A holy **** in the Hou Tu Xuan Huang Empire is dead!

The Red Flame Holy God is dead!

The death of two holy gods, **** and terrifying record!

This battle happened so fast that everyone did not react. The fierce battle that was expected ended too soon, but it came quickly and ended sooner.


And the two holy gods are too easy!

They looked at Chu Yuan, this person was like a **** dominated, shrouded in the emperor's glory, majesty is unimaginable!

"The world fruit can only be owned by Emperor Wu!"

"Haha, good death, this time the five ancient nations suffered heavy losses, that is the greatest inspiration for our warfare!"

"I don't know when your majesty will officially become the imperial dynasty? We will definitely attend this feast at that time, and congratulate your majesty!"

This group of people are all laughing at this moment, not knowing what they think, but their faces are smiling brightly.

Strong, too strong!

In their hearts, Da Wu was already an imperial dynasty, and there was no difference, just waiting for the day when the promotion was officially announced.

They had no opinion on Chu Yuan taking the World Fruit.

"The strength of Emperor Wu!"

The dragon clan chief’s pupils shrank violently, and he exclaimed: “How is this kind of strength possible? How did he cultivate!”

"Go, let's leave!"

The True Phoenix Demon Saint reminded him and immediately left the 33rd Heavenly Tower.

"When you are promoted to the imperial dynasty, I welcome you all."

Chu Yuan's voice rolled.


These holy gods did not stay either.

Chu Yuan collected the biggest fruit in the world and returned to Dawu.

In fact, in the 33rd Heavenly Pagoda, the 32nd layer of treasures had already been seized, and the various forces brought back the strong, and only waited for the last Heaven to be opened before exploring.

There is passion in Dawu.

Killing two holy gods in a row, scared the holy gods of the five ancient kingdoms to leave in panic, this is the power of the strongest.

And because of this battle, the Aoki Longevity Empire was the most shaken, because they were directly facing Dawu, their great emperor had not returned yet, and the longevity tree was difficult to move, and the battle plan was immediately contained.

The five ancient nations are also urgently opening meetings.

No one would have thought that in a short period of time, Dawu would have become the most worried and worrying one.

Although they still hide extremely powerful old antiques in their country, they have not taken any action and suppressed the background, but the strength displayed by Dawu is too strong and too weird, you don't know what power he hides.

In the end, they decided to bring the emperor back as soon as possible at all costs, costing ten times a hundred times the price before.

Emperor Wu had better let the Great Emperor come and kill!

And Chu Yuan also got a lot of resources this time, which happened to have consumed too much before, making the resource operation of the dynasty run into a deficit, and his Taiyi Pill Furnace was supplemented by many resources.

"With my strength, it is enough to suppress a country, but the middle-level strength accumulation is not enough, we need to train more powerful people to be promoted to the imperial dynasty!"

Chu Yuan was also accumulating the foundation of becoming an empire.

He is cultivating Dawu's middle-level powerhouses, hoping to have more gods or more in a short time.

A few more months passed.

There are more powerhouses in Dawu, and many people come to take refuge.

In the army of gods, there are a few more lord gods.

Xu Dao, a very pure swordsman, has also cultivated to the tenth highest level, and is working hard to break through the main god.

One day, in the kingdom of the human emperor, a bright red light exploded, thunder-lights intertwined, and the laws of the holy way permeated. A person appeared in the turbulent energy frenzy, and he actually broke through to the holy god, it was Yang Hong!

Yang Hong's accumulation itself is very strong, and with the assistance of Shengpin Shendan, he is exposed to the spiritual energy of human beings, and finally breaks the obstacles and completely crosses the realm.

"Holy God Realm!"

Yang Hong was trembling with excitement!

This was the realm he had always wanted to cultivate to him before.

But he did not forget who gave him good luck.

In the kingdom of the human emperor, he saw an emperor standing high and overlooking the gods, and quickly knelt down, "Chen Yanghong thanked your majesty for the good fortune, allowing the minister to break through to the realm of the holy gods. ."

He looked up to Chu Yuan, his heart was full of enthusiasm!

This majesty, there are already three holy gods who have died in his hands, and they are so young and so heroic that they are even more terrifying than when the five ancient emperors rose!

Although he is a holy god, he can only look up at him and follow in his Majesty's footsteps.

"You did not disappoint me."

Chu Yuan looked down at him.

"It's all your Majesty's contribution!" Yang Hong said: "Please also your Majesty's order, and the ministers will fight for your Majesty immediately!"

"Yang Teng." Chu Yuan said.

"Your Majesty, I am here!"

Yang Teng is here.

He suddenly discovered that if he had not been unlucky before and was sealed by the Temple Killer, he would not have met his majesty. The only stupid thing was that he had not taken refuge earlier and had allegiance to this majesty.

However, it was not too late for him to wake up.

"The construction of the Sichao Wanderer's Lair Transmission Array has been basically completed. It has reached the forefront. You and Yang Hong are leading the fleet to expedite the Wanderer's Lair. I need the resources there. This is also the task that I entrusted to you."

Chu Yuan sent two holy gods to expedition to the wanderer's lair.

He had long been eyeing the lair of those wanderers.

These wanderers plundered resources from various worlds and formed a huge force. If all the resources in the lair were taken to Dawu, the benefits would even exceed his imagination.

He did not have the strength to underestimate the Lair of Wanderers.

Listening to Jiao Feng's intelligence, the strongest Niehai Lair, there are holy gods, all of them are extremely fierce.

The battle in the eternal world has reached a new level.

Unless he continues to send troops to attack the five ancient empires, but the gains are not worth the loss, and the effort cannot keep up with the gains, it is better to directly break those old nests and seize the resources inside.

Just as the teleportation array was set up, Yang Hong broke through.

"What do they do when they resist?" Yang Teng said fiercely.

"There is no mercy for those who resist."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

"Then I know what to do."

Yang Teng said to Yang Hong: "This time I will play with you."

"Yang Teng leads the **** army."

Yang Teng didn't belong to other legions, and didn't like to use his brains. He was directly incorporated into the army of gods and was led by him.

"Yang Hong, in this battle, I will give you a thousand starry sky battleships to go on an expedition with you. The teleportation array has been set up for you. Now I am waiting for your good news in Dawu and bring back the resources there."

Chu Yuan looked at Yang Teng.

Yang Teng doesn't like to use his brains, so he can use it as a future who is not afraid of death~www.ltnovel.com~ But Yang Hong has a brain, and Chu Yuan gives him the command of the Starry Sky Battleship.

"Do not hesitate to die for your Majesty!"

Yang Hong knelt and said.

He knew that his ability to break through the Holy Spirit was given by His Majesty.

"Go out."

Before Chu Yuan set out for the expedition, he gave them the three swords of the sage version of Tushen.

These three knives have no effect on his current strength.

"His Majesty."

After Yang Teng and Yang Hong left with their orders, three figures appeared in the Kingdom of Human Emperor, looking at Chu Yuan, who was in front of him.


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