"this is?"

  The Book of Spiritual Enlightenment has his eyes widened, and he doesn't know that there is such a **** in the universe of his own book.

   That white beam of light is obviously a very powerful god.

   This is Chu Yuan's method, which is imprinted in the mind of the Book of Spiritual Enlightenment with a mysterious method.

   "Ding! The host completes the main mission, collects nine divine lights, and obtains 700,000 fate points, cosmic artifact advanced card, supernatural power x1024, magic mirror x1, small chaotic universe x2, random lottery chance x1."

   After Chu Yuan received the nine divine lights, a reminder of the completion of the system branch came.

   However, Chu Yuan didn't pay much attention to the rewards for the completion of the branch at this moment, but stared at the nine divine lights themselves. After the collection was completed, the treasure map was complete, and a channel for communicating with the mysterious heaven could be opened.

   "Don't be surprised."

   Chu Yuan smiled.

   He looked at the complete treasure map, and suddenly a ray of divine light penetrated the book universe. In the starry sky of the universe, in a mysterious firmament, a space-time hole was opened by him, conveying the power of attraction.

   He disappeared in front of everyone in the Book of Spirit Enlightenment in an instant.

   "Where did the emperor go?"

   The Book of Enlightenment is stunned.

   Although he joined the Shenwu Empire, he did not understand the methods of the Shenwu Great Emperor, and he was also very unfamiliar.

"Haha, Senior Enlightenment, don’t be surprised. Your Majesty’s methods are mysterious and unpredictable. When you arrive in the empire, you will learn more about your Majesty’s magic. What we have to do is to make the Shenwu empire grow, which concerns everyone. ."

   The Purple Blood Demon Book is absolutely loyal to Chu Yuan.

  The Book of Enlightenment is silent.

   At this moment, Chu Yuan entered a mysterious space in the cave.

   The light in front of him seemed to be in another universe. The laws of time and space were suddenly different. In his ears, there seemed to be the sound of waves slapped out, and suddenly he saw that it turned out to be a river of light.


   Chu Yuan walked.

   Although this is a long river of light, Chu Yuan has the feeling that it seems to be very, very far away from him, as if he is on the other shore in his mind. I have only heard of its legend, but it is difficult to really get close to it.

   "This is the last treasure?"

Chu Yuan saw that in this long river of light, there was a huge ancient ship, shining brightly, and an artistic conception of the other shore swept out, as if this ancient giant ship could avoid the cycle of the universe, and become a universe time and space by itself. The interference of the universe.

   "Cosmic time and space, the other side of Shenzhou?"

   Chu Yuan moved his hand.

   The huge ship became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was only the size of a palm, and it was in his hands like a small model.

   In the next instant, he returned to the book universe.

   "The Great."

   The Purple Blood Demon Book hurried forward.

   "Nothing, I have something in my hand." Chu Yuan looked at the book of Qi Ling, "I will show it to you."

   The wave rolled up, and the small ship suddenly became a huge giant ship!

   "This is the other side of Shenzhou!"

The Book of Enlightenment immediately popped out the word, and then said: "No, this is not the real Shenzhou Beyond, but there is some kind of vitality from Shenzhou Beyond. According to rumors, Shenzhou Beyond is an extremely mysterious time and space, which is self-contained. The universe is not affected by the reincarnation of the outside world. It seems that you can escape the influence of the outside world when you enter it. It is very mysterious, and there are only a few records in various ancient books."

   Seeing this huge ship on the other side of Shenzhou, the Book of Spirit Enlightenment shocked Chu Yuan even more mysteriously.

"Everyone wants to find the mysterious shore, but the other shore of Shenzhou is almost impossible to find, but in my opinion, the other shore of Shenzhou is actually established by an extremely powerful existence, even if it is not affected by external reincarnation, it is only in the other shore of Shenzhou. , Will not affect the outside world."

  The Book of Spiritual Enlightenment said again: "I know that gods, emperors like the emperor, are pursuing even greater, and they want to control the entire universe reincarnation."

   "There is a big mystery on the other side of Shenzhou." The Purple Blood Demon said.

   "I have an ancient legend here."

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment thought for a while, and continued: "Universal reincarnation, even if you hide in the immortal universe opened up, the gods of the universe will die. Existences like gods and emperors cannot be reversed, but Shenzhou beyond can be reversed. This has to be It’s surprising that Shenzhou and Shenzhou are ancient. According to legend, the universe beyond Shenzhou is a huge ancient ship. I don’t know what mysterious treasure it is. It is this ancient ship that formed the other shore of Shenzhou."

   "Ancient ship, the other side of Shenzhou." Chu Yuan thought.

   "Unfortunately, Shenzhou Bian doesn't know where it is. Only they can send someone to show up, but no one can find their whereabouts."

   The Book of Qi Ling shook his head.

   "Is it really impossible to find?"

   Chu Yuan smiled.

   The imprint on the other side of the Shenzhou that he obtained from the final treasure map of the Nine Extremes Divine Light seemed to have no effect, and it was not as good as the flame gate in the treasure map of the Vulcan Cave Heaven.

   But Chu Yuan knew it.

   This imprint of the other shore of Shenzhou allows him to find the true location of the other shore of Shenzhou. There is no secret in his eyes.

   The other side of Shenzhou itself is great wealth.

   Of course, now is not the time to go to the other side of Shenzhou, there is not only one immortal in it.

   "The big ship traveling on the ancient shore also needs to pay a huge price."

   Chu Yuan said lightly.

"Oh, there are too many secrets in the universe. Who can tell me? Although I have collected a lot of books, I am afraid I only understand a small part of it. On the other side of Shenzhou, where are the Shentian and Tiangong? Extremely evil There are too many horrible cursing artifacts~www.ltnovel.com~Unless you control the entire universe, you can say it clearly."

   The Book of Enlightenment has a long way.

   "Curse the artifact, I also have one here."

   Chu Yuan moved slightly in his heart and took out the blood-stained spear.

   "This is a curse artifact!"

  The Book of Spiritual Enlightenment's face changed drastically, and he instinctively backed away, but immediately felt that the blood-stained spear was suppressed to death by a supreme will.

He moved slightly in his heart: "Great Emperor, this curse artifact is untouchable. It can be suppressed for a while, but it can't be suppressed for a lifetime. Every cursed artifact contains a tyrannical terror. It is rumored to be made of immortal flesh and blood. It is powerful and evil, so you must not stay in your hand!"

   He was very afraid of cursing artifacts.

   "You have an understanding of curse artifacts." Chu Yuan said.

   "Yes, I know a lot about curse artifacts."

The Book of Enlightenment: "There are nine cursed artifacts, and each one contains extremely terrifying power. The more curse powers that are contaminated, the stronger the power, and even immortality is a taboo against cursed artifacts. It’s so powerful, but I dare not use them."

   "Nine cursed artifacts." Chu Yuan nodded. .

   "The more you get from the cursed artifact, the more terrifying the power backed by the cursed artifact. Even when the nine artifacts finally gather, they will form the king of curses, which seems to be guided by the will of the universe."

The book of enlightenment knows everything: "The last time when the cursed artifacts were gathered together, when God was in trouble, he placed a terrible curse on God, and because of that curse, it seemed that the power in the cursed artifact was used. Wandering all over the universe."

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