The army of the Emerging God Dynasty is coming in dense numbers!

A dazzling light door opened, and a large number of troops wearing dazzling divine armors descended. They held weapons and looked down upon the world with an imposing manner. Seeing the space battleship, there was an incredible dominance on their faces.

Feathered God Army is definitely synonymous with powerful.

"The Feathered God Army is here, and their goal is the Shenwu Empire!"

In this large area, there are still many small forces, and when they see so many Emerging Divine Army, they are frightened. If so many Divine Army kills them, they will be wiped out in an instant.

Yuhua Shenchao chose a good battlefield.

Although it is big here, it can bring all the forces in the universe together, and they can send troops to kill as quickly as possible.

But there are also disadvantages. If you are not strong, you will be caught in a pot and become a joke.

However, Yuhua Shenchao definitely has this strength.

In front of the Yuhua God Army, an acquaintance of Chu Yuan appeared, it was Yu Beifeng.

Beside him, there was a man holding two short Ges in both hands, who turned out to be the Immortal God Triple Heaven.

In order to send troops to deal with the Shenwu Empire, they actually dispatched two Immortal Triple Heavens. It is conceivable that they attach great importance to the Shenwu Empire.

In addition to the ethereal forbidden land and the killing of the temple, the Emerging God Dynasty was also considered their primary target. After all, Chu Yuan had destroyed their plans twice.

"Yu Beifeng, that is the Shenwu Empire?"

That short Ge manly.

Although the rise of the Shenwu Empire was not long, the man did not despise him at all. He also knew that Yu Beifeng was blocked by the Shenwu Great Emperor in Mingguang Xianzong that day.

"It is the Shenwu Empire, this is their warrior and horse." Yu Beifeng said indifferently.

"The battleship is not bad, but it's a big crime to even destroy me and evolve the gods twice. This is a big sin. The Shenwu God Emperor is ambitious and must die and destroy their army first."

The short Ge man's eyes are dazzling, and the enemies of the gods will all be destroyed.

"Two Immortal Triple Heavens!"

Xia Han looked awe-inspiring, and she said: "Your Majesty, the power of my burning command can also stop a triple heaven in a short time!"

"No need, the army can go to the battle. These two triple heavens dare not take action at will. In the Land of Reincarnation, they have too many opponents. Once they fall into a fierce battle, a pack of wolves will surround them."

Chu Yuan presided over the overall situation, "Shenwu is going to fight!"




The battleship door opened, and the Shenwu army went out to fight. Even if they were about to fight the Yuhua Shen Dynasty, they still did not fear, but instead wanted to fight.

Shenwu builds the country by force, the Emperor Shenwu is here, and he is not afraid of any powerful enemy.

A large number of soldiers wearing black armor appeared, and the armor made a collision sound like a golden drum, shaking the sky and the earth.

From a distance, the two powerhouses formed a distinct dividing line. One was the Feathered God Army wearing a dazzling armor, while the armor of the other was much simpler. It was dark and killing.

"The momentum of this Shenwu Empire is so powerful, it is still not afraid to face the Emerging God Army, there will be a big battle!"

"What a strong murderous, black armor, Xiao Sha is solemn!"


This kind of dazzling armor shocked many people.


At this time, the originally bright sky suddenly dimmed, lightning flashes and thunder, squally winds and waves, and torrential rain, and every drop of rain was as big as a puff, crackling and scouring on the soldiers on both sides.

Don't underestimate the rain.

This is the rain in the land of reincarnation, each drop is equivalent to a blow from the Void God, so dense that it can't bear it without the strength of the **** above.

The black armor army was bathed in heavy rain, and although the dim armor was not as bright as the opponent's camp, they were more like killing gods.


The short Ge man ordered.

Any Shenwu empire will be wiped out in the face of the powerful strength of the Feather God Dynasty.

"It's going to fight!"

Countless people are far away from the battlefield, and only powerful beings dare to watch the battle.

Although the Emperor Yuhua was good at conspiring, their army charged directly, and they were also directly domineering, fearless of everything, and the roar of killing, shaking the land of reincarnation, swept over.

"The battleship is the line of defense, bombarded by giant artillery!"

Although Lu Qianfu is not immortal, he is too familiar with the Shenwu army's style of play, and he knows how to give full play to his advantages. Suddenly, countless energy cannons tore through the sky and blasted the past.

"Using warships to deal with the gods, naive!"

Feathered God Army has immortality to cast mana, disdainfully said.

"is it?"

The Shenwu Empire also has immortality shots, specifically staring at those immortality.

"Kill it!"

This kind of posture confrontation, conspiracy and tricks are useless, only direct and direct combat.

Chu Yuan guarded the army, his gaze was to Yu Beifeng and Dan Ge, and he knew clearly that as long as he did not move, they would not move easily, and would let his subordinates fight more.

"Let the army crush them."

The short man is called Zhao Ge.

Yu Beifeng is to guard against Emperor Shenwu, and he can't move lightly, and he wants to guard against the immortal triple heaven that may be killed, but he firmly believes that the quality of the feathered army can definitely tear and destroy the opponent!

This time there were many forces that attacked the Emerging God Dynasty, and it seemed to have made many enemies.

But Zhao Ge knew that these people could guess the mind of His Majesty God Emperor.

He secretly didn't know how many traps he had laid, so he waited for these people to enter the game and caught them all.

This is Yangmou.

Many people know that there must be pitfalls in Yuhua Shenchao.

However, their position was too critical, forcing these people to have to fight Yuhua Shenchao.

"This kind of chaos depends on the cooperation of the legion array!"

Xia Han was here, watching the battlefield secretly.

She handed the Mingguang Xianzong to Chu Yuanqian and knew that if she didn't have a strong backing, she would be cannon fodder if she joined the Mingguang Xianzong in this battle. Without the Mingguang ancestor, she would have no right to speak.

"Your opponent is me!"

Xia Han saw that an immortal was about to enter the army, and immediately shot. She was the strongest existence in the Shenwu Empire except Chu Yuan. She slapped her palms and launched an attack.

"Huh! The Mingguang Immortal Sect will die too!"

This immortal way.

He is also not Although he is not as strong as Xia Han, he is also a double heaven, and he will not be killed by her. It is enough to stop her.

The protector **** made by Wanyue refining came out.

The seven artifacts were also spurred by Lu Qianfu's gathering of a large number of universe gods.

The leader of the **** of war and the leader of the town prison were not afraid of death, and brazenly entered the enemy's formation, just seeking to kill the opponent as much as possible before they were blown up.

"This battle is fierce!"

Bone God's eyes also flashed with scorching warfare. He himself was a bold man. He led the soldiers of his army to rush to the front. A large halberd swept away the feathered divine army.

"Don't dare!"

Immortal shot, the lethality is too strong, no one can watch them kill like this.


The black torrent and the dazzling divine light also completely collided and merged together to start a big melee.

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