"Although there is danger in the world of reincarnation, I am not afraid."

Chu Yuan looked at the world of reincarnation. Although he knew the danger inside, it was also a place with treasures.

The system has been received for so many years, and the more complicated and dangerous tasks you look at, the greater the final reward.

Just like last time in the city of wish.

He wants to break through to the immortal double heaven, and this is a good opportunity in the world of reincarnation.

"The whole army rests for a while and enters the world of reincarnation!"

Chu Yuan issued the order.

His strategy this time has not yet been completed.

And even though a large number of strong men have chased into the world of reincarnation, there are still many people who hesitate to move forward, and are afraid of the dangers inside.

After the Shenwu army rested and reorganized, under the leadership of Chu Yuan, the army rushed into the world of reincarnation.

"Emperor Shenwu, my barbaric domain has another purpose when entering the world of reincarnation, to find a **** of war for the **** of war!"

However, Beiming Fengye separated from Chu Yuan after entering the world of reincarnation, but the two left a mark of mutual help.

Chu Yuan didn't force them to stay. The Barbarians are powerful, unlike the Rune Sect, who can hold them at will, and the things they are looking for must be very rare, and they are not embarrassed to rely on the power of the Shenwu Empire.

"Immortality, what should we do, retreat or advance? Or act alone?"

There was a strong man in the God Rune Sect who whispered to Xiang Ge Shan.

They were trapped in the middle by the Shenwu army this time, but there was no loss.


Ge Shan cursed: "What is our strength? It is not enough to squeeze the teeth between others. If it is not forced, I will not participate in the war. You are separated from the Shenwu Empire, do you want to die?"

"It's better not to enter the world of reincarnation. It's too dangerous inside. Get out."

They are also afraid of reincarnation.

One after another, the cosmic reincarnation, accumulated, and immortality died a lot in it.

"Not in?"

Ge Shan had this idea, and said, "That's a more stupid way. Do you think it's that simple to retreat from the Emperor Yuhua? It's more dangerous to stay outside, and you can live with the Shenwu Empire!"

Ge Shan is very smart, he can survive by following Shenwu Empire!

"Here... is the world of reincarnation! The Great Tribulation of Reincarnation broke out, where the master fell!"

At this time, the Shenwu army had entered the world of reincarnation, Xia Han looked forward and made a sound.

In the world of reincarnation, there is a brand new world, as if a path out of the cycle of the universe has been constructed. It is rumored that as long as you control the world of reincarnation, you can control the cycle of the entire universe, the real master of the universe.

But this is too illusory, no one can do it.

What attracts many immortals is that as long as you penetrate the world of reincarnation and go to the end of this world, you may not be troubled by reincarnation and reach a new world.

This rumor seems to be true, as if someone really left the world of reincarnation, but there is no way to prove it.

The chaotic mist, the light is dim, everything here is gray, as if covered with a gray veil.

The environment in the land of reincarnation is sinister enough, but it is even more sinister and changeable. Sometimes the seemingly peaceful place suddenly bursts out of terrifying laws and strangulation, and unpredictable forces swallow you and pull you in.

And now, the reincarnation catastrophe has not yet erupted, and it is still the most peaceful time.

"The end of the world of reincarnation!"

Chu Yuan's eyes pierced fiercely into the deepest part of the world of reincarnation, but could not see through, as if the world was infinite, with layers of mist in front of him.

Boom boom boom!

They were entering a little later, and there had been wars breaking out everywhere, and the voices of killing could be heard.

"The danger in the world of reincarnation, no one can control, and it is precisely because of this danger that the emperor of the emperor can not control it."

Chu Yuandao.

The army was one, and he led the army forward and saw a big mountain with many corpses, there were feathered gods, and other forces, they were fighting each other.

"Looking at them, it seems that they are fighting and being attacked by other vicious objects."

Bone God analysis.

These corpses had claw marks and various bite marks. They saw immortal blood stains, but they did not see immortal bones or dragging blood marks.

"Reincarnation corpse!"

Xia Han said: "One of the great dangers in the world of reincarnation is the evil corpses of reincarnation. Their actions in the world of reincarnation are all immortals that have fallen here in the past. Because of the strange power of the world of reincarnation, they have become the existence of evil corpses, but they can become Evil corpses are all immortal, and there were such things as undead corpses in the undead time and space before, but they are far beyond comparison."

"Evering God retreats here, do you want to use the reincarnation corpse to fight back?" Bone God thought, "But the probability of them encountering an attack is also equal, the emperor of the emperor, I can't guess."

"I don't think it is that simple, continue to follow me!"

In the world of reincarnation, the suppression of immortal spirits is great, and evil corpses often appear. They are ferocious and merge with the breath of reincarnation.


Just after Chu Yuan passed through a layer of fog, he saw a large number of people and horses. Judging from their clothes, they were all people from the feathered dynasty. They were taking a rest here. When they suddenly saw the Shenwu army coming, they were shocked.

"All killed."

Chu Yuandao.

When they met on a narrow road, Chu Yuan encountered this one after being broken up, and screamed and quickly cleared the battlefield.

They continued to move forward, Xia Han was also looking for the remains of Mingguang ancestor.

The gray breath is vast and the details are not clear, there is a vaguely human presence.

This humanoid existence seemed to smell the breath of flesh and blood creatures, and he suddenly rushed out, fast as lightning, without being suppressed in the reincarnation realm, shuttled vertically and horizontally, stretched out his palm, and was absorbed by the rolling storm.

Chu Yuan slammed his palm and slammed him back, only to see his specific appearance.

This is an old man with a high crown on his head and an extremely ancient service. He is not as dry as a corpse as he had imagined. On the contrary, it is almost the same as when he was alive, but his spells are cast with fierce and evil power.

"Reincarnation corpse!"

It was the first time Chu Yuan saw a corpse.

Unlike the resurrection of those skeletons, the reincarnation corpse preserved its strength very well, not that weak.

And they can cast all kinds of spells, but they have lost their consciousness ~www.ltnovel.com~ and become a wandering existence here.

"The existence of the age of ten thousand laws!"

Bone Shinto.

The strength of this reincarnation corpse was as high as the Immortal Second Heaven, and the aura of Chu Yuan and others was completely different from him. With a wave of his hands, it was an endless spell impact, and black glow rolled.


Chu Yuan stretched out his hand, grabbed the old man directly, and held it in his own hands.

"No matter how strong you are, you will cast spells again. After all, you will not have your own consciousness and be controlled by the power in the world of reincarnation."

Chu Yuan saw through the essence of the reincarnation corpse, which was stronger than the other corpses, but they were still dead. Their bodies were no longer alive, but were dominated by another power.

"Samsara evil corpses, there are many in the world of reincarnation, all of which are accumulated from one cycle to another."

Xia Han said sentimentally: "Master, maybe here is also a corpse."

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