Once you have an idea, you must implement it immediately.

Immediately let people select the strong from across the country, enter the kingdom of the human emperor, and practice with the immortal light, and once again add an elite army.

Now, Dawu still has many cruel battles to fight, and the demand for the army is too great. He will continue to open up new legions to maintain the battle strength of the dynasty, as the foundation for future promotion to the dynasty.

And because, the matter of Huaxian Shenzong also slowed the offensive of the Qingmu Longevity Empire.

The news is amazing.

Dawu now has the background of the suppression of sacred artifacts, two dragon masters of the main **** realm, and Chu Yuan's combat power, which is stronger than in the holy light city, and a set of combos took away the **** of cracking.

There are also two main gods, led by the God of War Army and the prison army.

This kind of national power has long been beyond the reach of a few main gods, and the powerful old antiques in the empire must be sent to pay a greater price.

This is the purpose of Chu Yuan's high-profile Yilong master pulling the cart.

The mystery of Da Wu did not depend on Chu Yuan being able to let them know how many masters there were in the country, but on his own ability to suddenly burst out of any tyrannical methods that made others confused.

He also does have a hole card against the Holy Spirit.

The people in the Aoki Longevity Empire were also very angry.

Why did Da Wu suddenly burst out of such a strong power, then could Emperor Wu fail?

"We can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

The Holy Heaven Empire has been fighting continuously, and it has been tense. Now you can relax, breathe a sigh of relief, and feel a lot easier.

Indeed, they underwent the greatest pressure, the worst offense, and suffered heavy domestic losses.

But the outbreak of Da Wu has already attracted a part of the masters of the Qingmu Longevity Empire. In their eyes, Da Wu is a thorn in the flesh. If it is immortal, the trouble will be greater than their holy heaven.

After all, Da Wu is the most mysterious.

"The focus of the next battlefield will gradually tilt to Dawu's side. We and Dawu have a relationship with each other, and no one can resist it. If our war is easy, we must put pressure on the Qingmu Longevity Empire."

"Yes, Dawu helps us, and we must also help Dawu."

"Holy artifacts, multiple master gods, I even doubt that Emperor Wu has any means to counter the holy gods."

"This is scary enough, it makes people daunting."

"Occupy the seventh heaven!"

In Dawu, Chu Yuan issued an order to completely occupy the seventh heaven.

The mentality of the two dragon masters being beaten by the soul and whip was overshadowed. They collected their souls and let them take the ancient emperor chariot, the **** of war, and the commander of the two armies into the seventh day at the same time.

Chu Yuan didn't go, but the two dragon masters pulled the cart, it was equivalent to the arrival of Emperor Wu!

Emperor Wu is eye-catching.

God of War, the two armies of the town and prison swept the seventh heaven.

For the existence of the four main gods, the seventh heaven and other people who are not from the five emperors must give Dawu face, such as the Tianming Demon Sect, and the emperor-level forces of Dayan Ancient Sect must give face and retreat.

The powerhouse of Yaozu also knows the power of Dawu.

The Dragon Lord was forcibly pulled by the cart, and even though Long Sheng uttered harsh words, he did not dare to retaliate directly.

The seventh heaven was occupied, and the resources of the entire seventh heaven belonged to Dawu.

"Ding! The host completes the side task, occupying any heaven, and obtains 80,000 fate points, to the **** pill x2, supernatural fruit x64, random lottery chance x1, the progress of creating the **** of killing map is 10, and the current progress is 50."

The side task is completed.

Chu Yuan raised his realm to the fourth level of God.

His Great Onmyoji is still only a fifth-level title, with forty-eight stars directly promoted to seventh-level, and sixteen stars to raise the major thunder spell to sixth-level, so that his strength has been increased again.

"The thirty-third heaven and the seventh heaven occupy so smoothly because there are twenty-third heavens behind, which will have more abundant resources, and the subsequent acquisition and occupation will not be as smooth as they are now."

Chu Yuandao.

Now Dawu has also received a rare break.

Chu Yuan gathered a lot of people's spirits, and let the combat army in batches to rest and nourish them.

One month later.

Good news from the Foundry Division.

All the stone puppets have been unblocked, including the three puppets that can withstand the bombardment of the main god.

This is good news. Puppets have no thoughts, no fear, let alone tiredness. They can be used to consume, reduce the pressure on the army, and get a little rest.

And the lock magic tower now is more powerful than before.

Once Dawu's national destiny was promoted to the scale of the godless dynasty, he could use the power of national destiny, coupled with the efforts of countless refiners, to be promoted to imperial product.

"The national destiny of the imperial dynasty must be accumulated."

Chu Yuan knew that the current background was not enough to be promoted to the imperial dynasty.

During this relatively peaceful period, the Holy Heaven Empire sent people to communicate with them, analyze the combat effectiveness of the Holy Heaven Empire, and allow the two countries to exchange intelligence.

In the eyes of the Holy Heaven Empire, Da Wu was not as simple as the Jiuxing Dynasty.

"Continue to maintain a friendly relationship with the Holy Heaven Empire, expand the territory, gather and accept the people who do not belong to the Aoki Longevity Empire, and expand the dynasty's combat power."

Chu Yuan wanted to increase the number of people in the dynasty, so that more national fortunes would be produced, the enveloped area would be larger, the strategic depth would be expanded, and he would try to be closer to the Holy Heaven Empire.

The Aoki Longevity Empire had always wanted to divide the eastern area into two battlefields and defeat them one by one.

Chu Yuan and the Shengtian Empire also had the idea to turn the battlefield into a whole, and the power of the two countries could support each other. After all, Dawu already had the power of four main gods besides the most invisible Emperor Wu, which is not what it used to be. .

But it is difficult to achieve this strategic goal.

The Aoki Longevity Empire is also preventing it. For example, although the previous large-scale war has not continued, the small-scale battle has never stopped.

"Domestic organizations organize martial arts competitions among the people and colleges, so that both the people and the students of the college can participate in it. This time I personally preside over it, and the outstanding ones can get rewards from the dynasty."

Chu Yuan did this to increase the confidence of his people and maintain the domestic fanaticism.

His vision is not only in the eastern region~www.ltnovel.com~, but also in other regions.

At present, although the war in the eastern region has entered a stalemate and a relatively modest stage, the war in other regions is still tragic, unaffected, and fought untouched.

The fiercest place of the war was the middle area where the Burning Heaven Empire was located.

Compared with the other four emperors, the Great Fire Burning Heaven is the most militant, and the larger the territory it occupies, the more forces that naturally compete with it.

Like in the eastern region, there is only one imperial power of the Holy Heaven Empire.

In the central area, there were several companies fighting with the Burning Heaven Empire. The war had not been eased since the beginning of the war. Fortunately, there were enough emperor-level forces there to maintain this balance.

However, no matter which regional balance is broken, the impact on the battle situation is huge.

Invincible's strongest **** selection system

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