Everyone felt a sense of sadness, sadness and sadness.

Although it was not them that died, an immortal statue was sacrificed, as if he had seen his fate.

Yan Wu was right, even if they knelt down and begged for mercy, Yuhua Shenchao would not let them go.

Because they are sacrifices!

Not even qualified to be a dog.

These immortals are desperate. When will the universe be forced to such a situation for a lifetime?

On the other side, Yu Beifeng slashed away, sorrowing heaven and earth, and the big monster tiger took a knife that day and let out a mournful wailing, but the despair in his eyes made him fight to the last moment even if the immortal matter was burned clean.

They have no way out, only fight to death!

The war continues.

Chu Yuan pressed Yan Wu.

He raised his hand, like a huge artillery bombardment, and the catastrophe of heaven and earth came. The white conflict of brilliance caused Yan Wu to retreat in a row. In this violent attack, he was not an opponent at all.

"I just have to persevere. When the immortality is cleaned up one by one, it will be his death date!"

Yan Wu knew where his advantage was, that was his wish that time and space had become trapped and could trap them all to death.

Chu Yuan knew their thoughts, his eyes were like electricity, brave and invincible.

He shook his palm, thunder swept across, and the sea of ​​thunder descended like a thunder **** ruled, striding forward, and there was a rare situation of crushing on the battlefield.

Yan Wu's whole body was scorched, extremely angry.

Before he could fight back, the power came.

Chu Yuan's huge thunder palm exploded on him, and Yan Wu suddenly yelled. He was slashed and flew out. Finally, he couldn't bear it, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

"One more person!"

After offering the ethereal forbidden immortality, the power of wish increases greatly.

A blast of divine light blasted out, enveloped an old man, and immediately suppressed him with the power of Dou Zhuan Xing Yao, sinking him into the wish don.

"I am not so easily sacrificed by you, don't think about it!"

The old man has a dense rune spell on his body, forming a peculiar clothing.

Bang bang bang! At the same time, a large number of magical runes exploded, countering the suction from the wishing don.

"The immortality of God Rune Sect!"

Shenfuzong, a rather peculiar sect.

They are mainly practicing runes and refining all kinds of runes. If you meet someone from the rune sect, you may just be a humble one.

But if you underestimate them, you would be wrong, they will suddenly take out a large number of magic runes and bomb you to death.

"I see how many magical runes you have, sacrifice you, and sacrifice all your magical runes!"

The third ancestor of the wish is also fierce.


A character appears.

There are thousands of immortal runes assembled to protect the old man, but their condition is still not good. The runes exploded again and again, and it didn't take long for them to be sacrificed.


Some immortals are going crazy, wanting to save the elders, but there are also immortals in the Yuhua God Dynasty, and they can't be broken by just a few immortals.

"I have experienced, the age of ten thousand dharma, the age of heaven, the age of gods, across multiple universes, are you going to die here today? No! I am unwilling, I am not convinced, how can this universe be transformed into a **** emperor? Sinister and despicable villain dominates, Ning this universe has no owner!"

The old man of God Rune Sect shouted angrily.

"Insult the **** emperor, add more sin, and you will suffer a more cruel death!"

Wish the three ancestors are cold and hard.

"Haha, as long as you want the immortal sacrifice of the Divine Rune Sect, and the two immortal powers are blessed on Master Yu Beifeng, the end of this battle is set, and the Shenwu Great Emperor, your so-called Great Emperor, will also die."

Yan Wu excitedly said, "Who would dare not follow the heavens and swept across the heavens?"

Chu Yuan didn't speak.

He was telling Yan Wu's by his actions that today he was going to kill an immortal, and suddenly the divine light hit Yan Wu's body severely, leaving a scar that was deeply visible.

Shenwu is invincible, humanity is supreme, and the emperor will suppress it.

Yan Wu watched the Emperor Shenwu walking towards him, feeling terrified in his heart. Then he glanced at the wishing don, yelled, the immortal body burned and rushed over.

"Don't burn, save immortal matter."

Although Chu Yuan's face was cold, his blood was boiling. Today, he wants to take advantage of the chaos to slash immortality, seize power, and build his immortal foundation.

The slaughter magic technique, the palm of his hand was like a knife, and he slashed repeatedly, hitting Yan Wu tumbling in the air, splashing blood, Yan Wu simply couldn't bear the fierce power of Chu Yuanshen at this moment.

He reigned over the world, swept the glazed flames with his hand at the door of flame, burning on Yan Wu's body.


Yan Wu let out a painful cry.

"Emperor Shenwu, is this going to be immortal!"

Beimingshan was terrified.

But he also knew that if he wanted to go out alive today, it would be useless to rely on other people. Only Emperor Shenwu could become a breakthrough.

I. "

Irresistible pressure breeds. Yan Wuben wanted to stop Chu Yuan with an explosion, but he also saw it. If he continued to fight, he was going to die. He slammed suddenly, not fighting against Chu Yuan, and wanted to give him away. The immortal deal.

"The Hand of God!"

How could Chu Yuan let Yan Wu leave.

He had injured Yan Wu before, and now was a good opportunity to kill him. A hand of God suddenly appeared, and between the waves, the power that dominated time and space exploded, and Yan Wu was blasted back.

"Do you want to kill immortality there? This person is Shenwu Great Emperor!"

The eyes of the desperate Tianhu Great Demon suddenly burst into gleam.

"Someone is going to kill Immortal, and we will fight desperately to stop them and don't let them interfere with Emperor Shenwu!"

Those who can cultivate to immortality are all intelligent characters, as long as the balance of the battle is broken, they will have a chance.

Now there is such a situation, Duo Immortal is actively trying to create a place for Chu Yuan without interference.

"This is to kill me!"

Yan Wu's fear could no longer be added.

He rushed out of Wish Time and Space, but he was shocked to find that Wish Time and Space had long been locked. Not only was the immortal trapped here unable to escape, even he could not run out and was also trapped here.

"Third Wish Patriarch, open Wish Time and Space, he wants to kill me, I can't die here!"

Yan Wu roared.

"Damn it, how strong this Shenwu Great Emperor is, pushing Yan Wu to a desperate situation, but his wish cannot be broken in time and space. Even in an instant, this group of people will have the opportunity to escape. When that time, he will not be the Emperor. Confessed!"

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ today, even if we sacrifice the immortality of Yan Wu, we will not hesitate!"

"Continue to close the time and space of desire. As for Yanwu, please ask for more blessings. If you don't want to die, just hold on for a while!"

The three ancestors of Wish will never open Wish Space and Time for a Yanwu.

"Ah! You are killing me!"

Yan Wuye was desperate, knowing that he would not open his wish when the third ancestor sacrificed his life. Turning to look at Chu Yuan, he danced wildly with his hands and fought with this person and made a way out of life.

The emperor of Chu Yuan was strong, and he fought with Yan Wu, and he fought thousands of moves in just a few breaths, extremely violent.

All kinds of supernatural power avenues, Yan Wu burst out all over his body, there was no place intact.


Once again, Chu Yuan shot his body up in the air with five fingers, and the Human Emperor Sword appeared, hitting in the air, beheading the immortality, and directly split his head and body in half.

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