The huge dragon body of Xing Lei Dragon Lord was dragged in front of Chu Yuan.

The whole body is still filled with thunder, although he has been beheaded for a long time, and is still twitching constantly, he can still feel the powerful dragon vitality.

"You did a great job on this matter."

Chu Yuan was very satisfied.

Although Yang Teng was unlucky, he had picked up the treasure, and the strength that could kill the semi-holy **** was enough to show that Yang Teng was so powerful that he was worthy of using a lot of resources to cultivate.

"This dragon hasn't allowed me to do my best!"

Yang Teng said proudly.

"I can't do without your benefits. During this period of time, you stayed in the 33rd day to seize resources. The kind of spiritual energy that you absorb requires a lot of source power to urge. The more source **** stones you get, the more you urge it out many."

Chu Yuandao.

If you want the horse to run fast, you must also let the horse eat more grass.

"Okay, I'll go to the 33rd Heavenly Tower to grab the Origin Divine Stone!"

Yang Teng's eyes lit up, absorbed by the spirit of the human spirit, and he felt the opportunity for the breakthrough of the Holy Spirit.

"Purple Scale Thunder Dragon."

Chu Yuan summoned the Purple Scale Thunder Dragon and teleported to him.

The purple scale thunder dragon was subdued by Chu Yuan in the first year of his ascension, and he was also an old minister by his side. After seeing Dawu's ups and downs over the past 20 years, his cultivation level has now reached the highest level.

He had been guarding the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range before.

"Have seen your Majesty!"

Purple Scale Thunder Dragon respectfully said.

"I give you a good luck."

Chu Yuan grabbed it with a big hand.

The dragon bone of the Xing Thunder Dragon Lord was pulled out by him. After being refined by the flames, it quickly turned into a pile of marrow of flowing crystal thunder light, and it was plunged into the body of the Purple Scale Thunder Dragon at once.

Suddenly accepting this force and changing to another dragon will burst his body and die.

However, Chu Yuan stabilized him with the power of national fortune, and transformed it into the most gentle energy with a large swallowing technique. Even the dragon ball was smashed into pieces and turned into pure energy and slowly injected into the body of the purple scale thunder dragon.

"It's so generous to directly refine a half-holy dragon master to his subordinates."

Seeing Chu Yuan's actions, Yang Teng also knew that Chu Yuan was training his men.

Chu Yuan would naturally not be stingy with his subordinates.

The purple scale thunder dragon is also a family of thunder dragons. The dragon body of this thunder dragon master fits his attributes. After fusion, it can improve his bloodline and break through the main **** easily.

The fusion continued for a few days, and with the help of Chu Yuan, the Purple Scale Thunder Dragon completely absorbed this realm.

He suddenly jumped into the air. A thunder dragon, a semi-sacred god, had nurtured some holy principles, all of which were given to him, causing him to twist in the sky, release thunder and lightning, and has reached the strength of the main god.

"Consolidate the cultivation base and fight for Dawu."

Chu Yuandao.

"The minister knows, die for the dynasty!"

Purple Scale Thunder Dragon said excitedly.

This is the greatest good luck.

Without Chu Yuan, he would always be the little dragon in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. It would be impossible for him to rise for nine days. He didn't know when he died. Everything he had now was given to him by Chu Yuan.

And the stronger he is, he can cooperate with Zhu Fengfeng, command more monster races, and set off for Dawu!

"Yang Teng, let's do your thing. Time is running out and we can't waste it."

Chu Yuan asked him to continue the battle within thirty-three days.

The changes in the tower of the gods are also very fast, and the holy gods will be able to enter in a while, and now with Yang Teng's top strength in the semi-holy gods, inside, he can use this time to grab resources.

"Bring these pills in, it can inspire the strength of your prehistoric battle body." Qianqian.

Chu Yuan gave him a large number of Emperor Grade God Pills suitable for him.

"Okay, I'm going now. If there are a lot of holy products, I guess I can break through the holy gods."

Yang Teng grinned.

"Holy grade **** pill, I also want it."

Chu Yuan wanted to upgrade the Taiyi Pill Furnace to a holy product.

In this way, he can cultivate a large number of main gods, even holy gods.

The incidents of the dragons spread more and more over time, causing huge waves.

Many people lamented that the dragons have always wanted to dominate the eternal world, but they have fallen into the blood mold, not only the two dragon masters being enslaved to pull the cart.

This time even the dragon's nest was taken, and a large number of dragons became slaves.


Unlucky and sad.

The flames of war are flying and blood is bleed everywhere.

The five empires are scheming to provoke the eternal formation and attract the emperor, but people from other forces will not make them feel good, and they will continue to attack.

Although Chu Yuan hadn't had much contact with the Holy Sky Empire, there was a tacit understanding between them, and both of them started to attack the border cities of the Qingmu Longevity Empire, destroying their layout.

The war is going on.

But all the forces know that it's not that simple. They are all guessing what big moves they are planning before the return of the Five Emperors.

This big move is also daunting.

"The Sixth Supreme God!"

With boundless mana permeating, Chu Yuan broke through to the sixth highest level.

Although it is a troubled time, the troubled times have brought Dawu many opportunities. Countless strong people and countless people have chosen to join Dawu, and the continuous and proud record has increased the confidence of the people in the country.

Dawu's national fortune is rolling like a vast ocean at this moment!

The stronger the country, the faster Chu Yuan practiced.

"Now that the battle has reached a stalemate situation, the last treasure must be found, and to enhance my strength, I am curious that all seven treasures have been found. What surprises will the last Vulcan Cave Heaven bring?"

Chu Yuan planned to find the last place during this time.

It's almost the last one, can't find it, and he feels very upset.

"Without my order, the army cannot engage in large-scale legion battles. Within the 33rd layer, if the heaven and earth rules are stable enough that the Holy Spirit enters at will, the army withdraws, and you cannot do it at will without my order."

Chu Yuan issued the order.

"Dutian Great World!"

Chu Yuan's eyes lased.

He first used the teleportation array to destroy the world.

The ability of the Dutian Great World to attack the Jiuyou Great World with such a large army meant that the Dutian Great World would not be very far away from the Jiuyou Great World.

He held a piece of Treasure Map Seven and a cursor arrow immediately appeared, pointing the direction of Dutian World.

"Quickly go back, get the last treasure this time, you can open the Vulcan Cave Sky."

Chu Yuan used the gate of the void to move rapidly in the outer starry sky, with incredible speed.

The outer starry sky is too big, even in a big world, if there is no accurate coordinates, there will be a slight error, and the deviation will not know where to move, and the target is extremely far away.

However, Chu Yuan had a treasure map in his hand to guide him accurately, but this kind of embarrassment would not happen.

His mana is long and vast, and there is a door to the void. The main god's journey in one month, he can reach it in just over a day. After moving quickly in the void for a full month, he finally saw the place of the great world of the sky.

"This is the Great World of Dutian, which is larger than the Great World of Nine Nethers, with stronger origin, and more powerful people will be born!"

Chu Yuan was in the outer starry sky, looking at the great world of Dutian!

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