"Hateful, let them run, our plan failed!"

   Dan Yuanfeng's face is very ugly.

   "Did it fail? I can't see it, but we succeeded."

  The Five Elements God Jin said calmly: "The appearance of the Book of Spirit Enlightenment was unexpected, because he didn't dare to show up on weekdays. Our goal at the beginning was to grasp the Book of Martial Arts."

"I understand what you mean."


"Whether it is grabbing the book of martial arts or they ran away, our core purpose is to find the whereabouts of the book universe. Once the book of enlightenment is released, his breath can no longer be concealed, and we can finally determine it. position."

   The Five Elements God Gold is holding a winning ticket.

   "The book of enlightenment is very important. Why there are so many book spirits in the book universe? It is precisely because of the existence of the book of enlightenment that wisdom and immortality are very important to him. Then we must determine his position."

   Shi really nodded.

   "Yes, the position of the book of enlightenment has been exposed. Whether he saves or not, our goal has been achieved. Go ahead and prepare for the next step quickly."

   The people of the spiritual realm leave this starry sky.

   Shenwu Empire.

   "I'm back."

   Chu Yuan looked at the book of enlightening spirit they came back.

   "Your Majesty!"

The Book of Martial Arts stepped forward, "You want the Life Stone, I brought it, but I did not do it perfectly. It attracted people from the spiritual realm, and the Book of Spirit Enlightenment risked great danger to save me. , I did a very poor job this time."

   "Spirit Realm is my enemy, immortal wants to catch me and seize me. I saved the Book of Martial Arts this time. I am afraid that the people of Spirit Realm will follow the vines to find the empire and cause great trouble to the empire."

   The Book of Spiritual Enlightenment has a solemn face. He knows that the spirit realm is a giant, and said, "This is very bad for the empire."

   "If the spiritual realm is coming, then only soldiers can come to cover the water and earth. You are my people, and the empire will protect them."

   Chu Yuan said indifferently: "Moreover, my curse door has not aroused any power yet."

   "The Cursed Door!"

The four words    shocked the book of martial arts. He understood the evil of this portal and had a great effect on spirituality.

   "Book of Budo, you have worked hard this time, take a good rest."

   Chu Yuan flicked some of the Zhou Shendan into the hand of the Book of Martial Arts.

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"

  The Book of Spiritual Enlightenment and Book of Martial Arts are withdrawn.

   "The Cursed Door!"

   After they retired, Chu Yuan entered the door of the imperial kingdom to sacrifice and refine the curse. He knew very well the power of this door. Even if it was immortal, he was afraid of the power of curse, for fear that it would catch fire and cause disaster to himself.

one day.

   Two days.

   Three days.

   One month later.

   Just outside the Shenwu Empire, suddenly there was an endless bright light dazzling, a large number of figures appeared in the starry sky, and the depressive aura enveloped.

   A huge aura palm roared with extremely terrifying power and directly killed Shenwu Star Region Town.

   The powerhouse of the spiritual realm is here!

   A powerful man suppressed the Shenwu Star Territory with his own power.

   They are very domineering, they directly attacked, led by multiple universe gods, assembled a large number of world gods, and slammed them in.

   "The people of the spiritual realm attacked!"

   At this moment, the Book of Spirit Enlightenment suddenly looked up and saw this scene.

   At the moment when the palm of aura came in, the fortune of the empire was like a raging fire, and it was strong and condensed to withstand the blow.

   "What a tyrannical nation, the book of enlightenment is here."

  The spiritual realm powerhouse appeared, the five elements **** gold and them were among them, and many strange powerhouses surrounded the Shenwu Empire to watch the luck of this country.

   "Defeat this empire directly and take the Book of Spirit Enlightenment."

   Ancient True Way.

   "In front of my spiritual realm, they can't stop it."

   A cosmic **** has a cold voice, his eyes pierced the sky.

   "Bold, this is the land of my Shenwu Empire, are you going to start a war?"

   The empire powerhouse has long been informed of the news, and soon there will be spiritual domain powerhouses coming. Seeing them so bold and reckless, all of them looked angry and looked at them.

   "Shenwu Empire?"

A fierce man walked out of the crowd, coldly looked at the Shenwu Empire, stood with his hand, proudly said: "This is where the Book of Spirit Enlightenment hides. I have been looking for you for so long. It turned out to be here. Unfortunately, you still can't escape. Immortal tracking, where is the emperor of the Shenwu Empire? Let him come out to see me Gu Wushuang."

   "Gu Wushuang, an immortal artifact enlightened!"

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment looked solemn, and he appeared: "You haven't seen your majesty yet, your spiritual realm is unrelenting. In order to catch me and raise the crowd, my choice back then was correct. Do you still want to attack? "

   At this time, a stalwart will rise in the empire, ignoring the starry sky.

"Book of Enlightenment, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you. Immortal calls you. You’d better get to know yourself, let your emperor show up, hand you over, and follow us obediently, or we’ll destroy the Shenwu Empire. , Turned into dust in history."

   Gu Wushuang looked awkward.

   There is immortality in his spiritual realm, and he doesn't care about the Shenwu Empire that he hasn't heard of before.

   If it wasn't for the book of enlightenment, they would not have come here.

   "I want to destroy my Shenwu Empire!"

   The powerhouses of the empire heard this Gu Wushuang's words and looked angry. They followed the Shenwu Great Emperor to fight in the north and south, and they were afraid of whom.

   "Hand over the book of enlightenment, Rao Er waits for immortality, otherwise all will become slaves after the country is destroyed!"

The spiritual realm powerhouse is too domineering and too rampant. When they arrived in the territory of the Shenwu Empire, they also made such a voice~www.ltnovel.com~ Suddenly, when the voice of Gu Wushuang fell, they saw the existence of a stalwart. A bow was raised, and a nine-color aurora shot out fiercely, with a bang, and the terrifying force set off a huge wave in the camp of the strong in the spiritual realm.

   "Dare to do something with us, this is the will of your emperor? If you don't hand over the Book of Enlightenment, you will destroy this empire!"

   Chu Yuan's shot obviously angered them, and he didn't expect the emperor of this empire to be so domineering and directly act.

   In their opinion, this is a provocation.


   Gu Wushuang was cold and proud, an immortal spear appeared in his hand, and it swept directly. The immeasurable light suddenly killed the Shenwu Empire, the immortal power spread, and the starry sky appeared to collapse on a large scale.

   "Then come to fight!"

  The Book of Qi Ling holds an ancient book in his hand.

   He knows that these Gu Wushuang are extremely powerful, even more powerful than the Five Elements Divine Gold, but his majesty's will has explained everything, and the enemy is the enemy who attacked the Shenwu Empire.

   He created a book universe with the fourth step of strength, so that the immortality of the spiritual realm has been unable to find his whereabouts for many years. From this point, it is enough to see that his strength is very strong, otherwise he can still live to the present?

   "Gu Wushuang, if not for the immortality of your spiritual realm, would you dare to target me?".

   Although the Book of Enlightenment is wise, he has been hiding for so many years because of the spiritual realm. In fact, there is a fire in his heart, and he must be released at this moment.

   His spirit was boiling, and the ancient books exuded great pressure, a breath of Qi Ling swept out, turned into a spirit of light, and swept across the void.

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