"The Great Tribulation of Reincarnation, the mysterious world, the fall of the Blood Moon Queen, this is a big secret."

Chu Yuan fell into deep thinking.

One era comes to an end, and you sing and I will appear on the stage. Existence like the Emperor of Heaven should be invincible in the world, no one can compete with him, and there are endless lifespans that should be eternal, but finally disappear without a trace.

Such a strong man is not so easy to fall, who can kill him?

Perhaps it is this so-called reincarnation catastrophe.

And where is the supreme of these times?

Chu Yuan speculated that not all of them would die, most likely, they could not show up easily and could only hide themselves.

This is the most reasonable explanation.


The realm of the Nine You Empress was too low, not immortal, and could not bear too many memories of the Blood Moon Empress. Only when she was immortal and completely refined this will, she could pry out more valuable information from it.

"I will know more when I reach immortality."

Jiuyou female emperor said.

"Well, I wait for the day when you become immortal, but the will of the Blood Moon Queen is only temporarily suppressed."

When Chu Yuan was speaking, the night fell suddenly and it was completely dark.

An eternal night-like power swept over, and outside the blood moon, a woman appeared, and she waved her palm to kill the Nine You Empress.

"Blood Moon, is your will awakened?"

The woman uttered a cold greeting.

This is immortality, listen to her voice, and come specifically for the Blood Moon Queen.

The Empress Jiuyou grabbed the blood-colored scepter, facing the darkness, and suddenly the darkness expelled, revealing the real figure of the woman.

This woman was dressed in a dress like a dark night sky, without other colors.

Although her face was beautiful, she was extremely indifferent, and she had a deep murderous intent towards the Empress of the Blood Moon, and she seemed to carry jealousy.

Everywhere she walked was darkness, like the master of the night, incompatible with the power of the blood moon.

"Are you a blood moon?"

The night woman looked at the female emperor Jiuyou who was wearing a blood-colored robe, and asked her own question.

"No, I am not the Blood Moon Queen." The Nine You Empress said.

"It is indeed not the voice of the blood moon, her voice, her tone, and her breath, even after countless rebirths, I will never forget it. It seems that you have suppressed her will!"

The dark night woman’s voice has an unforgettable hatred for the Empress of the Blood Moon, the kind of endless death, "But her will still remains in the blood moon, I don’t know how you suppressed her will, but you got it Damn her strength!"

The woman in the dark night killed the Nine You Empress with a big palm print of the dark night.

Her strength is above Shi Tianjun!

The big palm print of the dark night came, and at the same time, the Empress Jiuyou raised her palm, and a **** palm print collided with it, and then both annihilated.

"Sure enough, I got her power in control!" said the night woman.

The Empress Jiuyou got the artifact that the Empress Blood Moon stayed here to use for resuscitation. As long as it was within the blood moon, it could be manipulated, and it would be difficult for her to be immortal.

Of course, this blood moon won't work.

"From her memory, I know you, you are the Queen of the Night, you have existed in the same era as the Queen of the Blood Moon, you have fought with her for a lifetime, and you have never won the Queen of the Blood Moon, so you hate her."

Jiuyou female emperor said.

After Chu Yuan heard it, it became clear.

It turned out that it was the defeated general of the Blood Moon Queen, and was always overwhelmed by the Blood Moon Queen.

Speaking of her, the world would only say, oh, it turned out that it was the defeated general who had fought the Blood Moon Queen for countless years.

"I hate her!"

The Queen of the Night said: "But I still won, because she is dead, I am not dead, and still alive in this universe, and she has been frustrated, I will destroy everything she exists in this world, any traces! "

"The Blood Moon Queen has never regarded you as an opponent, you think it is."

The faint words of Empress Jiuyou hit the biggest pain point of Empress Dark Night.

"The Queen of Night."

A person dressed as an old Taoist suddenly appeared in the blood moon. He smiled and looked at the night woman, and said, "The night queen, I finally saw you again. Let me calculate. We have not seen the reincarnation of several universes. Got it."

"Old guy, not in Shentou, sleep well in your coffin, what do you do?"

The Queen of Night frowned.

This old man is a contemporary of her.

"Oh, if you want to sleep, you can't sleep. Look at what the chaos in the outside world is like. The universe for hegemony will re-emerge, and then I don't know how many immortals will fall? And the blood moon queen, I saw her heroic and prosperous back then powerful."

The old man sighed, "And I don't have the courage. I only dare to hide in the grave to avoid the catastrophe. I don't have the boldness of the Blood Moon Queen who is not afraid of life and death.

"The existence in the tomb of God."

Chu Yuan knew that although countless powerful men were buried in the tomb of God, there were also immortal existences, and it was also a dangerous forbidden place.

"I don't want to tell you too much. If you stop me from destroying the blood moon today, you will be my enemy. You know, I have a heavy heart for revenge."

The Queen of Night also knew that this old man was very strong, and had witnessed the ups and downs of several invincible forces in the universe.

"I won't stop you, I'm afraid you will dig my grave when I fall asleep again."

The old man smiled: "But with him, you can't move this female doll."

He was talking about Chu Yuan naturally.

He has lived for endless years, and some immortality can be seen through at a glance.

However, he couldn't see Yuan clearly, this person's will was too strong, his momentum burst out, and he constructed an invincible figure in his mind.

"No one can stop me, no one can stop me."

The Queen of Night's murderous intention is too heavy.

The Empress of Blood Moon has fallen into many cosmic reincarnations, and Empress Jiuyou just got her treasure and transferred her hatred to her.

The boundless darkness swept across, and the Queen of Night took action.

"Oh, you are fascinated by hatred. The Queen of Blood Moon didn't mean to fight with you from beginning to end. She is lonely. You have to treat her as your opponent. Every time she gets stronger, you hate it even more. a little."

The old man sighed: "To put it nicely is hatred, to put it badly is jealousy. You are fascinated by jealousy. You can go farther with your talents, but you can't take it for a long time when you are stuck at this step. The Queen of Moon will always be your nightmare, and I can't get out of it."

"The woman is terrible."

When the old man spoke, he sighed again.

"I am here, how are you going to move?"

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed with horror.

"Whoever blocks me will kill whoever!"

The Queen of the Night has been blinded by jealousy and hatred, and is entangled with demons, and can't get out without ruining all this.

"You can't move your hands in the blood moon."

Nine You Empress also said.

"Joke~www.ltnovel.com~ You thought you were the Queen of the Blood Moon."

Queen of the Night Road.

"I am myself and have nothing to do with her."

Empress Jiuyou is firm.

"It's about to fight again. It seems that it is not the right time for me to wake up. I knew I would not wake up a long time ago. I would still sleep comfortably in the tomb of God. I can't intervene in this kind of fight. The Queen of the Night cannot provoke her.

The old man was holding his forehead, obviously a headache.

Chu Yuan looked at him, suddenly his expression moved, looking towards the void, as if the sound of turbulent sea water swept out.

In his eyes, a vague shadow appeared.

"The blood moon of the Queen of the Blood Moon has opened, and the universe is about to change drastically. Back then, my lord invited her to enter the other shore, but unfortunately... she refused, otherwise she would not fall into the catastrophe."

The shadow made a sound.

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