"I see, this is not their real body!"

Seeing Chu Yuan beheading and refining two powerful masters on the other side, the Bone God was awakened: "This is just a fake body condensed from immortal matter, with their will possessed on it, and their true body and soul are still on the other side of Shenzhou. Inside, it’s no wonder they say that they are immortal. Indeed, the emperor’s destruction was just a fake body, and their souls were not annihilated."

He was also somewhat fortunate.

To deal with him on the same day, there were also many powerful people from the other side. If it were the real body, he would have long been unable to insist on coming out of Chu Yuan.

"It's true that they didn't kill their deity, but the two bodies still contained a lot of immortal matter."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

He refining these immortal substances has greatly increased his cultivation.

"Yes, this method is actually not difficult. It is rare that there are a lot of immortal materials. I have transformed into my own cultivation base with so many immortal materials. How can I use this method in such a luxury, and it is only in the other side of Shenzhou. , Others can't find them, so they dare to use this method."

Bone God sighed.

No wonder it is so weak, not as immortal as the ordinary, but with a body comparable to immortality, but without a real soul.

But this method is also good, it won't die.

Even if Chu Yuan killed them, he would only make them pay a price, and only a few forces such as Shenzhou Bian could afford it.

"The other side of Shenzhou is quiet again."

Chu Yuan looked at the other shore of Shenzhou in the starry sky.

Countless people are looking for a way into the other shore, and some people who are predestined suddenly have a ray of rainbow bridge in front of them, and they walked this way into the other shore of Shenzhou.

"Finally entered the other side of Shenzhou!"

These people who have been taken in are extremely excited, and they all know that even if it is a cosmic god, as long as the heaven and earth on the other shore are not destroyed, they will not be affected by the catastrophe of the outside world, and they will be calm inside and will not be affected by the war.

"Is there really that good in the other side of Shenzhou?"

The Bone God was also guessing, he had never entered, and there was no record of it, and he didn't know what was inside.

But he believes that there are no such cheap things in the world, and you always have to pay a price for what you get.

"That is!" The Bone God was looking at the other side of Shenzhou and exclaimed: "Immortal movement, there are immortals willing to enter the other side of Shenzhou!"

The glory is brilliant, an immortal has stepped into the sea of ​​bitterness, and the time is brilliant, the power of the other side of the Shenzhou boat led him in and became an example for everyone.

The other side of Shenzhou appeared for a few months, and finally immortality entered!

The time they chose was also very good. The universe was in chaos and the eruption of the gods competed for the supreme overlord. It was the time to be bloodied. They appeared at the moment before the war. With the mysterious legend of the other side of the Shenzhou, it was enough to make a few immortal without confidence cross into the other side .

"More messy!" Bone God said.

"Bone God, what do you plan to do?"

Chu Yuan asked.

"Shenzhou is on the other side, and the Emerging God Dynasty has set off a battle. Although I am immortal, I also feel that my strength is weak. I will let the Bone God Sect approach the Shenwu Empire. In this way, if a war breaks out, I can help immediately. The opposite is the same."

The bone **** must first approach the Shenwu Empire.


Chu Yuan said lightly, he and Bone God left here.

The Bone God quickly moved the Bone God Sect to a place very close to the Shenwu Empire.

"Pay close attention to the recent news in the universe, especially the other side of Shenzhou."

Chu Yuan issued the order.

Although he has the mark of being able to enter the other side of Shenzhou, he still knows very little about this force, and a lot of information can only be distinguished by his own guess.

As for the other side of Shenzhou, the emergence of the sacred dynasty, and the misty forbidden land, there is a kind of helplessness for them, unable to break into their lair, it is difficult to deal with them, just send people to meet the strong on the other side and kill them.

However, although the strong on the other side do not show their true body, but only condense their immortal body, if they don't have immortal strength, they are not their opponents.

Time is like water, three months have passed since the appearance of the other side of Shenzhou.

"Emperor, there are thousands of cosmic gods in the universe recently, tens of thousands of world gods have been taken to the other side of the Shenzhou, and there are several immortal ones. It can be said that they are trying to attract the strong before the cosmic chaos."

When Bone God saw Chu Yuan, his face was solemn.

"Now is just a prelude. Every time the most active period of the other side of Shenzhou appears before the competition for the supremacy of the universe, because only in turmoil will someone be willing to be attracted, and when the war burns more intensely, more people are willing to enter the other side."

Chu Yuandao.


The Bone God sighed, "There is another news. Recently, there have been many ancient powerhouses. Some people are immortal in the ancient times and myths and legends. They have also appeared, as the envoys of Shenzhou beyond. Some immortal forces have entered the other side alone."

This is the ultimate move.

Many people are suspicious of Shenzhou Bian, because they are afraid that after entering the Bian, they will be caught in the urn and do not know how to die.

However, these ancient powerhouses came out and used themselves as examples to convey the truth. Entering the other side of the Shenzhou is really immortal, and living in the world forever is enough to make some immortal hearts move.

These people personally contacted those immortals and persuaded some immortals.

"If you go to the other side of Shenzhou, even if you can avoid all kinds of calamities in the universe, I'm afraid you have to follow the orders of Shenzhou's master."

Chu Yuan saw through everything.

A person who is truly determined, has his own great ambition, and the immortality of his great cause will not enter the other side of the Shenzhou.

"There is also horrible news. There are more powerful people on the other side of Shenzhou than we thought, but the strange thing is that the owner of the other side has never appeared, and he does not compete with many powerful people for the position of the universe's hegemon."

Bone God doubts.

"There is always his purpose." Chu Yuan said: "Perhaps it is saving? Only when you really enter the other side of Shenzhou can you have a chance to get a glimpse."

He is certainly not in the other side of Shenzhou.

He didn't even know what was going on inside, unless he waited until he had an immortal realm.

"Your Majesty, Bone God."

Lu Qianfu hurriedly came and said: "The minister just found out a terrifying news that an ancient clan Juzong was brought in by the other side of Shenzhou. I heard that the ancestor of this sect showed up and was instructed to enter the other side of Shenzhou. When I was inquiring about the news, I also encountered an attack from the other side of the Shenzhou~www.ltnovel.com~ The other side of the Shenzhou took action against the people of our empire!" Chu Yuan's murderous aura came out.

"Yes, the minister met several statues, but the minister took the seven divine tools on him, spurred the power of immortality, and returned directly to the empire."

Lu Qianfu also knew the recent changes and the chaos in the universe, so every time he left the Shenwu Empire, he would bring seven artifacts.

"Fortunately, their immortality is a condensed fake body, otherwise it will be dangerous, but they are supernatural and it is very troublesome to be stared at by them."

Bone God worried.

If Shenzhou’s other shore is really a pure land, you can still take refuge, but obviously not.

"They are looking for death." Chu Yuan said coldly.

"Master of Shenwu, take the Shenzhou Order!"

Suddenly there was a small boat mark, which turned into a Shenzhou order, and appeared outside the empire. I wanted to directly enter it, but it was cut off by the power of the national movement!

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