"Report the most recent events one by one."

Chu Yuan sat firmly on the emperor's seat, and the emperor was strong.

"The first thing is about immortal time and space. According to the news obtained by the minister, the exploration has reached 50%. There have been many immortal battles and many artifacts have been unearthed. Now the Yuhua Shen Dynasty and various forces should be in a stalemate."

The great mystery of Immortal Time and Space cannot be explored overnight, it will last for a long time.

The more dangerous it goes to the end, there will even be a master of immortal time and space, and the immortal master appears in a strange way.

Chu Yuan nodded and let the Book of Qi Ling continue.

"There are also wars that have spread to the starry sky. Many immortal forces, such as the misty forbidden area, the ancient demon forbidden area, and the sea of ​​death, have started some small-scale wars on the border of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty. However, the scale is not large, but the minister thinks it is different. A sign that the power is about to move."

Calligraphy of Enlightenment.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire. The small-scale temptation is precisely for the large-scale war. The emergence of the gods is the general trend, and they will not give up dominating the universe. Therefore, a large-scale war will definitely take place. "

Lu Qianfu said: "Your Majesty, although my Shenwu Empire is far away from the Feathered Divine Empire, this battle will surely sweep the universe and start a war. Who can avoid it?"

They all understand that once a big battle begins, it is a small process of annexation. No immortal forces die first, and then the weaker immortal forces will also face annexation.

"My soldiers are fighting hard, waiting for a battle!"

Fang Lei said.

His fighting spirit was high, and he stepped up to train the Scourge.

"Small-scale battles will last for a period of time. When will the real battle begin? I think it is mainly in immortal time and space. When the exploration of this secret realm is completed, the battle will not be far away. What the empire needs to do is to prepare for the war, and all armies to expand. , Step up training, all resources are consumed regardless of cost."

Chu Yuan said: "The time this war started is not in our hands, and the empire needs to do a comprehensive response."

"Your Majesty is absolutely right."

The book of Qi Ling said: "Although the war is cruel, it is also a process of fighting for hegemony among the heroes. It has not been so easy to emerge from the illusion of being invincible in the universe."

"Evering Goddess wants to be invincible starry sky, as the supreme, and all the forces also think this is an opportunity. If the Emerging Gods loses and the kingdom of God collapses, they will share the feast of treasures once and get countless benefits."

Chu Yuan analyzed the situation and said indifferently: "If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. It depends on who has the stronger means."

"The third thing is about the God Jiexing Star."

"In the past ten years, the surprise is that after the 33rd Divine Tribulation is over, it will appear again, without stopping, even the Divine Tribulation Flower has appeared several times."

"Divine Tribulation Star."

Chu Yuan had been to Shenjiexing once in the 21st year of Shenwu, and he also saw Goddess at that time.

This blink of an eye has been thirty-five years old, and it is really time passing by like water, which makes people sigh.

"The fourth thing is in Wish City." The Book of Qi Ling continued to report.

"Wish City?"

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed, "I've heard that there is a mouthful of Wish Don in Wish City. It is very peculiar and you can make a wish."

"This is the wish city."

The book of enlightenment nodded, "This wish-no-don has existed for countless years. I don’t know its origin. The minister speculates that this is a very special god. If you make a wish in front of this wish-nodon, it will be possible to complete you. Wish."

"The minister has heard that there are ordinary people who make a wish to the wish, and immediately ascend and become the **** of the universe. These are real things."

"If it weren't for these weirdness, Wishiyadon would not be so famous."

Under Chu Yuan's gesture, the Book of Qi Ling forwarded many of the materials it had compiled to everyone.

After hearing Zhu Fengfeng's words: "It doesn't seem to be as simple as this? Achieving a wish out of thin air is only a special case. It is more like a temptation to attract people, and most wishes have to be exchanged at the same price."

"Is such that."

The Book of Enlightenment: "It is an equivalent exchange. For example, you take a magical instrument that you can't use to make a wish at the wish don, and if the wish is successful, you will be exchanged for something you can use. Even if you fail, you will not pay the price."

"Wish is not inevitable, it cannot be achieved at all."

"It's just to exchange what you need with the don't need to be with the wish." Lu Qianfu nodded.

"If only this is not magical, you can also become immortal through wishing, and wish to cultivate."

The Book of Enlightenment continues: "This is all true, because someone has truly become immortal in this way."

"But the price paid for this exchange is also extremely terrifying." Chu Yuan said: "I have seen in ancient books that the immortality gained from the wish was exchanged for several immortal lives and a large number of divine objects. From my perspective, this well is called the exchange of donations, perhaps almost, and it reveals a magical nature."

"Wishful don is better than exchanged don." Qi Lingzhi said.

The exchange of multiple immortal sacrifices at first sounds, the value of wishing don is not so great.

But it was wrong.

Because immortality is difficult to achieve, sometimes it is not a matter of resources. For example, even if those ancient powerhouses kill a few immortality, it is difficult for people around them to break through and accompany them through reincarnation.

But if there is a wish for you to exchange it?

This is the value of Wishiyadon.

"This wish comes at a price. How can there be so much advantage in the world?"

Lu Qianfu said.

"Wish City has recently gathered a lot of powerhouses, and the three ancestors of the wish have taken out a large amount of immortal material transactions. Immortal matter is extremely important to the universe **** and immortality, and during this time, it is still planning a Great wish."

The three ancestors of Wish are the three immortals of Wish City.

"Where can they get so much immortal matter!" The Purple Blood Demon said.

"I'm not so clear about this. The three ancestors of the wish have existed for a very long time. Maybe it was the exchange of wishes, or the unearthed remains of the turbulent universe, but this is true. Someone has already exchanged it from there."

Calligraphy of Enlightenment.

"Ding! The current branch has been released, and the host can choose whether to accept it."

[Option 1: Go to the Well of Wish, make a wish once, and return to the empire, which is regarded as the completion of the branch, and you can get rich rewards. 】

[Choice 2: Ignore the wish, and retreat in the empire for one month to complete the second branch. 】

The two branches let Chu Yuan choose, which is somewhat interesting.

Chu Yuan focused his gaze on the light character that only he could see.

Over the years, he also knows that the more troublesome the tasks released by the system ~www.ltnovel.com~, the more rewards he will get. If he is just for pleasure, the rewards will not be so rich.

"City of Wish, Great Wish Planning."

Chu Yuan's eyes flickered, "Book of Enlightenment, prepare for it. This time I will go to the City of Wish to see how amazing this Wish Don is and whether I can trade what I need."

"Ding! The host chose to choose a line."

"Your Majesty, the fastest route to the City of Wish is to pass the Divine Tribulation Star. We can start from this direction."

The Book of Enlightenment added.

Shenjiexing has a special geographic location in the universe.

"Just take the route of God Jiexing."

Chu Yuan said: "After I leave the empire, all ministers and workers must work hard and step up the training of soldiers. Without my order, they are not allowed to leave the empire and start the war at will."

"Follow your majesty's order!"

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