Evergreen Holy City and Changfeng Holy City were attacked at the same time.

In the Aoki Longevity Empire, the strongest master is undoubtedly the Aoki Longevity Emperor.

And the second one is not anyone, but the sacred tree of longevity, suppressing the imperial capital and mobilizing the power of the nation.

If the existence of the Holy Heaven Emperor goes, he will be killed by a living, and he will also give birth to his own spiritual wisdom.

But although the longevity tree is powerful, it is difficult to move freely like other holy gods due to its special nature.

Moreover, the suppression of the longevity tree is the strongest in the imperial capital.

"The Holy Heaven Empire, the Holy Heaven Emperor personally conquered, he is extremely strong, and has a bright god, Changfeng City enters the highest combat readiness, to welcome the Holy Heaven army!"

The Aoki Longevity Empire responded.

The Five Emperors have not yet returned. It can be said that they are the weakest time, and it is also the best time for other forces in the Eternal World to fight back.

"Huh! Our strength is far from what they imagined. I really think they can do whatever they want without the return of the emperor? It's ridiculous. This time I have to hit them head-on and give them a vicious lesson. At the price, let them understand that there is only one dead end in struggle, and it is possible to survive if you give up all resistance!"

"It's time for them to see our true strength!"

"The Great Array is about to succeed. It cannot be destroyed at this time. As long as the Great Array is activated, the Great Emperor will be taken back to the Eternal World!"

There are also a wave of ancient ideas in the Aoki Longevity Empire.

They murmured, this group of people, they really thought that the Five Emperors would be able to resist if they didn't return. This means you can't cry without seeing the coffin.

"Dawu attacked the holy city of Evergreen. They did not have the power of national fortune. They came on an expedition. It is also the best time for us to destroy their corps. To prevent accidents, the holy God of Evergreen guards the holy city of Evergreen, and the empire will also Part of the background for you."

"You can't underestimate Dawu. They dare to attack, which also shows that they have enough confidence."

"The power that this country has repeatedly exploded is too hard to guess."

"Put them into the strike range of Evergreen Holy City."

"I will sit in the imperial capital. With me, no one can break the imperial capital."

It was an even more ancient voice from the longevity tree.

It is too old. Before the empire was opened up, the Great Aoki Changsheng was by his side. Although it was a sacred tree, the strong empire respected it very much.

It is also the existence of the sacred tree of longevity that makes the imperial capital as solid as gold, and they can mobilize a lot of power to go to other directions.

"Go out!"

A new war begins.

Needless to say, the battle on the Holy Heaven Empire was very fierce.

On the side of the Evergreen Holy City, Da Wu was a little surprised that the cities outside the Holy City all gave up, leaving behind empty cities, without any shadow, all gathered in the Holy City.

They gave up the city outside the holy city, and prepared to come and fight Dawu in the holy city.

Surprised but not surprised.

The four holy cities of the one emperor capital are the most important core of the Qingmu Longevity Empire, and other cities are not necessary and irrelevant to the overall situation.

Moreover, they also fought Dawu for several years, and understood Dawu's combat effectiveness. Whether it was a frontal attack or a field decisive battle, they were very fierce, instead of wasting their forces to fight in some small cities.

They might as well put their forces in the holy city, expand their advantages and weaken the opponent's advantage.

Obviously they also knew that Dawu's battleships and giant artillery were too fierce, and the weakly defended cities would be directly levelled.

"The Aoki Longevity Empire forces are all in the holy city, and they are in a decisive battle. This is to lure us to attack them and achieve a dual strategic goal!"

"If we do not move to a stalemate, they will be better able to free up their hands to deal with the Holy Sky Empire, and when we move, we will be persecuted to fight the Holy City!"

Great Wuzhong will make a sound.

"Assault the Evergreen Holy City, take a posture in the Holy City!" 518 Chinese Network 518

Chu Yuan's order came.

He was going to attack a holy city, since the opponent didn't put his troops outside, that's fine.

"Offense! Offense!"

The army marched quickly, and the starry sky battleship surrounded the army.

As all the fronts shrank in the Evergreen Holy City area, Da Wu's advance was not hindered at all.

"Dawu has arrived in the holy city of Evergreen, and is about to launch an attack!"

A few months later, Dawu's army finally set off to the area of ​​Evergreen Holy City.

Now, many eyes fell on Dawu, because Dawu's movement was so loud that it would be almost impossible to attack the holy city without the Holy Spirit.

What kind of confidence do they have?

No one knows what master Dawu is hiding, this is the most curious one.

The Evergreen Holy City is tall and towering, and extremely large. Although its aura is not comparable to the imperial capital of a country, it is also majestic. The strong vitality is condensed into various runes to cover the Holy City, with a surging atmosphere.

Everything is revived, and this holy city exudes an emerald green vitality.

It can be seen that there are sacred trees in the holy city, which are always green in all seasons, and these are not ordinary trees, they are the descendants of the longevity sacred tree, cultivated by its seeds.


This is the origin of the two holy cities of Evergreen and Changmu.

Many people were standing on the walls of the Evergreen Holy City, their eyes first saw a large number of battleships coming down with a rainbow of light, and then a large number of invisible troops spread to the sky, and the arrival of black pressure.

After Dawu arrived, he immediately began to attack and deploy.

"Evergreen Holy God, the Great Armed Forces are coming violently. We still don't know what power they hide? Will they send a group of forces to disrupt their positions while they are not firmly established?"

The main gods gathered in a meeting hall, looked at the Evergreen Holy Spirit on the first seat, and asked for battle.

"No, with the quality of Dawu, we are likely to be self-defeating in the battle. Dawu's legion is not another big army. It is strong-willed. It is impossible to get a bit of a blow and chaos. Their combat effectiveness is very strong."

Although the Evergreen Saint God faced Dawu's side, there was no lightness on his face.

He knew this battle was difficult.

It is impossible for the four holy cities to mobilize all their power to participate in the battle.

"Is there any news about Emperor Wu?" Evergreen Saint Shinto.

"I don't know. Some people say that Emperor Wu is still in the imperial city. Some people say that Emperor Wu is on the front line. Others say that Emperor Wu has gone to Changyin City. In short, Emperor Wu's whereabouts are unpredictable and no one knows where he is."


"I would rather know that Emperor Wu is in my evergreen holy city~www.ltnovel.com~ and don't want to know where his real body is. His presence is too threatening, and the Empire doesn't know the details of this great military attack."

The Evergreen Holy God stared at the direction of the Dawu Army Corps.

He saw many soldiers launch siege equipment.

But he also understood.

With these siege weapons, it was a joke to want to break through the heavily-defended holy city. With the sacred tree of longevity, the holy city was so solid that it was so easy to break through.

Can Dawu.

He didn't dare to underestimate.

Their backs to break the city must still be hidden, and they are still unknown.


It was the sound of giant artillery bombardment.

The war is burning, and the war has begun!


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