
   Chu Yuan looked at the direction they were running away, and said lightly, there was no surprise.

   Although his current strength is strong, his realm is only shortly after breaking through the fourth step, and he hasn't reached it even in the later stage, let alone a cohesive immortality.

   If he condenses the immortal body, it would be easy to kill Shi Tianjun, this immortality.

   But to condense the immortal body, Chu Yuan needs too much energy to swallow.

   "Although there is immortal combat power, after all, there is no real breakthrough. Next, I will collect countless energy to break through this realm."

   Chu Yuan's power is too terrifying.

   Although the material he needs to break through the immortality is more terrifying than others, but at the same time, his current strength is also very strong, and the ability to capture material is not comparable to others.

   Shi Tianjun's arm was instantly refined into an immortal energy in his hand, which flooded his body, making his strength grow again.

   The Four Phases of the Ancient Demon!

  The demon Chenye suffered a terrible loss this time. Years of hard work has been reduced to Chu Yuan's wedding dress, leaving behind three sacred beasts.

   "Although the body of the dragon was extracted by me, but the deity is still there, it can condense a small perfect ancient monster."

   Although Chu Yuan himself does not need the four elements of the ancient monsters, there are also powerful monsters in his empire, such as Zhu Fengfeng.

   Her realm has reached the fifth step of the world god. If there are four aspects of the ancient demon, she will immediately break through the universe **** and use this power to continuously sharpen herself.

   As long as there are a lot of resources, there is no bottleneck until immortality.

   "The two immortals have both fled, and the emperor's strength is already immeasurable."

   Bone God sighed.

   Even if Chu Yuan stood in front of him in his previous life, he was also qualified to have an equal dialogue. This kind of strength deserves everyone's awe.

   "This time Shi Tianjun, the demon Chen Ye has suffered a huge loss, they have not dared to appear in front of us, and then the empire's resource capture in Wanbao Long Hanoi will enter a rapid opportunity."

  The Calligraphy of Budo.


  Bone God looked at the Wanbao River and analyzed it: "The power of the dimension is surging extremely fast. I feel that this long river will soon disappear into the deep cosmic time and space again. We must hurry up."

   "I also noticed this void wave."

   Chu Yuan's gaze fell in one direction, and said, "But just when we were fighting Shi Tianjun, I noticed a strange power, a little weird, I must find it now."

   As he speaks, head in that direction.

   Bone God and others quickly followed.

   Soon after, Chu Yuan stopped, huh... His hands suddenly tore, a hidden time and space was opened, a huge hole appeared, and the dazzling light swept out.

   Here, he saw the endless rays of light, which seemed to gather all the colors in the world.

   In Chu Yuan's eyes, this ray of light was sacred, but the murderous intent contained in it was terrifying.

   He punched in with a force, but he didn't make waves, as if he sank in.

   "This power is familiar?"

  Bone God looked at Guanghai with a thoughtful expression, he approached, booming! Suddenly, Gwanghae burst into waves like a tsunami and drowned him terribly.

   Bone God Datian broke the halberd block, to his surprise, his power disappeared as soon as it touched Guanghai.

   The waves rolled up, and the Bone God was really like a tiny person fighting the tsunami in the sea in front of the sea of ​​light.

   "Senior, I will help you!"

   Qi Xue shouted.

   "Don't come here, I know what light this is!" Bone God roared.

   "I also know."

   Chu Yuan's face appeared thoughtful, "Wuhua divine light, I did not expect to see the legendary divine light here."

"Yes, it is Wuhua Divine Light!" Bone God enlightened: "This Wuhua Divine Light is extremely terrifying. Its biggest feature is that it can dissolve all mana, dissolve all matter, and transform into the energy of Divine Light. I have heard of it. , Wuhua Shenguanghua has gone to immortality, we can't get close to it!"

   The bone **** saw the change in the face of the Wuhua divine light was even more shocking than seeing the immortality, I can imagine the terrifying of this.

   "Wuhua Shenguang, it reminds me of another power."

   Chu Yuan made an amazing move at this time.

  He actually took the initiative to enter the Wuhua Shenguang.

   "What is your Majesty's doing? Is it necessary to seize this divine light? Wuhua divine light is indeed a rare treasure. It is powerful, and it is extremely difficult to control it."

  Bone God was surprised.

   But then he thought that this is a ruthless person who can control even curses, and the Wuhua Divine Light is indeed not dangerous in front of him.

  At this moment, after Chu Yuan entered the Wuhua Divine Light, Guanghai surrounded him in all directions. The color that seemed to be sacred and dazzling, which made people's heart beat, was indeed the deadliest poison.

  In this world, sometimes the most beautiful is the most poisonous.

   Chu Yuan glanced faintly, his big swallowing technique was always able to swallow the Wuhua Divine Light's exclusion.

   His power also spread throughout Gwanghae...

   The infinite rays of light were shrinking and condensing. At the end, in this sea of ​​light, Chu Yuan saw something like a round bead, with simple patterns one after another, and all the impenetrable divine light was emitted from it.

   "No Hua relics!"

Chu Yuan’s eyes are locked on the Wuhua relics~www.ltnovel.com~ No wonder there will be such a strong Wuhua divine light, which is affected by this Wuhua relic. The Great Emperor, this is an extremely powerful fetish. Wuhua, dissolves everything, if anyone can control it, he will have the power of the Wuhua. "

   Bone Shinto.

   "Yes, I have accepted this Wuhua relic."

   Chu Yuan stretched out his palm and grasped the Wuhua relic.

   Wuhua Relic seemed to feel a powerful force. There was a shock in the air, Wuhua swept through, trying to break away from Chu Yuan's power and leave.

   Because of its special power, it is extremely difficult to collect even if it is immortal.

   After all, if your power drops, it will be melted and completely clean. What can you do, you can only watch him leave.

  Ran, Chu Yuan's collection has constructed a swallowing field.

   No matter how this flowerless relic rushes from the left to the right, the power of the eruption will be absorbed by the Great Devouring technique, and it will always be in this swallowed domain.

"It seems the size of a fist, but in fact, this Wuhua relic has a hole in it, and the amount of Wuhua divine light contained in it is very terrifying, and the more things that the Wuhua relic dissolves, the stronger the accumulated power. It is also in the Wanbao Long River. There are so many treasures for it to melt and grow."

   Chu Yuan pinched the impenetrable relic, just grabbing a gem, and the power of swallowing always appeared. .

   It was also fortunate that he broke through to the fourth step, otherwise the blockade would not catch the relic.

   As for who this Wuhua relic is for, Chu Yuan already has a candidate, and only she is the most suitable.

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