was blood red, and his power quickly increased.

"I started using the ultimate move so soon, this Yu Shenguang is going to kill Yu Tianfeng, his will is too firm, he completely ignores his own consumption!"

"A series of killer moves, the battle at the highest level of the gods destroys the world, both of them have red eyes. Quickly, quickly let the people of the Wanzong Alliance retreat, we use our magic power to seal this wave of fluctuations and prevent it from spreading too far! "

"Fortunately, we did not intervene in!"

"Interesting, it was originally a group of people who should work together, but now they want to claim the other's life crazy!"


The two performed their ultimate moves at the same time, making this group of people from the Ten Thousand Sect Alliance watch the show.

at this time.

Two storms of destruction collided and swept, and Yu Shenguang showed his powerful strength at this moment.

Perhaps his talent is not as good as Yu Tianfeng's enchanting evildoer, but he is very solid, unlike Yu Tianfeng's opportunistic, grabbing Yu Tianfeng's heart breakthrough.

Bang! Yu Tianfeng was completely suppressed by Yu Shenguang at this time.

"Just you will do your best? I will too!"

In Yu Tianfeng's chest, the heart was beating vigorously, and the power of Yu God's heart was not completely consumed, and it continued to provide him with strength.

At all costs, his crazy fight with Yu Shenguang and the fluctuation of power made the earth where they were sinking and turned into nothingness, unable to resist the power of the most powerful.

"Sun of God's Light!"

Yu Shenguang displayed another great supernatural power.

His divine light gathered, and a sacred big day appeared above his head, bright and bright, and the fire of the holy light was burning.

He blasted Yu Tianfeng with a palm, and Yu Tianfeng's huge blood power was instantly ignited, and his whole person was also burned, especially the more he used the power of Yu God's heart, the faster it burned.

"Hateful, you are deliberately targeting the power of Feather God's Heart!"

Yu Tianfeng gritted his teeth and hated to the extreme.

In the sect, he was suppressed by Yu Shenguang, and now he became the Supreme God, and was suppressed by him.

"Since you are going to kill you, how can you fail to leave behind? The ancestor appreciates you, your talent is strong enough, but you are not righteous, vicious and selfish, you can only use it as a powerful combat force, you cannot trust it, and The most wrong thing I did was to underestimate your selfishness and cruelty. Unexpectedly, you have no nostalgia for the sect that nurtured you. Today, you must die to make up for this mistake!"

Yu Shenguang was full of hatred.

Tianyu mirrored ~www.ltnovel.com~ The white mirror suddenly shot out a divine light, which was sublimated to the extreme. That force drew Yu Tianfeng and turned his whole person into ashes.

boom! Penetrating out, Yu Tianfeng's chest pierced a blood hole and saw the beating heart.

He trembled, and realized that he had lost to Yu Shenguang. He refused to accept people who looked down on him, and had the ability to kill him.

"Sky Feather Mirror restrains your Yu Shen Gong."

Tianyu Mirror was refined by the founding ancestor of God Feather Sect, possessing extremely powerful abilities.

"I haven't lost yet, if I die, I win!"

Yu Tianfeng roared loudly. Although he was defeated by Yu Tianfeng with a frontal crushing method, he refused to admit defeat. As long as he did not die, he would not lose completely. He became a god, and his life is still very long!

"The secret technique of burning blood is sublimated to the utmost!"

Yu Shenguang's blood burning secret technique was raised to the limit, and in the end the whole person was ascended to the extreme.

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