The battle to decide the outcome has begun.

This battle was initiated by Chu Yuan himself.


Yang Teng personally beat the drum of war!

Shenwu is out!

The giant spirit **** will walk forward with a tall body holding the emperor **** banner, behind him, is a rolling army, like a roaring torrent swept towards the Qingmu Longevity Empire.

The Aoki Longevity Empire is the closest to Shenwu, and the natural strike targets are them first.

The fighting spirit is high, and everyone is determined to win without any fear.

"Block it, use the Aoki Longevity Empire as the battlefield to fight the Shenwu Empire!"

The soldiers and horses of the five ancient empires also gathered in the Aoki Longevity Empire. After the arrival of the army, they immediately moved out and fought fiercely with the Shenwu army.

At this moment, people are still these people.

But unlike before, Chu Yuan extracted the origin of the eternal world and blessed it on the army, as if the Shenwu Empire was the master of this world, shrouding the heavens and the earth, and they were just outsiders and could not get the blessing of the origin power. .


The Holy Turtle Demon Sage was shrouded in the infinite original power, laughing, he still faced the three strong men, but at this time he was not only able to defend, but also sent back counterattacks to contain more strong opponents.


The killing comes.

The army of Shenwu was blessed by the origin of the world, and their combat power was several times more fierce than before. This action caused the five ancient empires to retreat steadily and suffered heavy casualties.

There is no justice in the fight between nations, and it is a collision of interests.

"Emperor Shenwu!"

When the Great Emperor Burning Heaven saw such a scene, he also let out a long whistle: "In this way, I want to destroy our plan. This emperor tells you, that is impossible!"

"I have extracted the power of the eternal world, and I will completely solve you in this battle."

Chu Yuan used the kingdom of humans to decompose the origin of the eternal world and turn it into billowing energy.

This is something that the five ancient emperors couldn't do, because they didn't know how to devour it, and they didn't possess the human emperor sword, so they couldn't do so unscrupulously like Chu Yuan.

"Our strength is stronger!"

The five ancient emperors appeared at the same time, the mana was vast, and the world **** power they condensed this time was rumbling over, and it was indeed several times more powerful than before.

Chu Yuan also appeared on their battlefield. The five ancient emperors did not see the vision of swallowing, but knew that his whole person was exuding swallowing power, and the power seemed to be swallowed up in front of him.

A torrent of five colors suddenly descended from the sky and hit Chu Yuan, but Chu Yuan didn't move at all, his power reached him, and he waved his hand gently, as if it was frozen, unable to advance.

His power has also reached a limit.

"His strength is stronger than before!"

The Great Emperor Hou Tu Xuan Huang said with dread: "This person has infinite means, covering and absorbing the power of the eternal origin, which is even more difficult to deal with than that day. This battle will be the most difficult battle. It is no longer possible to retreat to the previous one. The time has come!"

"still have a chance."

Emperor Aoki Changsheng's eyes flickered: "Although he can extract the eternal origin, he has not yet achieved control. Before thoroughly sweeping all the enemies, he cannot control it. This power can only be used, not dominated. "

"Yes, Changsheng is right, and there is still a chance. In fact, you don't see it. He extracts the origin of the eternal world like this. It seems to be vast, but it leaves hidden dangers. When a limit is reached, it will completely cause the world. The backlash of power, when the time comes, the entire world will counter him!"

Heishui monstrous emperor said.

The Great Emperor Gengjin Cracked the Sky with the Golden Sword Cracked the Sky and said coldly: "Then we will add fuel to the fire and push him to a certain limit, let the power of the world eat him back!"

"A person falling from heaven to **** is only a matter of an instant. He is also preparing to do everything he can to fight us. Now it is up to who can make it to the end!"

Emperor Hou Tu Xuan Huang has a solemn face.

"Have you discussed how to make a move?"

Chu Yuan looked at them.

"Huh! You are just a foreigner and you are doing it in the middle. The Emperor sees that you are also under great pressure. You won't be arrogant for long!"

In an instant, the five emperors of the ancient times had a breath of earth-shaking, combined hands, a large world hand carrying wild waves and killing them.

"The catastrophe of heaven and earth."

Chu Yuan was the master of the catastrophe, and the catastrophe attacked, and all the power was plunged into destruction.

"Kill, we five emperors join hands, no one is afraid!"

These five emperors were also peerless figures. At the same time, they rushed over, bombarding them frantically, trying to get close to Chu Yuan, but they were shocked to find that the power of the catastrophe surrounding Chu Yuan was too violent.

Chu Yuan waved his big hand, and the power of the catastrophe burst violently, instantly crossing the void, and hitting the monstrous Heishui Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor Heishui is in pain and uncomfortable, and his whole person is about to be torn apart, and the power of the opposing catastrophe specifically destroys the power of the world.

But then, the Great Aoki Changsheng waved his hand, and the vitality of longevity was injected into his body.

"With longevity, as long as he can't kill us instantly, no matter how badly he gets hurt, don't be afraid!"

Hou Tu Xuan Huang shouted.

"I grant longevity."

Like immortality, Emperor Qingmu Changsheng displayed the vitality of longevity, and enveloped the aura of longevity on the other four emperors.

"You really are the most mysterious of the Five Emperors."

Chu Yuan wanted to see his essence clearly.

This emperor gave Chu Yuan a completely different feeling.

"You are more mysterious than the emperor, aren't you?"

The Great Aoki Changsheng said coldly.

Chu Yuan didn't answer, but his body was shaken, and the more terrifying devouring power came up, the brilliant Tianhe, the eternal origin he had extracted was swept by the crystal clear Tianhe, like a galaxy.

These origins were swallowed in terror by him and transformed into his power.

"If he doesn't become a **** of the world, he will suffer backlash if he extracts the power of eternal origin in this way. A backlash from a world, he cannot bear it!"

The Great Emperor Burning Sky said viciously.

"Yes, things must be reversed. When a limit is reached, it is a disaster. He does not have the strength to surpass the eternal world!"

The Great Emperor Heishui also said.

"The fire burns the sky!"

The Great Emperor Burning Heaven suddenly spit out a few mouthfuls of These blood seemed to be spiritual, and each drop of blood burst out with the hot light of stars, adsorbed on the fist, and bombarded with his power.

This is a means to deplete the essence of one's own blood.


He also displayed violent violent moments, and his power leveled up, and he was still some distance away from Chu Yuan, but it came in an instant, and the terrifying power was turned upside down.

With the Great Aoki Changsheng blessing them, he was not afraid of consumption.

"You can't be violent in front of me."

Chu Yuan said majesticly, the king is over the eight wilderness and the world, dominating the battlefield, he can do it for a moment, carrying the vast power in his hand, and gently falling, the fierce flames of the Great Emperor Burning Heaven stopped before him.

As soon as he raised his hand, with a bang, the Great Emperor Burning Sky was knocked into the air by him, screaming.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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