Even though it was difficult to raise his head by the commanding command and the power of Xia Han, he still tried to straighten his body without fear, and calmly welcome defeat.

Is it useful to beg for mercy?

It's nothing more than adding humiliation.

Xia Han has spared him once, so he won't spare him a second time.

Xia Han was indifferent, but he was definitely not a soft-handed person. Didn't you see that she killed Liu Xin simply and neatly?

Similarly, if Yu Beifeng entered the Mingguang Immortal Sect, he would not let Xia Han go.

This time he also knew that he was planted and the plan failed. The so-called winners and losers would have to come up with the price and let the winners knead.

"It's too cheap to let you die. I won't waste your powerful strength. In fact, the opportunity has already been given to you. If you want to take refuge in the Yuhua God, I will not stop you, but you will betray you. I can't tolerate it."

Xia Han raised his hand, "I will obliterate your will and turn you into a puppet, protector of the law, and continue to work."

Yes, Xia Han didn't want to deal with him. She was also attacking the Immortal Third Heaven. Once she reached this state, Wan Yue would not be able to turn the sky.

But he attracted the Emerging God Dynasty. If the Emperor Shenwu hadn't been invited through the bone god, she would have been unlucky.

If you can cultivate to immortality, how can you be soft-hearted?

"Guardian God?"

When Wan Yue heard it, he heard the great horror, more terrifying than death, and roared: "No! Even if my spirit is destroyed, don’t let you obliterate my will, Xia Han, because I have so many reincarnations in the Mingguang Immortal Sect. On the points, give me a good time!"

"If I die, who will give me a chance."

Xia Han was merciless this time, this command command mobilized the power of the immortal universe, and suddenly a ray of light shone, suppressing it with the power of the entire universe.

Wan Yue's body trembled violently, and his will was obliterated, as if he had become a puppet, motionless.

An unconscious guardian **** just loses his thoughts and is not afraid of death.

But the disadvantage is that the strength of the protector **** has been frozen, and the realm is this realm, and there is no way to cultivate and grow.

Xia Han also knew that it was too extravagant to directly obliterate an immortal double heaven, and it was the most cost-effective to refine it as a protector of the law.


The middle-aged woman lowered her head.

Although she helped suppress Liu Xin this time, it was useless, only atonement.

Fortunately, I never got involved in Wan Yue's mess.

Chu Yuan watched Xia Han clear the door, but he was also decisive.

Although the malignant tumor was eradicated this time, an immortal statue was beheaded, and another statue was refined as a protector of the law. It was a heavy loss and the strength of the sect was greatly weakened.

But he also knew.

Xia Han had no choice but to do this. They all colluded with Yuhua Shenchao to deal with her, could they still keep it.

At this time, her Qingxiu's face also showed deep fatigue, and she sat on the palm teacher's seat, her eyes were a little dazed, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Xia Han, where are you going next?"

But the Bone God asked: "Now the civil strife has been settled, and this time the flag left by the Feathering God Dynasty has been cleaned up for fear of retaliation. For the sake of this plan, it is to get close to the Shenwu Empire and help the Great Emperor."

"I'm tired, very tired."

Xia Han did not answer directly, but said: "Silently, do you know what I am thinking of most now? I miss Master and I have the shelter of Master. I don't need to worry about anything. I just need to practice step by step under his protection. it is good."

She can't forget that fairy-like, kind-looking, kind eyebrow, accept her as a personal preacher, teach her cultivation, and regard her as the master of her own daughter.

After she had cultivated to immortality, the ancestor of Mingguang went to the reincarnation catastrophe without worry, and passed the command to her.

She didn't want the ancestor of Mingguang to go to the Great Tribulation, but the ancestor of Mingguang also said that he could not hide from the catastrophe, and there was still a chance to go. If he could not come back, she would be the new supreme master, and live well.

The change of the sect made her heart very tired, and she did not like to manage the sect.


Bone God was startled, he nodded, Xia Han at this moment was like the weak little girl in his memory.

He also said helplessly: "Yes, I'm tired, but the current situation does not allow us to stop. We must move forward, and we must die."

"I have a hunch that the Emerging God Dynasty will start the war again. This battle is more terrifying than ever."

Xia Han said: "I don't want to be the head teacher anymore. I'm very tired. Now my only wish is to go to the land of reincarnation in person, find the master's remains, and let him enter the land for safety. This is what I can do. The only thing left."

"Head teacher!" The old woman was shocked: "If you don't become a head teacher, what should we do with these billions of creatures, and where should we go!"

"The Supreme Master!"

All the universe gods also knelt down.

"Can I still support it? Can I protect the sect?"

Xia Han shook her head. She already had an idea. She looked at Chu Yuan and stood up and said: "Shenwu Great Emperor, I have not thanked you for today's affairs, and I have nothing to give. If possible, I would like to bring Mingguang Xianzong into Shenwu, I hope the emperor can shelter the millions of lives of Mingguang Xianzong."

She didn't miss the position of the head teacher, because the ancestor of Mingguang accepted it.

"Go directly to the Shenwu Empire!"

Bone God was also shocked, but he did not expect Xia Han to be so direct.

of course.

He knows Xia Han well and knows why.

Xia Han has supported Mingguang Immortal Sect for so many years. She, who was originally elegant-minded, assumed the burden. Now that the universe is changing, she also knows that Mingguang Immortal Sect is likely to be destroyed in this battle.

"It's not bad to take refuge in Emperor Shenwu."

Bone God thought so.

He still knows something about the Shenwu Empire. The people live and work in peace and contentment. The Great Emperor shines on them like the sun, and the Shenwu Great Emperor is kind to the inside, cruel to the outside, and becomes a citizen of the empire. He will receive his kindness.

that's true.

In the war that swept the universe, let alone Xia Han, even the immortal triple heavens, even the venerable series like the Misty Ancient Emperor may fall.

Today, Chu Yuan's light was so dazzling that Xia Han had this thought.

"Hahahaha~www.ltnovel.com~ I have also received too much favor from the emperor. If the emperor does not dislike it, Li Moran is also willing to join the Shenwu empire and fight for the empire. Perhaps only in this way can we survive this disaster."

Bone God wants to accompany Xia Han.

He knew better that his Bone God Sect was adjacent to the Shenwu Empire and was protected by the Great Emperor, but this was not a matter. He couldn't be shy and let the Shenwu Great Emperor protect him all the time.

Xia Han also looked at Bone God.

Li Moran made this decision more because of himself.

She knew that although the Bone God was only the Immortal First Heaven, he was also the Immortal Second Heaven when he was strongest, and she was able to cultivate to immortality in the universe, largely because of the ancestor of Mingguang.

The Bone God relies on himself.

If it hadn't been for the bone **** to die once, with his ability, it is likely that he would have already hit the third heaven.

"Mingguang Immortal Sect's creatures have entered Shenwu, then they are our people." Chu Yuan smiled and said, "I am their heaven and their support."

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