This immortal felt that his neck was chilly, and suddenly turned around to look at it. A person appeared behind him without warning, and the scimitar Hanmang wanted to put his neck in.

not good!

He secretly said a bad voice, he must dodge this move.

Qi Xue sneered, having been suppressed for so long, finally waiting for this good opportunity, how could he let him escape easily.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind, the attack method of the ghost is too weird, cut off with a scimitar, his own nothingness passes through his mana, and a head rises into the sky.

It is unlucky for him.

This kind of large army battle is completely different from fighting alone. There are enemies on all sides. It is difficult for you to fully defend against his power like fighting with one person. In addition, the magic of the ghost is really weird, and you will be assassinated by the ghost.

However, the immortal vitality is strong, although his head is cut off, but the problem is not big, his head and body are about to withdraw from the battlefield.

But Shenyouzhe and Qi Xue finally caught the opportunity, where would they be allowed to escape.

"Take him back!"

Zhao Ge immediately ordered that many Immortals rescued this person immediately.

"Don't let them succeed in rescue!"

Lu Qianfu shouted sharply.

Suddenly the seven artifacts rushed over.


The two energies exploded at the same time, and the seven artifacts stood in front of them, and they were exploded by the immortality of the Feathering God Dynasty. The seven artifacts were divided into seven pieces. A large number of cosmic gods motivated it to vomit blood and suffered serious injuries.

Lu Qianfu quickly took back the seven artifacts.

However, the immortal whose head was decapitated was also smashed into the flesh under the joint hands of Shenyouzhe and Qi Xue, and died on the spot.

Counting it all, although the Emerging God Army blasted the seven artifacts, these seven artifacts were originally inspired by vitality, and it was nothing that a large number of universe gods could not participate in the battle.

And the other party is an immortal life lost, and how many universe gods can't change it.

Zhao Ge's face was gloomy, and the loss this time was too great. He didn't expect that the opponent still had such a master of assassination. After seeing the assassination of the ghost, he once again hid in the void.

Zhao Ge also wanted to make a move and find the Shenyou, but the Shenwu Great Emperor was still watching.

Moreover, the ghosts remain hidden, even if they do not appear, they are a threat to the battle.

"Mighty! Mighty! Mighty!"

The weapon was raised, and the morale of the empire was boiling.

Killing an immortal statue has a tremendous effect on the motivation of the army, and it also severely frustrated the spirit of the feathered divine army.

"Warriors, we can't let them look down!"

The warriors of the savage domain are also as good as the chicken blood, and the more they fight, the more courageous they are. In the face of some miscellaneous troops, if they can't get the advantage of destroying the dead, they will be shameless.

"Get out and heal!"

Lu Qianfu mobilized the formation.

The cosmic gods all retreated to heal their wounds.

"Fight against the opponent's universe **** with a space battleship!"

Chu Yuan didn't care about the damage of the space battleship. As long as there were enough materials and enough time in the Human Sovereign Kingdom, he could build a lot of this stuff.

"I can't go on anymore, I'll crush Emperor Shenwu!"

Zhao Ge can no longer watch the army continue to fight.

He walked out and broke the earth, with two short Ge Han shining in his hands, and there were thunder rays. This was a battle for his meritorious service.

Although he is the Immortal Triple Heaven, he also wants to become the king of the emperor.

"Emperor Shenwu, let me learn about your strength!"

Zhao Ge is very strong. He knows that the head of the enemy is Emperor Shenwu. If he suppresses him, he can inspire morale. He immediately sees his fighting spirit and his strength is wild, and Dan Ge kills him fiercely.

"The Immortal Triple Heaven has started!"

Everyone became nervous.

When the Immortal Triple Heaven takes action, it is the most intense moment of a battle.

The moment Zhao Ge killed him, an extremely bright portal suppressed him, and his Chang Ge slammed into the light with a heavy blow.


Yu Beifeng is unfeeling and unrighteous. He doesn't talk much, and he is ruthless.

The two Immortal Triple Heavens acted on Chu Yuan at the same time, and Beiming Fengye was pressing against the miscellaneous army, and now it is impossible to give a helping hand.

"I am here."

Chu Yuan left the door of light, but a cursed door appeared on his right. A cursing force danced with both hands in the cursed door and directly hit Zhao Ge.

Zhao Ge didn't know what power this was at the beginning.

But the power of his curse eroded into his flesh and blood, and his face changed drastically!

This is the power of the curse. The portal is like the source of the curse, turning his power into the power of the curse, corroding him and making him extremely uncomfortable.

"Cursed power, king of cursed!"

He was shocked to see the Cursed King in the Cursed Gate!

How could he not know such a strange power, but what puzzled him was that he was blasted away by God back then? This person actually gathered nine pieces and dared to use the power of the curse unscrupulously.

"Using the power of the curse, aren't you afraid of being cursed?"

Zhao Ge shouted.


Chu Yuan would not pay attention to him.

He let the Cursed Gate cast countless cursing powers, such as violent storms and rain, falling into the Feathered God Army, and suddenly a large amount of Feathered God Army was cursed, and some of the weaker ones were just a gas, making them scream. All rotted.

The more powerful the curse king curses, the stronger the power.

Light and curse.

At this time there was a very strange scene.

The Shenwu army had the light of imperial luck, and was sheltered by the great emperor.

"The power of Emperor Shenwu!"

Bei Ming Fengye also looked here, and his heart trembled.

It's not that he has never seen the existence of cursing power, but he has never seen someone like Emperor Shenwu.

The Shenwu Great Emperor used the power of the curse, he himself was not dark and weird, but he was more like the master of the gods, the controller of the curse, light and holy and unimaginable, and he regarded him as a kind of power of his own.

Chu Yuan's humane supreme will radiate.

He bombarded with the cursed door, and the billowing cursed gas blasted out. Zhao Ge responded, but he was worried. He knew that he was not the Emperor Shenwu and could not ignore the power of the curse. Once it was corroded, he had to resolve it immediately.

He was also mentally aggrieved.

Yu Beifeng was also erupting, but Chu Yuan had already fought him against him, and the world shaking Lei Ge slammed, thunder water poured out, the powerful figure just blocked his bombardment.

Thunder sea, light, curse.

Three weird powers appeared in one person's hands at the same time, dazzling everyone.

This Shenwu Great Emperor is weird, he has too much power, and can control everything.


A cursing beam fell from the sky.

He accurately cursed and killed, in addition to a large amount of cursing power wielding, he also specifically cursed and killed the strong in the Feathered God Army.


Screaming again and again, a large number of feathered strong men were cursed and killed, their bodies rotted into pus.

Chu Yuan really couldn't kill the Immortal Third Heaven, but he was not afraid, and his various methods were enough to stop them.


Zhao Ge yelled.

This kind of curse power is difficult to contend, he is very uncomfortable, not to mention the soldiers, and he also knows that he must be blocked to prevent him from using the curse power unscrupulously.

"Can you stop it?"

Standing the cursed gate in the void with one hand, and shaking the world with Lei Ge with the other, Chu Yuan fought against the Immortal Third Heaven.


At this time, the miscellaneous army also collapsed, and finally couldn't bear the indiscriminate bombardment of the warriors of the barbaric domain.

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