Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 842: The road in front of you

I heard that Chu Yuan wanted to show him a book.


   The Lord of the Book Universe also changed his expression.


He knew that although he was in the fourth step of destruction, and mastered the book universe, a large number of masters were also here, but he knew better that once he fought with Chu Yuan, even if he could be expelled from this person, the book universe would suffer tremendously. Destruction.


   It's best not to fight if you can.


   What makes him most jealous is how did this person find the book universe?


   Regarding this, no matter how much wisdom he uses, he can't think of a reason.


   He is confident that even if Immortal wants to find the Book Universe, it will cause great fluctuations. He also has a calm time response. He is definitely not like Xiang Chuyuan. He seems to know the location of the Book Universe and simply enters.


   And he didn't want to be clear about this, he was worried.


   "The master of the book world, this is the epic of civilization compiled by me. I am going to say that this book is not compiled by me alone, but the history of empire civilization formed by countless creatures."


   As soon as Chu Yuan waved his hand, the civilization history of the empire swept across.


   It's like a wave in the sea, constantly flapping, revealing countless figures.


   in the history of empire civilization.


   Everyone, even a little beast, or even a hostile enemy, has built a part of the history of the empire's civilization.


   "This...this civilization epic."


   The Lord of the Book Universe hadn't seen an empire compile a history of civilization, but Chu Yuan felt deeply shocked by what Chu Yuan said.


   There is a tyrannical force that allows everyone to participate in the compilation of the empire and become a part of this civilization, and he feels that he has also become a part of it, and he can't help writing his own power into it.


   Especially Chu Yuan has a humane supreme temperament that deeply shocked him.


   The book of martial arts fighting is very insightful.


   He may seem reckless, but in fact it is his own temperament for the book of martial arts fighting.


   He saw that the Shenwu Empire continued to fight from the weak dynasty to the imperial dynasty, and he wanted to be a part of it and condense the mood of fighting.


   "Everyone is a legend, even if it is a weak existence, he is also a part of civilization, and countless weak and small people are gathered into a torrent of ocean."


   The Lord of the Book Universe read silently.


   This is fundamentally different from other empire civilization history.


  Chu Yuan’s civilization history is based on everyone, no matter whether it is a big or a small person, it is recorded in it. This is something other empires cannot do. After all, they do not have a long river of humanity, no one’s emperor sword, and can’t do his kind of subtlety.


   "Your Majesty's civilization epic is really vast."


   The Lord of the Book Universe sighed.


   "Master of the book world, do you have any insights." Chu Yuan remained motionless.


"Civilization history books are different from other books. For example, the book of exercises that records the exercises is basically the perception of a certain powerful person. It cannot be changed. The epic of civilization is like a rolling wheel, which keeps advancing, and the longer it exists, The epic becomes more vast."


The master of the book universe: "Civilization history books require the participation of countless people, and even other major changes in the universe can be incorporated. The moldability is too strong. Everyone is part of the epic, and everyone can promote."


   "The civilization history of the empire can now be broken down into a book of magical powers."


   Chu Yuan waved his hand, and the civilization epic changed again.


"Your Majesty’s method reminds me of the ancient human emperor who has been eloquent in ancient records. His Majesty has given me a kind of humane supreme majesty. All things have anims. Our book spirits are actually a kind of life, but exist. The way is different."


The Lord of the Book Universe opened the chatterbox and continued: "The empire can be destroyed, the strong can fall, but the epic of civilization can last forever. This is exactly the direction I am pursuing. It is a pity, it is too difficult, I am even immortal. Can't reach it."


   "Immortality is difficult, but I am afraid it is not the only reason."


   Chu Yuan looked at the master of the book universe.


   "Yes, immortality is difficult, but the most difficult thing is the trouble from the outside world."


The master of the book universe said: "I dare not break through immortality, because once I hit the immortality, the prohibition to protect the book universe will collapse. It can no longer be suppressed, and other immortals will be found. At that time, I will become immortal. What's the point?"


   Budo Fight Book also nodded after hearing it.


   "Although there is no immortality in the book universe, it is more valuable than immortality. There are many ancient books included here, and some of them are unique copies that are not available to the outside world."


   Purple Blood Demon Calligraphy.


"These books are all collected by me one by one. I created the book universe to enable more books to open up my spiritual wisdom, and to have more companions to share knowledge with me. I know whether I can become immortal or not. I myself, but the dangers of the outside world."


   The lord of the book universe sighed.


   They are too valuable.


   He dare not believe in other immortal promises.


   "Achievement is immortal, there are too many calamities to go through."


   Chu Yuan nodded and said, "But it is not immortal. After a cosmic cycle is over, the book universe will disappear."


   "This is what makes me the most dilemma."


   The Lord of the Book Universe has a headache.


   let him believe in those immortal consciences?


   "Actually you have the answer in your heart."


   Chu Yuan suddenly said something.


   "The answer is indeed there."


The master of the Book Universe said: "Today, the universe is in chaos due to immortal time and space. This is actually a prelude to the emergence of God’s dynasty for the supreme overlord. Once the war is swept, I will not be spared. The power is also very fragile, this time your Majesty has not found us easily?"


   Indeed, Chu Yuan's methods surprised him.


   can be found the first time, then there will be a second time, a third time.


   Even if Chu Yuan is gone this time, how about getting someone next time?


   This has to make him think.


   But Chu Yuan would not tell the Lord of Shu Universe how he found Shu Universe.


  As an emperor, sometimes it is necessary to maintain not only majesty, but also a kind of mystery.


  The less the Lord of the Book Universe knows how he found the Book Universe, the more he will keep a kind of incomprehensibility from the bottom of his heart.


"This universe is chaotic, and it is not a good thing for Even if we become immortal, we may not be able to protect ourselves. We are spiritually strong, in fact, many strong people like to refine us. "


   The Lord of the Book Universe sighed.


   "I will give you a way, a way to prove immortality."


Chu Yuan's temperament is unparalleled: "The book universe is integrated into the history of empire civilization. I believe you have seen it. Everyone in our history of empire is a part of it. The civilization of the empire is not promoted by one person. It needs the promotion of many creatures. , You have integrated into it, and you have become the epic of the empire. The stronger the empire, and as a part of it, you can also get the greatest protection, and the master of the book universe can become immortal."


   "Emperor Shenwu is recruiting me? If you want to use this history of empire civilization, you must make me your subordinate." The master of the book universe calmly said: "The emperor thinks I will agree?"


   "It's not solicitation, but a road ahead of you."


  Chu Yuandao: "The epic is vast, the immortal legend, the civilization epic, and the civilization history of the empire is constantly advancing. It will roll bigger and bigger like a snowball, and the position of the book world is not a secret before me."

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