"Your Majesty, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes this time, I couldn't believe that there was such an unthinkable thing, it's ridiculously unbelievable."

Immortal time and space disappeared in the universe, and another ruin was flattened.

Chu Yuan and the Book of Qi Ling returned to the Shenwu Empire.

The Book of Enlightenment felt too shocked, the goddess shot, refining the legendary undead **** into a pill, and then the emperor emperor did not stop her.

If you don't see it yourself, who can believe it?

"Who is this goddess?"

The book of enlightenment is thinking hard and has no clue.

Such a powerful woman is rare in ancient and modern times, and there should be records in the universe. It is impossible to disappear so thoroughly, without a trace.

"Don't think too much, this woman is very mysterious, the God Jie Hua, the Immortal God Venerable, she seems to be taking what she needs every time she makes a shot, and comes with the 33rd Heavenly Tower."

Chu Yuan said: "Now that the immortal time and space are over, our eyes will be on the cosmic war."

"Yes, the Emperor Yuhua should be about to mobilize troops, he has a big move."

The Book of Enlightenment nodded: "The major forces will also take action. It is not clear now, where will the outbreak point of the war begin?"

"No matter where you start, the Shenwu Empire will be involved. After all, the power of the Shenwu Empire is beyond negligible. What we have to do is to fight hard. This time, I will kill a few phantoms from the other side. Nourishment."

Soon, they returned to the Shenwu Empire.

If there is an emperor, the empire will change greatly every day.

The effect of Bi An's fake body on Chu Yuan is no longer great now. He uses various precious treasures and immortal substances to smelt into a pool of billowing mysterious liquid, and the golden light of blood boils like a pan.

The energy of this **** and devil liquid is irritable and not gentle at all. It takes great perseverance to enter it to withstand this pain.

But persevering, the benefits are huge.

Chu Yuan could predict that a large number of world gods would be promoted to universe gods.

Immortality is still difficult to break through.

Lu Qianfu, Zhu Fengfeng, and the Book of Martial Arts are all at the fourth step limit, but immortality is still far away, and the immortal crystals in his hand are still too rare.

"I can't rush to break through immortality."

Chu Yuan shook his head.

He doesn't lack ordinary resources, what he really lacks is the kind of top-notch that can make the universe **** break through the immortality.

The time has come for forty-one years in Shenwu.

According to the news that Chu Yuan received, the Emerging God Dynasty had already mobilized troops and horses, but it was still unclear where they would attack first.

"The Emerging God Dynasty is going to declare war on the major forces in the universe. It must find a center point and sweep across all directions. There are not many places here."

Chu Yuan knew that this was not an ordinary battle, and that the Emerging God Dynasty would sweep through with a terrifying power.

He didn't worry, he would fight if he wanted to fight. The Shenwu Empire also came from the flames of war, not to mention his current realm has reached the immortal god.

The Book of Enlightenment is also very busy. He is helping the Empire train soldiers and horses and use his wisdom.

After all, he is immortal, and ordinary retreat cultivation does not have much effect for him, and he needs to seize more tyrannical materials to help him.

"We must use a large number of immortal crystals to help the people of the empire break through immortality one by one!"

Chu Yuan must now cultivate more immortality, concentrate the resources for breaking through immortality, and make breakthroughs one by one.

Only by becoming immortal can he become his right-hand man and follow him in the universe.

Space battleships are also being built quickly.

This kind of battleship is more powerful than the Star God battleship, and its protection is increased by a hundredfold.

Like its name, it can travel through the universe and accelerate with the time of the human kingdom, ensuring that Chu Yuan can create more.

"Huh? Jiuyou is beginning to impact immortality."

At this moment, Jiuyou walked out of the human emperor kingdom, she appeared in the starry sky, and began to change her life level, impacting the realm of the immortal god.

Indeed, she should also break through.

The immortal **** Chu Yuan gave her two pieces to build a solid foundation for her, and she also had the set of treasures of the Queen of Blood Moon.

"Someone in the empire is beginning to break through immortality!"

This kind of movement caught the attention of the powerful empires. Looking at Jiuyou in the starry sky, they were all strangers, only knowing that it was a woman brought back by His Majesty.

"Blood Moon Queen, I am your greatest opportunity to break through immortality, but it is also when I expel your will."

Jiuyou's face was cold, and he was not afraid of the immortal catastrophe, but was very confident.

Soon, the immortal catastrophe fell.

Although Jiuyou possessed a set of artifacts from the Blood Moon Empress, he didn't use it, knowing that the more it was used, it would be of no benefit to her. Instead, a sacred fire like a nine-nether appeared on his body, which was as bright as dark gold.

All kinds of catastrophes fell on her, and Jiuyou was unmoved.

Her vitality is also rapidly depleting, but she is relying on the Shenwu Empire behind her, and she is not afraid at all, just devote herself to it.

"It's easier for her to cross the catastrophe than me."

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment sighed that although he had gone through that day, he did not want to endure that experience a second time.

The power of this divine calamity fell, and her life level was also undergoing earth-shattering changes. During this period of time in the human emperor kingdom, in the cycle of heaven and earth, she did not know how many immortal breakthroughs she had simulated.

Moreover, she controls the Blood Moon Queen's divine weapon, not to borrow her power, but to seize the Blood Moon Queen's experience in that kind of confrontation of wills.

"The immortal catastrophe is not the greatest danger to Jiuyou, but the will of the Empress of Blood Moon, which erupts from the inside out, but she can get through it."

Chu Yuandao.

Sure enough, just when Jiuyou experienced the last, most terrifying calamity.

A blood-colored brilliance emerged from her body, and immediately clashed with her will.

The selection of the Blood Moon Queen was also very good.

The final calamity was the most powerful, and Jiuyou had to fight both with distraction and her will.

The resistance of the will is extremely dangerous. Although the Book of Spirit Enlightenment on the side does not know how dangerous Jiuyou is going through, it also sweats for her.

He knows some blood moon queens~www.ltnovel.com~ only knows that this queen is a powerful existence in the ancient times, the immortal triple heaven, and the strength at the peak is not weaker than the barbaric war god.

It is a pity that she died in the Great Tribulation of Reincarnation, leaving only a will in her divine tool, hoping to recover.

The Queen of Blood Moon had a good plan, if it weren't for Jiuyou to meet Chu Yuan, her plan would have succeeded.

However, Chu Yuan's reincarnation of heaven and earth caused Jiu You to strengthen her will, and countless times against the will of the Blood Moon Queen, it was doomed to her failure.

After all, it was just a will. Even if you had the most powerful means before, you would not be able to win the sky in Chu Yuan's empire.

The immortal catastrophe slowly dissipated.

Jiuyou stood silently in the starry sky, her aura had changed, she was an immortal power, immortal, unaffected by the cycle of the universe, and immortal life.

With a wave of her palm, a ball of blood shot out in front of her, slowly condensing the existence of a vague woman.

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