The sea of ​​death represents the end of death, and it is also extremely terrifying among taboo forces. No master of the age can completely sweep them.

This final chapter of death swept over, it was terrible.

This is to deprive the gods of the universe of the origin of the universe. If these eighteen death runes are attached to one's body, they will be terribly drawn from their original power.

"See how the people of Death Sea deal with this person."

Tutong Universe God did not tamper.

Chu Yuan saw this kind of power attack, and his face was calm. The dusk of his gods shrouded and ended with the end of the confrontation. Suddenly the power of the dusk carried a lonely brilliance, which actually prevented these death runes from being able to play. The power it deserves.

"This is? The Twilight of the Gods? The end of heaven and earth!"

The Death Sea expert realized the true meaning of this power, and his expression suddenly changed. He was not afraid of Chu Yuan exploding with strong power, but this power made him unable to continue to calm down.

"Burial of death!"

Eighteen death talismans formed the coffin of the tomb, which immediately enveloped Chu Yuan and wanted to bury him in it.

"The grave of the funeral."

Chu Yuan's wave of his hand was also a blow from the burial tomb, and he suddenly slammed into it. Then a big hand that restarted the cycle of the era slammed out, and the force of the cycle of the era swept across, actually making the formation of the death rune. It was scattered all at once.


The Death Sea powerhouse was also shocked.

This person not only controls the supreme magical powers, but also has strong and domineering power, which makes his death power unable to condense.

"History of empire civilization!"

Chu Yuan acted again, the brilliance was brilliant, and waves of civilized power swept through the past, turning the death sea powerhouse into a part of the empire's epic and submerged in it.

"This power!"

The Bone God has immortal memories and sights, and was shocked in his heart: "This is the power of the civilization epic. Countless people are part of civilization. Whether they are enemies or opponents, they constitute the civilization epic. He actually controls this power. This is the power that the ruler of the times can control, the posture of the ruler? This Shenwu Great Emperor is terrible!"

"This power is going to kill me!

The death sea powerhouse's complexion changed drastically, he once again condensed the death rune, and actually left here directly.

But the Tutong universe **** left faster, seeing that the Death Sea powerhouse had just retreated, for fear of being used as cannon fodder by him, he also left.

"all gone."

The eyes of the Bone God looking at Chu Yuan had changed, not just when the universe **** was watching.

He said: "This time the original **** would like to thank Emperor Shenwu for his action. Without the Emperor, I am in danger this time."

"Bone God also helped me." Chu Yuan said.

"They are only retreating temporarily this time. I know their intentions to continue to fight the emperor to death, and they will not get any benefits. This is they are waiting for me. As soon as I open the immortal treasure, they will swarm again. Fierce again."

Bone God saw through everything.

"If you don't mind, you can talk to me in detail." Chu Yuan said.

"It's not a big deal. The emperor saved me this time. How can I not know the reward of Entuo? Yes, they are right. I am no longer immortal, but a very ordinary cosmic god."

The Bone God now only regards himself as the God of the Universe, and said: "The emperor already knows that I am a person who has died once. I am originally an immortal cultivation base. I am actually no longer the immortal I used to be, but my current spiritual wisdom It was born again on the immortal bones and inherited his memory."

Chu Yuan nodded.

"And this is not the key. Back then, I fell in a battle with an immortal statue. For countless years, the spirit was born again on the bones. It was me. I was just born at that time, too weak and left that battlefield."

The Bone God continued: "This time the immortal time and space have changed greatly, many powerful people in the universe have gathered in the immortal time and space, and I want to take this opportunity to retrieve my immortal treasures and obtain the immortal artifacts of my previous life. Let me break through to the third step, the fourth step, and even step on the Immortal Avenue again."

"But you also know that Bone God is not so easy to retrieve the treasure, you are still being watched." Chu Yuan said.

"These are all things I expected, after all, how can it be so easy to regain the treasure?"

Bone God said: "My immortal artifact Datian Shattered Halberd has been left there, and there is one more thing, I want to tell your majesty that the immortal that I fought against has actually died, and will die with me."

The fall of the two immortals left behind precious treasures.

"Just say anything." Chu Yuan said.

"That immortality comes from the age of ten thousand laws, your majesty should have heard of the age of gods, the age of emperors, and this age of dharma is the era before. The age of ten thousand dharma is dominating the law, and the immortality that fought with me came from A strong man in the age of Wanfa."

Bone God expounds the history of the year.

"I completely shattered his body with the Immortal Sacred Tool Datian Shattered Halberd, so that his body and spirit were destroyed, and he used the Immortal Sacred Tool, the Wanfa Bell to destroy the immortal soul, speaking of it, I won half a step, he did not It is expected that I have refined the 33rd Divine Tribulation Flower, retaining a trace of vitality."

Speaking of this, the Bone God also has a strong arrogance.

"Thirty-threefold divine calamity flower." Chu Yuan said: "Ninefold divine calamity flower."

He knew that the Thirty-Threefold Divine Tribulation Flower was only possible when the thirty-threefold Divine Tribulation was simulated on the Divine Tribulation, corresponding to the Immortal Tribulation.

"The Bell of Ten Thousand Laws, not only can it destroy the Ten Thousand Laws, but it can also give play to the power of the Ten Thousand Laws. Back then, the law created a door to the Ten Thousand Laws and cast all kinds of spells. That is truly terrifying."

Bone God kept talking.

"The reincarnation of the universe goes back and forth. Immortality can only passively endure the power of reincarnation in the universe. Watching the destruction of the universe and entering the next era, there is nothing that can be done. The age of God will not end so soon, but God has to fight the reincarnation of the universe and control the power of reincarnation in the universe. ."

The Bone God said more secrets: "Not only is the universe not forgiving Even the forces of Death Sea and the Temple of Killing will not see him succeed. Everyone wants to be the master, but they don’t want others to be the master. This is a curse that is difficult to break, and all this has caused God’s distress. I understand God, but I cannot support God. No one wants to be controlled by others."

"Although I am not immortal, I also know that immortality is just the beginning. Every immortal pursuit is to fight against the reincarnation of the universe, but I don't want to see others control the reincarnation. In this universe, the emperor has been regarded as the next. The supreme overlord who may dominate the era."

Chu Yuan also had a thorough view of the situation in the universe.

The reason why Bone God said so much to Chu Yuan was to see that Chu Yuan was very ambitious, not a person willing to be controlled by others, but also wanted to create his own great cause.

"Bone God, you told me so many ancient things, and you deliberately called out the Wanfa Ling. I also know your purpose. If you have something to say, you can talk to me directly." Chu Yuan said.

"The emperor is wise, this time I want to invite the emperor to open the immortal treasure together!"

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