A few years after the end of the immortal time and space, Yuhua Shen Dynasty finally set off a war in the universe.

As soon as he received the news, Chu Yuan immediately summoned all the powerhouses of the empire to enter the temple.

"Your Majesty, the universe is too big. When the news was received, the war had already begun."

The calligraphy of Qi Ling, his face was solemn.

"Where did the war start."

Chu Yuan sat on the emperor's throne, majestic and majestic. The black robe represented the color of slaughter, listening to the reports of the officials.

"The Emerald God Dynasty chose a place that surprised the ministers. They actually went to war in the land of reincarnation. Just a few months ago, the city of Emerald God suddenly descended on the land of reincarnation, killing the strong explorers and expelling all there. People, declare to occupy the land of reincarnation."

The Book of Enlightenment was shocked and surprised when he knew it.

The land of reincarnation is not a good place.

"The Land of Reincarnation!"

Xia Han went to court for the first time. After hearing this, his face changed, and said: "The place where the Great Tribulation of Reincarnation is located is also the center of the universe. It is very special there. Yuhua Shencha is to control the world of reincarnation."

She was very clear about the place of reincarnation and introduced it to the ministers in detail.

The so-called world of reincarnation exists in the land of reincarnation, which is the point where the great catastrophe erupts. After the great catastrophe, many immortals have fallen there. There are many immortal artifacts left there, and even the existence of the emperor has fallen. Got there.

Now the Great Tribulation of Reincarnation has not erupted, and it is still calm inside. Although it is still dangerous, some immortals will go there to find ancient gods.

The Yuhua God Dynasty did not choose to fight in the universe, but instead placed the battlefield in the universe and occupied the land of reincarnation. The intention is also obvious, that is, you don't want you to look for it, and all the treasures are attributed to the emergence.

Moreover, although the samsara world represents the immortal catastrophe, it is a refuge for some people when it never breaks out.

"Feathering God is cruel to this hand." Bone God said.

"Indeed, when the Yuhua God Dynasty first entered the land of reincarnation, it slaughtered in the universe."

The Book of Enlightenment did not dare to care about it, "Your Majesty, now that all the major forces in the universe have gone to the land of reincarnation, our Shenwu Empire must also make a choice. How to fight this battle and how to proceed depends on your Majesty's decision."

"How about the other situation in the universe?"

Chu Yuan controls the overall situation.

"Not friendly."

Lu Qianfu said: "According to the news received by the minister, the Emerging God Dynasty did not start the war to destroy the immortality first. Instead, other forces first took action to destroy several immortal forces and killed many immortals. Now it is even more chaotic. ."

"That's it. Headed by the Misty Forbidden Land, the Temple of Killing, the Sea of ​​Death, and the Ancient Demon Forbidden Area, some first-class forces with the immortal triple heavens have taken the lead to form an alliance. They have summoned the major forces in the universe into the land of reincarnation. Some people just After hesitating, the sect was destroyed."

The Book of Enlightenment: "One of the strongest ones that has been destroyed is called Yunshanzong. The ancestor of Yunshan has been killed by the Temple of Killing and declared to the universe that there is no neutrality in this battle. Anyone who does not fight will be first Kill."

"Yunshan Sect!" Xia Han said: "I know that Yunshan Sect, and Mingguang Immortal Sect are still friendly, Yunshan ancestor Immortal Second Heaven, I didn't expect to be killed in this way, this battle is cruel."

If it hadn't been for Emperor Shenwu to suppress it, her fate would not be good.

"In a short period of time, how can we prepare so quickly? The so-called killing neutrality, I think, is just the selfishness of some people. After all, killing an immortal is wealth, but in this way, you must either join the Feathering God Dynasty, join the alliance, or be passive. Being involved in this war, in short, is forcing you to join the war."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do?"

Lu Qianfu asked.

"Alliance? I don't believe that this alliance can really contend with the Eclosing Divine Empire. In my opinion, it is just a tool used by the Misty Ancient Emperor and others to consume the Eclosing Divine Power, by the way, to suppress dissidents and their own enemies."

Chu Yuan saw through everything, "The Shenwu Empire participates in the war, but does not enter the alliance. We have our combat strategy."

"All follow the instructions of the emperor." The officials said.

"The Emerging God Dynasty takes the land of reincarnation as the center of the battlefield. With a special location, all forces have to go to the battle, hoping to weaken the power of the major forces and then sweep the war into the universe."

"Although I am not familiar with the Feathered God Emperor, through the records, I understand that this emperor's hegemony also contains vicious calculations. Through the Mingguang Immortal Sect, he has been in the layout for a long time, and I don't know how many immortality is his Feathering God. People of the Dynasty."

"Moreover, this time it seems that there is a lot of immortality to attack the Emerging God Dynasty, but I also know that the hearts are not aligned, like the chickens and dogs, fighting each other, and can only go with the wind. Once headwind, the situation is unpredictable."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

The emperor must look at the overall situation and control the situation.

The ministers nodded.

His Majesty said so much that he must join the war.

"God, there is only one dynasty in the universe now, and the supremacy of the universe, who doesn't want to achieve it? No matter how we develop this time in the land of reincarnation, I will send elites to fight there and raise soldiers for thousands of days. For a while, no one has ever experienced the battle with the gods."

When the officials heard this, their hearts were awe-inspiring.

Your Majesty's meaning is already very clear.

Fight, fight!

The land of reincarnation is a big melee, and the situation there is complicated. Your Majesty wants to take this opportunity to train troops with the Emancipation God.

Also, since the Eternal Great World, the Shenwu Empire has not had a nationwide war for so many years. It was all partial battles, and the opponents were too weak.

Many soldiers have not adapted to this vast war.

They certainly know that His Majesty is ambitious, and he is also thinking of aspiring to the gods and becoming the supreme overlord.

"Wish to be a pioneer for Your Majesty!"

Bone God stood up.

He just joined the Shenwu Empire, and he desperately needs to make a great contribution.

"In the land of reincarnation, the eternal emperor, the misty ancient emperor, the master of the temple of slaying and many other strong people are there, and they are destined to be cruel."

The Book of Enlightenment is added.

"The situation is unstable. In this battle, the gods and above of the various legions entered the land of reincarnation with me. The soldiers have been training for so many years, and they have to move."

Chu Yuan wants to go in person.

He can't go.

After all, the strongest in the universe are there, and he, the emperor, is going to guard the army.

And only the gods are eligible to participate in such battles, and it is no longer possible to pull out a number of cosmic **** empires, gods, gods, virtual gods, and true gods to make up an army of tens of hundreds of billions.

The gods are already gods, and only gods are qualified.

However, the gods are still cannon fodder when they go there, they must fight with the army and urge the formation.

"The Book of Qi Ling stays behind the Shenwu Empire."

Chu Yuan's kingdom has a long history of humanity and endless luck ~www.ltnovel.com~ He is not afraid that someone will deal with his empire, but he has to leave the corresponding master to guard.

"The key to this battle, I will give you half a month to prepare."

Chu Yuandao.

When the dynasty will disperse, Chu Yuan will also make his preparations.

His current cultivation is only the immortal one-layer heaven, and he is also eager to break through to the realm of the two-layer heaven.

But this step requires a lot of resources to promote, which is why he is so passionate about the land of reincarnation.

The land of reincarnation, the concentration of immortality, and the world of reincarnation, may allow his realm to break through to the immortal double heaven.

"This battle I see very thoroughly. The Land of Reincarnation is just the beginning of the battle with the Emerging Gods. It is difficult to grow without war. So let them go to fight the Gods army and learn their power."

Chu Yuan was ambitious.

And he could see clearly that in addition to the alliance formed by Misty Ancient Emperor, there are many careerists who are contributing to the flames.

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