It is a brand new portal.

The Frozen Door!

This ice-bound door presents a portal look, white snow, cast from ice and snow.

Frozen Gate: A special artifact, the origin of ice and snow, the birthplace of Long Hanoi. It can summon the power of the ice, increase the ice technology, and launch the ice world.

This was already the fifth portal that Chu Yuan had obtained.

With a wave of his palm, endless ice and snow rushed out from the frozen gate. The rolling ice and snow cold current seemed to be able to freeze everything in the world into a world of ice and snow, stimulating it to the extreme. A big world can Frozen for you.

When he was in the Northern Profound Region, he experienced the polar night and entered the origin of ice and snow.

However, now, with the Frozen Gate, he can freely summon the power of extreme cold and transform into winter.

The door of flames.

The frozen gate.

The power of ice and fire will be staged in Chu Yuan's hands, showing a mysterious color.

The catastrophe of heaven and earth: the supreme ancient magical powers. When the civilization of God enters the dusk and ushering in destruction, countless gods are resisting, but this heaven and earth will eventually be the greatest catastrophe, completely destroying everything, and ultimately everything .

The power of the catastrophe.

Chu Yuan saw that in a doomsday world, the gods were struggling, trying to save their world, but a dazzling white light shone in, like the most terrible catastrophe, destroying the world.

The gods also died in the catastrophe of heaven and earth!

Compared with the dusk of the gods, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is a more domineering and destructive force.

With a push of Chu Yuan's palm, a white light appeared that was so dazzling that even the gods could not open their eyes. It was a terrifying force of destruction.

Endless origin, the wheels of life and death of the heavens, the glory of the gods, the glory of an instant, the dusk of the gods, the catastrophe of the world.

This combination is a set of combos, demonstrating the changes in the world and the emergence of various civilizations, which is terrifying.

This time the reward is finished.

The fighting in the Thirty-Three Heavenly Tower was even more intense.

Resources are limited, and the world's fruit is not unlimited. With the continuous capture of the major forces, the fruit is getting less and less. It takes a lot of hard work to capture one before it can be grabbed from others.

After Chu Yuan broke through the main god, he seized resources more quickly, and often a world fruit fell into his hands before others saw him.

He now wants to collect more resources to complete the transaction with the Jiuyou Empress.

The first batch of sacred pill for trading the sacred body was sent, and next there were three sacred artifacts and a sacred body waiting to be traded.

"These pills are enough for the transaction of those few sacred artifacts."

Chu Yuan looked at the sacred pill refined in the Taiyi Pill furnace, first took the sacred artifact in his hand, and released the sixth attribute of the human emperor sword.

"I have gathered so many sacred pill in such a short time, where did the master of the Shenwu Merchants Association come from!"

Empress Jiuyou also had to marvel at Chu Yuan's speed.


too fast!

So fast that she couldn't believe it!

Even if she was a calm-hearted empress, after receiving the pill from Chu Yuan, she felt terrifying shock!

It was precisely this shock that made her not choose to deliberately spy on the origins of the Shenwu Chamber of Commerce.

The three holy artifacts were transported back to Dawu.

"It's time to unblock six attributes."

Chu Yuan spent a lot of resources. During this period of time, ninety percent of the resources in the thirty-three days were refining the sacred pill for the Nine You Female Emperor, and finally it was time to understand the seal.

He took out the two sacred artifacts that had the least effect on him and used them to unblock them.

"Unblocked Human Emperor Sword has six attributes." Chu Yuan said.

"Property Six is ​​being unblocked."

Chu Yuan had already fulfilled the conditions for unlocking attribute six, and immediately began to understand the seal.

"The seal of the human emperor sword has been released."

The artifact was sacrificed, and the new attribute was released!

"The ability of attribute six!"

Chu Yuan immediately looked at the new ability of attribute six.

Attribute 6: Human Emperor God is angry.

Originated from the anger of the human emperor, guarding the human emperor's kingdom, beheading all the existence that offends the human emperor.

"Human Emperor God is angry!"

Judging from this attribute, this should be an ability that is more inclined to attack!

As soon as his will moved, the entire national destiny rolled away, and a raging anger burned on the Emperor's Sword. This anger was crystal clear, divinely condemning anger, different from the flames of the Fire Gate.

Anger, complete anger!

The belief in national destiny is rapidly evaporating, burning on the sword of human emperor, brewing terrible power.

"No one will bear my anger!"

Chu Yuan seemed to be angry.

He swung his sword away, and the endless flames spread out, and there was terrible thunder and lightning smashing, condensing into a human form, like the guardian of the dignity of the emperor, the **** of heaven and the general.

These anger and thunder and lightning fell to the ground, unexpectedly condensed into soldiers.

This is a soldier belonging to the Human Emperor, completely loyal to the Human Emperor, obeying any fate of the Human Emperor, and killing the enemy for the Human Emperor.

Boom boom!

The anger and thunder and lightning flashed, these soldiers burned raging anger, screamed and killed, and burst out with unparalleled killing intent.

"The new attribute that is completely inclined to attack is different from the previous auxiliary. When the Emperor Human creates his own kingdom, he must use enough strength to guard this country. These anger gods are the law enforcement officers of the Human Emperor and kill them. The enemy of crime."

Chu Yuan knew that the soldiers disguised by the anger of the human emperor were also law enforcement officers.

He is experimenting.

I also know that there are two ways to attack Human Emperor God Fury.

A blow that will condense anger on the sword body, completely launching an angry blow.

The other is to turn the anger into the form of the human emperor's law enforcement. Maintaining the existence of the law enforcer will consume huge national fortunes at all times. The origin of the human emperor's kingdom is destroyed and that is the consumption of the origin and belief.

"The stronger the national destiny, the stronger the anger of the human emperor, and the power of the anger of the emperor and the emperor is completely different."

Chu Yuan clearly understood.

These abilities can all become stronger as the strength of the military becomes stronger.

"The Emperor's anger is based on national beliefs and launches a tough attack. The power depends on the national destiny and the origin of the Emperor's kingdom. However, the more the Emperor's anger is mobilized, the more power it consumes~ ~The river of humanity has weakened, and the spirit of human spirit has decreased."

The voice of the system said: "It needs to be constantly strong to make the Emperor Sword stronger."

"Human Sword is the sword of humanity faith. Everything depends on the power of faith. Without the support of the country’s faith, it is a very ordinary sword. I know that anger is used to protect the people, and the spirit of the gods is Only when it is used to cultivate the people and make them stronger, will the power of rage be greater."

Chu Yuan clearly understands this.

Gathering faith with the country, so that more and more people believe in him, and even control a realm and become the master of a realm.

"What conditions do you need to unblock Attribute Seven?"

Chu Yuan looked at attribute seven.

His face was suddenly strange.

Because the unblocking of Attribute Seven does not require an artifact, it is different from the previous unblocking method.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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