"If you are lonely, you will be lonely forever. I will give you one last ride."

Chu Yuan watched the powerhouse of God Era launch a full-strength blow to him, and walked to him without any destructive attack. Instead, his palm flicked from top to bottom, a light of dusk. Shrouded.

   "The dusk of the gods!"

   "No, the twilight of the gods, I don't believe that there will be a twilight of gods, the age of gods will not end, gods will end the cycle of the universe, gods will control the process of universe heaven and earth, gods are the strongest!"

   The face of this strong man was distorted, and he was extremely frightened when he saw the gods at dusk.

   His struggle is destined to be useless.

When the gods fell down, his whole person was frozen in place, that burly body, strong blood, everything turned into an illusion, the whole person suddenly turned into a bone, shattered to the ground. .

   Chu Yuan didn't swallow the origin from him.

  Because he was exhausted and the lamp ran out, he used all his last strength.

   However, Chu Yuan moved his eyes and collected all the bones of these universe gods.

  He also has a giant of white bones. The more powerful bones he refines, the stronger he will become, and he will become a powerful bone soldier.

   Strength can snowball, and weak people can never touch another world.

   If it weren't for Chu Yuan to break through to the second step of the universe god, he would not be able to go to this depth.

   "End the cycle of the universe?"

   Chu Yuan immediately shocked him when he heard this sentence. The **** was in distress back then. Ordinary pawns don't know the specifics, but the third step of this kind of universe **** is definitely to understand some of the inside stories.

   It stands to reason that the age of God will not end so soon.

   But he just ended, maybe it was the problem with this sentence.

   He has a supreme magical power called the cycle of epochs. He has a deeper understanding of this. He knows that the cycle of the universe is like the wheel of history, destroying one era after another, but it cannot be stopped. No one has ever stopped.

   "God's trouble."

   Chu Yuan didn't pay much attention to these.

   He must first break through to the realm of immortality.

   "There are a lot of treasures in this **** tomb. Since it is here, we can't waste it."

   Chu Yuan did not leave the universe immediately.

   There are a lot of cosmic **** bones in the tomb of the gods, and many cosmic reincarnations have accumulated. His white bone **** soldiers want to grow, and there are too many bones to be refined.

  The empire is the third line.

   Lu Qianfu led some strong men to continue to consolidate the situation in the empire, and then beat out the borders of the empire.

   Purple Blood Demon Book also led some cosmic gods to search for treasures in the battlefield of Era.

   And Chu Yuan is a free man, walking everywhere.

  The tomb of the gods is very dangerous, the breath of death is everywhere, and Chu Yuan is already the second step of the universe god, and he is not afraid of some dangers.

   The dusk of the gods followed like a shadow, moving with Chu Yuan into the tomb of the gods.

And the power of the dusk of the gods would do too much damage to the existence of extinguished and immortal wills in the tomb of the gods. They just hung a sigh of breath, and even Chu Yuan only needs to emit the breath of life aurora to make Some ancient beings come out obediently.

   With great strength, he did not know how many treasures he got this time.

   "If you push the entire **** tomb horizontally, how many treasures should you get? Even immortal artifacts are not a few."

   Chu Yuan thought so.

   But he also knew that it would be impossible for him to achieve immortality without his cultivation base.

   He walked to an inexplicable area of ​​the Shentou, which is already more dangerous. The universe **** is also in danger of falling in the second step, and his eyes suddenly move.

  Now! His eyes flickered, and he saw an infinitely distant place where many powerful men appeared. They seemed to be exerting boundless power, besieging a middle-aged man in black, and swung out various secret methods.

   There is always fighting in the tomb of God.

   Chu Yuan was not interested in paying attention to this, but when he saw the middle-aged man, he was a little familiar with it, and something strange appeared on his face.

   "Bone God?"

   The fact that Chu Yuan went so well against the three empires that day was in large part due to the small actions of the Bone God, but looking at today's state, the Bone God seemed to be in crisis.

   At this moment, there are more than six or seven cosmic gods appearing here. They besieged the bone **** in the middle and displayed terrifying power without killing him, as if they wanted to get something from him.

   "Bone God, don't struggle, listen to our words obediently, and take this seat to find the immortal treasure, so that everyone has it."

   A tyrannical existence, wearing a robe depicting patterns and staring at the bone god, his cultivation reached the third stage of chaos.

   "Oh, is it up to you?"

  The Bone God is also a black light, guarding himself, with a disdainful expression on his face, and he looks down upon this universe **** very much.

   "Yes, just rely on me!"

The voice of the cosmic **** Ting Bone God was not angry, but smiled slightly: "I know you want to swallow the treasure, but this time you can't get one of them. Look, you even got rid of our siege. No more."

   "If you can't get it, it won't let you get it." Bone God said with disdain.

"Bone God, I know you, an ancient immortal and another immortal died in the tomb of the gods during a battle, and the bones left behind have actually reborn spiritual wisdom and cultivated to the universe god~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s not easy to live a second life and come back to life after death."

   The breath of death came like an ocean, and a vague existence appeared in it. It was also the third step of the universe god, faintly speaking, telling the origin of the bone god.

   It turned out that the Bone God was actually born again from the immortal bones. No wonder you can cultivate to the Universe God.

   "People of the Sea of ​​Death, have you come to join in the fun?"

   Bone God's eyes were cold and stern, showing a disgust towards the Sea of ​​Death.

   "People of the Dead Sea!"

   The headed third step had a solemn face, knowing that this was a taboo and there was immortality. He was cultivating hidden in the tomb of the gods, and only then did he know some secrets about the bone god.

   "Death is fate. There is no reason not to be interested in Death Sea that can recover after death." Death Sea Universe Shinto.

"Hahahaha, I think you all want to control me and get the treasures left over from the battle with that immortal **** back then. If you are the original **** back then, one hand can slap you to death. Jumping in front of the god?"

  Bone God's eyes also had an anger.

   His current cultivation base is in the second step, but he has integrated immortal memories and mastered many secret methods to be able to persist in this siege until now. .

   "The times have changed. You are no longer the immortal you used to be. The hero does not say that year. At best, you have the memory of that immortality. Does your soul still belong to that immortality? It doesn't belong anymore, you should see yourself clearly."

   The death sea powerhouse said lightly: "In my eyes, you are a second step. If you want to control you, you can control you. What can you do?"

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