It must be at the time of the last reincarnation catastrophe, the Feathered God Dynasty that the Lord of the Killing Temple took refuge in.

Otherwise, how can a person who is so arrogant as the Lord of the Killing of the Gods become the running dogs of the Emperor Feathering.

He thought that everyone else might be chess pieces, but he didn't expect to kill the temple master.

But if you want to understand, what's the effect?

If you lose, you lose.

To be honest, he would rather fight against the existence of the Emperor of Heaven, which is so powerful that people feel powerless, than against the insidious and cunning area of ​​the Emperor of Feathering, which is too tiring and chilling.

"The Misty Ancient Emperor, today I can let you leave the Misty pulse safely, and the Emperor Yuhua will not do anything to you."

The Emperor Yuhua spoke again.

"You are so kind? The emperor is the leader of the alliance, and will lead the alliance to fight out, and will not give up on them."

The misty ancient emperor sneered.

This emperor was too insidious. At this time, he was deliberately let go. Without him leading the resistance, a few of those who entered the world of reincarnation could escape. In this way, he could take this opportunity to eliminate a large number of masters who resisted him.

And he will also become a joke in the universe.

One goes down and the other grows, the other party is getting stronger and stronger, and he can no longer gather a huge alliance.

He has failed twice and can no longer bear the third failure.

"Let's fight!"

The misty ancient emperor will fight bravely and will not be frustrated by any failures. He stands in the world and points directly at the Emperor Yuhua with his weapon, shouting: "Today, the Emperor will lead you to kill, the emergence is immortal, everyone is a chopping block Let him knead the meat on the ground, and kill the emperor if you don't want to die!"

"Kill, kill, fight against the Eclosion God Dynasty!"

Those people also know that it will be too late if they don't work hard at this time.

Misty ancient emperor could not be the emperor of the emperor, they were relieved.

"The fighting spirit is tenacious."

The Emperor Yuhua doesn't matter, he suddenly looked at one place and said, "Great Emperor Shenwu, you are here too."

"Emperor Shenwu!"

The faces of everyone changed slightly, looking into the distance, an ancient chariot broke through the air, the black emperor robe was agitated, and a majestic emperor led an army here.

"The emperor, the situation is really short of seconds." Bei Ming Fengye said on the side.

"The Great Emperor Shenwu is here!"

Chu Yuan's reputation has been very loud in the universe recently.

The misty ancient emperor's eyes flashed.

"Since you are here, Shenwu, you are still out of order, exploding your full strength and killing them?"

The Emperor Yuhua suddenly made a shocking statement.

"What? Is it possible that Emperor Shenwu is also a person who has transformed the dynasty?"

"How could it be possible that the Great Emperor Shenwu killed many powerful men from the Feathering God Dynasty, and destroyed their plans several times to create the Shenwu Empire. He himself was also an ambitious existence with all his strength? Could it be that he didn't use his full strength before?"

"What's impossible? Even the Lord of the Temple of Killing can take refuge in the Emperor Feathered, what else is impossible, maybe this Emperor Shenwu is also under his command."

"That's right, it's possible that everything is an illusion, **** it, how many chess pieces does this emperor evolve have arranged?"

Many people have changed their eyes because of the words of the Emperor Yuhua.

The time for the rise of the Shenwu Empire was very short, and it was indeed full of weirdness.

If anyone pays attention to their history, they will know that the Shenwu Empire is developing at a shocking speed. It is incredible if it is assisted by the gods.

Most likely, it was the support behind the Emperor Yuhua.

"Emperor Shenwu, really has something to do with Yuhua Shen Dynasty?"

Bei Ming Fengye was also taken aback, and felt that everyone could not believe it.

But the Shenwu Emperor was neat and murderous, and none of them was shaken by the words. How could their invincible Emperor be someone else's subordinate?

"Shenwu, aren't you still in the gods?"

The Emperor Yuhua said again.

"Does the world call you sinister and cunning."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

He was indeed vicious, and deliberately said this sentence to make other people think that he was a person from the emperor's dynasty, and put a label on him, so that the league's distrust was strengthened again.

Indeed, the world has seen too many conspiracy methods of him.

What else is impossible.

He also had to admire this emperor's methods.

"Hahahaha, why don't you say that my Misty Emperor is yours? Everything is planned by me and you today? You, sometimes cleverness is mistaken by cleverness. Fight with me, a dignified battle. , You and I have all stepped into the existence of the supreme, don't play with such humble little tricks!"

Misty Ancient Emperor laughed.

He did not believe in the nonsense of the Emperor Yuhua at all.

How could Emperor Shenwu be his subordinate.

He felt an aura from Chu Yuan, that is, the self-respect, the emperor's domineering temperament, this temperament will never have to take refuge in others, only an ambitious person like him will have it!

The emperor Yuhua's strength still wanted to use the means of splitting, which made him feel shameless.

Obviously strong, but also scheming.

However, he also knows that the winners and losers, the emperor of the emperor will use all means to achieve the goal, and the talents who don't even need faces are the most terrible.

He looked at Chu Yuan.

This person stood there calmly, as if there was an invisible black hole vortex shrouded, so that he could not see through this person.

"Come to fight!"

The Misty God Emperor strode forward with a wave of killing power, blasting out.

He is the only person here who can fight the Emperor Feathering. If he doesn't set an example, how could other people fight, and in order to survive, this group of people will also fight desperately.

Except for his ethereal forbidden ground, he would not care if anyone else died, but it was definitely not the death of being slaughtered by the Feathering God.

He knows well that the people of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty are powerful. Whether this group of people descends or is sacrificed to the wish, it is not good for him. It is best to use today to make others hate the Yuhua Shen Dynasty even more and let him save some opportunities.

"In this universe, there are still more people who fight against the Emerging God Dynasty."

Misty Ancient Emperor has already been killed.

"Ha ha."

The Emperor Yuhua has countless conspiracies and tricks at one thought, he is a sinister and powerful aggregate.

Seeing that the Misty Ancient Emperor came to kill, he didn't care, his strategy had been achieved, and there would no longer be an alliance to fight the Yuhua Shen Dynasty.

boom! The two emperors took action and produced monstrous fluctuations in the world of reincarnation. This force spread out, and even if the immortality was implicated in it, there would be no place to bury.

This kind of battle between the strongest is terrible.

Chu Yuan looked indifferently and looked at the two emperors to make a move, and it really changed him a lot.

"This is the horror of becoming the supreme. It is called the existence of the sovereign. Even though it is my barbaric war god, although the strength is strong, it has not entered this state, strong, too strong!"

Beiming Fengye couldn't help shaking.

The power of the two emperors, even the aftermath, suppressed him.

With the battle between the two emperors, the entire world of reincarnation was boiling, a large number of people were killed, and the Yuhua God Dynasty also sent a large number of strong men to kill.

"We can't be trapped here!"

North Ming Fengye Road!

"Kill out!"

Chu Yuangu's chariot charged forward, with supreme humanity and infinite will.

The glory of his gods swept out, and countless gods guarded him, smashing out the power of the gods, and directly hitting the outside of the reincarnation realm.

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