Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 954: The whole army marched out to level the spiritual realm

Shenwu Empire.

This time the army returned with iron and blood.

In the Land of Reincarnation, the loss was very high within a few months, nearly half of the casualties, but the survivors were all warriors who had experienced great wars. They were the elites of the empire, and they were all brave fighters who could contend against the gods. .

The name of the Shenwu Empire also spread throughout the universe because of this battle.

Who doesn't know the Shenwu Empire now?

After Chu Yuan returned to the Shenwu Empire, he received a lot of news, which made his face sink.

"Your Majesty, the minister has done a bad job and caused the empire to suffer losses. The minister has done so, so please punish him."

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment knelt in front of Chu Yuan, with a face full of shame, "When your majesty led an army to fight in the land of reincarnation, the empire was shot by the spiritual domain Shi Tianjun, and the prison leader led the team to encounter a sneak attack in the universe. Three battleships were destroyed, a large number of soldiers were killed, and even the leader of the prison was destroyed once. In addition, Shi Tianjun repeatedly shot to kill the soldiers of our empire. He encountered poisonous hands in various strongholds, so that the people of my empire could not leave the territory of Shenwu, for fear of being attacked. kill!"

It turned out that Shi Tianjun took advantage of Chu Yuan's time in the world of reincarnation, and began his revenge.

And he was also extremely forbearing, choosing the time when Chu Yuan entered the world of reincarnation, as a poisonous snake that had been dormant for a long time finally began his hunt.

After he succeeded in successive attacks, he originally wanted to break into the empire and create boundless killings.

But in the empire, there is a guardian of the fortune of the country, and he has not done it.

Shi Tianjun suffered a great loss in Chu Yuan's hands last time, and instead of depressed, he broke through to the Immortal Second Heaven.

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment had no way, his strength was not as good as Shi Tianjun, and the opponent used sneak attacks to restrain the people in the empire, and could not leave the Shenwu empire, waiting for the return of the emperor.

However, it is impossible for people from an empire to stay in the empire without going out, and there are some strongholds of Shenwu outside.

"Fortunately, Empress You Concubine made her move. She made her move and withstood part of Shi Tianjun's offensive. Let us withdraw most of them, otherwise we would lose even more."

The book of enlightenment bowed his head to the ground, and his heart was ashamed.

"Thank you."

Chu Yuan looked at Jiuyou, who had just returned to the empire, and nodded to her.

"I am also a member of the Empire."

Jiuyou shook his head, "But I can only do so much. That Shi Tianjun is already crazy, unscrupulous, an immortal double heaven against the empire, this is terrible."

During this period of time, she could only manage to contain Shi Tianjun with the Blood Moon.

She couldn't stop the mad Immortal Double Heaven, but fortunately there was a blood moon person and the will of the blood moon queen.

Although there are only three levels of immortality, there is a huge gap between each level, and the difference in the world is comparable to a big level. It is already very good that Jiuyou with the blood moon can do this.

"Your Majesty, even though Shi Tianjun is retreating, he doesn't know where he is hiding. He may take a bite at any time. The empire has no energy to face a lurking immortality."

Calligraphy of Enlightenment.

This kind of immortality that only wants revenge, killing indiscriminately is terrible.

"I know, where Shi Tianjun is, he hid in the spiritual realm."

Chu Yuan's face was terribly cold.

He fought Shi Tianjun many times, leaving behind his breath, and his whereabouts can be estimated vaguely based on the endless origin.

Shi Tianjun obviously also knew that the war of reincarnation was over and that Chu Yuan's strength was stronger. He was no opponent, so he simply hid in the spirit realm, and retaliated again when Chu Yuan went to fight.

"Kill, you must kill it back!"

The powerhouses of Shenwu experienced a battle in the world of reincarnation, and all of them were murderous.

Bone God said angrily: "This Shi Tianjun is a courageous rat. If he wants revenge, he can directly come to the emperor if he has the ability to find something immortal and get revenge, so that people can fear his immortal majesty?"

"If he has the courage, he won't use this method."

Lu Qianfu was also very disdainful.

"How can Shi Tianjun not die, defend the majesty of my Shenwu Empire?"

"Kill the spirit realm and destroy Shi Tianjun!"

"Yes, to kill, we must kill, we simply destroy the spiritual realm directly, we even dare to fight the Yuhua Divine dynasty, are we afraid of another spiritual realm?"


The strong were angry, and Shi Tianjun's actions against the weak angered them, and the tone in his heart was unquenchable.

"Shi Tianjun, I almost forgot about him."

Chu Yuan's voice was very cold. He did not take Shi Tianjun to his heart. He did not expect this stone to give him a great gift.

The destruction of the thirteen battleships is not important. The prison leader can also be reborn in the prison pool, but the soldiers who died because of his revenge cannot be resurrected. These are all fresh lives.

Chu Yuan didn't say anything about Shi Tianjun's revenge.

Fighting, any means can be used.

Since you use retaliatory means, he will not endure it, but will use more ruthless means to retaliate back.

"Does he think that he can be assured of worry-free by escaping back to the spiritual prison?"

When everyone heard the words, they were all solemnly.

Chu Yuan's words are about to start.

"Your Majesty, the spiritual realm was opened up by the spiritual god, and the spiritual **** existed at the same time as the ancestor of Mingguang. The strength is by no means comparable to the ordinary triple heavens. He has also been to the Great Tribulation of Reincarnation, but when he comes back, he seems to have suffered something. Changes can't easily be revealed."

Xia Han said: "He is hiding in the spiritual realm, which is very troublesome."

"No trouble."

Chu Yuan said: "The book of enlightenment, I preach my sacred decree, and let the spiritual realm surrender Shi Tianjun. I will impose a capital punishment on him and comfort the soldiers who died in his hands. If the spiritual realm does not hand over, my army will soon be stepped down. Ping the spiritual realm."

"Follow the imperial edict!"

The Book of Enlightenment was shocked.

Your Majesty's imperial decree is too domineering, let the spirit realm hand over Shi Tianjun.

This is not a cat or a dog. You can hand it over. An immortal double heaven, wherever it is placed, is a big figure. Is it possible for the spiritual realm to hand it over? If it is really necessary, I am afraid that the face of the spiritual realm will be gone.

The imperial edict is introduced into the spiritual realm.

This kind of domineering imperial decree, the spiritual realm is not angry, it is fake.

But the disappearance of the world of reincarnation made them know that the Shenwu Empire was so powerful that they could not be easily provoked, and they quickly responded.

They said that everything was a misunderstanding. Shi Tianjun didn't intentionally kill the people of Shenwu, but fabricated that he encountered a powerful enemy and accidentally involved Shenwu, which caused this unfortunate thing.

They said they were willing to compensate the Shenwu to cherish the memory of the soldiers who had fallen, and express their condolences.

Spirit Realm will also send strong men to worship these soldiers.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Spirit Realm is awkward. They dare not confront the Shenwu Empire directly. Instead, they use a tortuous method to give the Shenwu Empire face and hope that the Shenwu Empire will also give them a step.

They said that they would restrain Shi Tianjun and that such things would never happen again.

"Sure enough, the spiritual realm doesn't make friends!"

After the ministers learned about it, they were very dissatisfied with the result. Although the other party was subdued, but lightly exposed the past, he was very unhappy.

"The time for the existence of the spiritual realm is very old." Chu Yuan asked Xia Han.

Xia Han was startled, and replied: "Very old, even older than Mingguang Xianzong."

"The whole army will go out to level the spiritual realm."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "They don't make contact, I personally beat them and flatten them!"

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