"The army went with the emperor, knowing nothing about life or death. These people who are seeking death dare to resist the emperor and obstruct the plan. The emperor wants them to pay the price of blood. Is this forgetting the prestige of the emperor in the ancient times?"

   The Great Emperor Burning Fire was tall, and the flames swept across the sky, shouting: "The point where the emperor's soldiers are pointing is when they perish, the warriors, step through their sects, and cast the blood of the Burning Heaven Empire!"


   The sky and the earth shook, and the endless sky fire descended and turned into a flame world.

   "The Great!"

   "The Great!"

   "The Great!"

  Countless empire soldiers roared and became excited. Just like in ancient times, the Great Fire Burning Heaven led them on an expedition, stepped through each empire, cut off their heads, and became their own exploits.

   The Great Emperor Burning Fire waved his hands, the infinite void was torn apart, and the empire's army immediately began to march.

   He deserves to be the most grumpy and militant emperor of the five emperors. The other four emperors have just returned and haven't made any moves yet. This burning fire emperor will begin his personal expedition to destroy other emperor-level forces.

   "The Great Emperor Burning Heaven is about to take action. After an ancient time, his temper has not changed a bit. This time he is going to the Canghai Sect to slay chickens and monkeys to frighten the Shenwu Empire."

   "If his temper changes, it is not the Great Fire Burning Heaven. The flame is always the most violent."

   "Let the Great Fire Burning Heaven start the first battle to return to the eternal world!"

   The other four emperors fluctuated in their spirits, and they were very familiar with the temper of Emperor Burning Heaven.

   And they also reached an agreement to control the eternal world together this time, and achieve the world **** with the power of the eternal world!


   The void is broken!

  In the deep blue endless ocean, there is an extremely huge land, surrounded by the ocean. Suddenly the countless ships staying here are burned into ashes by the endless flames.

   Groups of fire-burning empire army are coming!

   They wore flame-like armor, and everyone was a blazing fire.

   "Enemy attack!"

   The screams of screams resounded across this continent. There was a huge sect on it, and a blue protective mask immediately appeared.

  The war has started.

   This sect is called the Canghai Sect. It is also an emperor-level force, and it is powerful enough to rank in the top three among the emperor-level forces in the middle area. There is not only one strong in the realm of the holy gods.

   In the counterattack that day, the Azure Sea Sect killed a holy **** in the Burning Heaven Empire.

   But now, Canghaizong has encountered the conquest of the imperial army.

   "Also dare to stop the emperor?"

   The Great Emperor Lihuo Fentian looked at the protective mask, and he slashed it off with a palm. The infinite power actually shattered the mask that could resist the power of the Holy God, and the infinite flame swept into the Azure Sea Sect.

   ah ah ah!

   Countless people screamed, and many people were caught with a little spark, and they were instantly ignited as a torch, unable to withstand the power of the aftermath.

   "Emperor Burning Fire!"

Sect Master Canghai appeared, he shouted angrily, looking at the mountain gate that was broken in an instant, and said angrily: "You just returned to the eternal world, do you want to destroy my Canghai Sect? My Canghai Sect is also an emperor-level power, and should not be humiliated ?"

   "Canghai? The small character back then also established an emperor-level power."

   The Great Emperor Burning Fire disdain.

   "If you want to destroy my Canghai Sect, you will pay the price!"

   Sect Master Canghai didn't expect that Emperor Burning Heaven would be so aggressive and violent that he would destroy his Canghai Sect once he returned.

   Originally, their idea was to make the Shenwu Empire the first battle, and they supported it.

   "Even if you are one of the five ancient emperors, I will fight with you. I am not afraid of you on the sea!"

   This continent is called the Canghai Continent, which is like a pearl on the ocean.

   The infinite deep blue vitality gathered on him, the Sect Master of the Sea was like the sea **** on the ocean, he waved at will, the power of the entire sea was being manipulated by him, and countless waterspouts rushed out.

   He knew that if the other four emperors were soft, he might survive.

   But the Emperor Burning Heaven will never let him go. This person has an extremely violent temper. He killed many holy gods in ancient times. If you dare to disobey him a little, you will be slaughtered.

   And above this sea, with the help of the boundless force of the sea, even if it is the Great Emperor Burning Heaven, he has the courage to fight.

   At this moment, on the sea, the two emperor-level forces are facing each other. This is the fight of the highest power.

   "Canghai Profound Art!"

   boom! The waves roared, and the whole sea was turned upside down. In an instant, Sect Master Canghai took control of the sea, condensing a giant sea god, fiercely rushing towards the Great Emperor Burning Sky.

   "On the sea, my strength is infinite!"

   Sect Master Canghai is shouting, inspiring the military.

   "Small carving skills!"

  The flame was flooded, the Sect Master Canghai wanted to overcome the fire with water, but when the flames of Emperor Burning Sky flooded the ocean, a scene of horror appeared, and the ocean was actually boiling.

   The sea level is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   When the Great Emperor Burning Fire arrived, the ordinary use of water to overcome fire had no effect on him.

   The Great Emperor Lihuo Fentian didn't even look at it, he went directly to the front of the Canghai Sect Master, and the flame **** fist bombarded it.

boom! A dark blue shield appeared on the chest of Sect Master Canghai, but it was useless and shattered immediately. The whole person also burst out and retreated, spitting out a big mouth of blood, and suffered great damage.

   "Your strength!"

   Canghai Sect Master was terrified.

   With his strength, he was defeated by one move!

  If you change to the ancient period, he will definitely not be defeated by a single move~www.ltnovel.com~ But an ancient time has passed, he has become stronger, but the Emperor Burning Heaven has become stronger!

   "Dare to do things right with the emperor if you are useless."

   The Great Emperor Lihuo Fentian was murderous. Although he was irritable but not stupid, he deliberately took the Azure Sea Sect to operate the sword. As long as this emperor-level force was eliminated, the other emperor-level forces in the central area would be scared to death.

   Wherever he goes, he turns into a world of flames.

   The Canghai Sect screamed bitterly, occupied by flames, and countless people were burned to ashes, cursing the Emperor Burning Heaven.

   He is cruel and terribly strong, and one person can easily destroy an emperor-level force.

   "Emperor Burning Fire, I'm fighting with you!"

   Seeing the ruined sect, these are the foundations that Sect Master Canghai finally laid. His eyes were cracked, his eye sockets were cracked, blood stains broke out, and he roared wildly, rushing towards the Great Emperor Burning Sky.


   Great Emperor Lihuo Fentian shot the Canghai Sect Master out with a slap, and directly suppressed, "This is the fate of opposing this emperor, all will die!"

   He slapped once again, ravaged the Canghai Sect Master, beating his whole person to blood and blood, and watched desperately at the Great Fire Burning Heaven destroying his sect.

   Even he is not an opponent, who else can stop the Great Emperor Burning Heaven?

   Everyone in the Canghai Sect is going to die!

   "This battle is wonderful, Emperor Burning Heaven, do you want to declare your strength?"

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