The curse of the crown is too evil.

woo woo woo woo....

   The sound of eroding the soul erupted from the crown of the cursed god, making people feel terrible and terrified. The soul of the whole person was about to collapse, and the weaker knelt on the ground in pain.

   Obviously, being cursed and corroded in the power of cursing the crown, it was like being venomous.

   "Don't get close to the cursed crown, let alone look at it and the erupting sound!"

   Everyone trembled and made a sound of horror.

   Especially in this area where the cursed crown erupts, the power of the curse is stronger, and it will be completely shrouded in black mist.

   saw another person put the crown on his head, and then was absorbed by the cursed power.

   "The more power it absorbs, the stronger the bursting power!"

   Now the Thirty-Threefold Divine Tribulation has exploded, and without the suppression of its power, the curse artifact finally exploded its terrifying power.

   Feathering Gods, Killing Temple, Death Sea and other forces will not pay attention to this cursed crown, they are all fighting fiercely in the higher calamity.

   As long as the calamity disappears, it will be suppressed by the power of the gods.

   "If you want to wear this crown, you must bear its weight."

   Chu Yuan looked at the cursed divine crown with a calm face, in the eyes of everyone, he took the initiative to walk towards the cursed divine crown.

   "It's not good, there is another person who can't stand the power of the curse of the crown, so he needs to wear it!"

   "This person is the one who killed many cosmic gods with thunder before, and even he can't resist it!"

   "It's hard to say, the power of cursing the artifact is too evil, and sometimes it bursts out of your mind, and we can't continue to stay!"

   "Hey, this man is dead."

   "It's miserable, the curse artifact is terrible."


When everyone saw Chu Yuan, they thought he was attracted by the cursed divine coffin. They had already seen his death, and they all sighed, dying in the explosion of the cursed artifact. This kind of death was really miserable and worthless. .

   But the next moment, their eyes are staring!

   Chu Yuan's palm was placed on the crown of the cursed god, countless cursed gas, like a cold viper and venom, would penetrate into his body, leaving cursed stripes on him to control his actions.

   "Want to move?"

   But Chu Yuan's hand suppressed the sky and ruled God, this cursed crown could not control him anyway, even the gas of the curse was swallowed by him.

   Great Swallowing technique devours all energy!

   And this curse artifact is also madly exploding curses, wanting to wear it on his head.

   "Want to be my emperor's crown? You deserve it too?"

   Chu Yuan controlled the cursing artifact, was grasped by him, and controlled it firmly.

   Nine cursed artifacts, Chu Yuan has obtained five of them at this moment.

   sickle, spear, ancient book, robe and **** crown.

   "He actually controlled the power of the curse artifact!"

Looking at the cursed crown in Chu Yuan's hand, although he knew that this thing was extremely powerful, if it weren't for cursing attributes, it was also a rare treasure in the universe, but no one had greed in his eyes, too late to hide, and dare to grab it. .

   "The last four pieces are still missing."

   There was also a smile on Chu Yuan's face.

   And now.

   There was no one near Chu Yuan at first, but now he became a pure land. No one knew whether he really controlled the cursed crown or temporarily suppressed it.

   "Don't go near him!"

   "Yes, this person has a cursed crown on his hand. If the curse bursts out suddenly, even the universe **** will not please him."

   "Yes, the power of the curse is too horrible!"

   "Be far away from him, this person is also terrifying!"


   boom boom boom boom!

   The fluctuation of the curse artifact is just an episode on the star of God Tribulation.

With the passage of time, the fluctuations of this divine calamity have become more and more intense. The powers of the tribulations, time and space tribulations, yoke tribulations, mortal tribulations... etc. all began to explode and condense within these thirty-three levels .

   The divine calamity condensed on the divine calamity star has such benefits.

   Although it is very terrifying, it is divided into layers of heaven and earth. As long as you don't seek a dead end and step into an area that you can't enter, you can use the power of Divine Tribulation to sharpen yourself.

   That's why it attracted so many universe gods.

   Chu Yuan mastered the crown of cursed gods, and was not interested in tempering himself. Instead, he looked at the changes in the thirty-three layers of heaven and earth, and looked at the form of each tribulation, and figured out some immortal secrets from it.

   "Your Majesty, there is a treasure in that divine calamity!"

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment was by Chu Yuan's side, and his trembling fingers pointed at the top of the 33rd Heaven, and said in horror: "In the 33rd Divine Tribulation, this thing really appeared this time. , The forces of Death Sea will send so many powerful men!"

   The Thirty-Three Divine Tribulation Flower is similar to the Divine Tribulation Flower obtained by Chu Yuan before.

   One corresponds to the breakthrough of the universe god, and the other corresponds to the breakthrough of immortality.

   Bone God fought the immortal deadly back then, only after refining a Divine Tribulation Flower, so that spiritual wisdom was born in his bones again.

   "Sacred Tribulation Flower, this is the thirty-third layer of Tribulation Flower!"

   Many people are going crazy, looking at the divine light shining, pointing straight to the Immortal Avenue.

   If a divine calamity flower is obtained by the cosmic gods who condense the immortal body, not to mention 100%, then there is 50% hope!

   "Shen Jie Hua belongs to my Feathering God Dynasty!"

  The appearance of the God Tribulation Flower further stimulated the war, and the cosmic **** who became the leader of the sacred dynasty, his face was cold, his eyes were empty, and there was a sacred jealousy.

   In his eyes, these people will all be flattened by the feathered gods.

"Haha, you have such a big face that you have a feathered god, think that the feathered **** emperor can cover the sky with one hand, and is only worthy of everything? I tell you, you are not worthy of the feathered gods, compared to gods, you don’t know How many!"

   The people of the temple uttered, as arrogant as ever.

   "Killing the Temple? You are fine."

The Feathered God Dynasty powerhouse did not get angry, but said in an indifferent tone: "You have also been rampant in killing the gods for a long time. Killing the gods, the **** emperor has been watching you. Once the feathered army comes out, the immortality must be flattened. The power must be you to kill the to kill your Immortal Palace Master, and hang in my Feathering Gods!"

   "I want to kill the Temple of God, hehe, you guys are too loud, we were not destroyed when God was there."

  弑The temple people disdain.

   To let it perish in advance, we must first make it crazy, and the feathered gods are already in a crazy state.

   wants to become the ruler of the universe, but also ask other immortal forces whether they can agree.

   "Don't forget, there is also our death sea."

   The powerhouse of the death sea.

   Compared with the Temple of Killing, the existence of the Death Sea is longer. Many immortals have gathered in the Death Sea for various reasons, forming this unique force.

   "Death Sea, in the immortal time and space, you have suffered less. Your immortal bodies have been cut off. It seems that you will die more people next."

   Feathered God is overbearing to the strong.

"So this makes us even more aware of the horror of your emergence of the gods, and you must be prevented. If you really become the masters of this universe, will we still have a way to survive? I am afraid that they are more overbearing than gods. After all, what God pursues You are different."

   The Death Sea powerhouse did not get angry, but looked at them.

   "Very well, let's all come out, it looks like there is going to be a battle."

   This Feathering God Dynasty powerhouse is not afraid at all, and even wants to kill a few people.

   "Feathering soaring!".

   But when they were about to break out of a tyrannical battle, Chu Yuan's gaze suddenly changed, looking towards the sky, a familiar figure appeared, causing a very strange expression on his face.

   This person actually came and appeared again.

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