This kind of fluctuation is too violent, and the peerless powerhouses in the universe are fighting.

The world marveled at the mighty power of the spirit god, and was even more shocked at the immensity of Emperor Shenwu.

How he cultivated, just like opening up, every time his power showed an unparalleled drastic change.

If it wasn't for Emperor Shenwu's power to be too strong to snoop casually, someone really wanted to snoop his secret.

Chu Yuan shot.

His stalwart body brought incomparable oppression to the spirit god, like a kind of mountain, insurmountable, and the oppression made his soul very dull, but he was not afraid, and he just stepped forward and shot.

"Pull the spiritual realm."

As long as the spirit **** is still immortal, Chu Yuan can suppress him.

His big hand fell, and the confusion rolled, and the spirit of the spirit was broken.

The human emperor sword shines with the most dazzling light, brilliant and dazzling, standing in the heavens, supreme and invincible, suppressing the Wan Lingtu.

He shook the world, Lei Ge appeared backhand, and the powerful divine light spilled, and opponents such as Lingshen also aroused his excitement, making his blood boil, and he can fight as much as he can.

In addition to the Wan Lingtu, the spirit **** himself is a powerful fetish. With a move of his arm, he resisted the fluctuation of the world shaking Lei Ge.

Shaking the world, Lei Ge swept again, Chu Yuan Bawu attacked, like a squally rain, one wave was stronger than one wave. With the blessing of the human emperor sword, his realm is no different from the spiritual god, and now it is a means to fight. And heritage.

His power keeps running continuously, breaking the world.


The two powerhouses collided head-on again, and their battles were no longer confined to the spiritual realm, but as they moved, the battlefield became bigger and bigger.

The spirit **** wanted to use Chu Yuan as a tool to hone his strength, but Chu Yuan also regarded him as a touchstone.

The glory of an instant!

With this blow, Chu Yuan turned into a meteor, hitting out instant power and boundless aura, and the spirit **** resisted with both hands, but he was violently knocked out and took a hundred steps back to stabilize his body. shape.

"Even the spirit **** can't please him in his hands!"

Lu Jia was also frightened in the All Soul Map.

At the same time, the aura boiled even more, and some weak spirits burned themselves out like moths and returned to their bodies, but they also made the strength of the spirit gods stronger and stronger, stepping into the realm of supreme.

Lingshen pushed out with both hands, and an aura pierced fiercely.


Chu Yuan grabbed the palm of his hand and the world was bright.

The universe of Yin and Yang reversed, and the heavens and the earth were turned upside down. With Chu Yuan's world-shaking Lei Ge strike, he instantly reached the spirit **** and slammed it at him. Suddenly the spirit light exploded, and all the spirit **** mana was lost.

Boom! The Wan Ling Tu boiled even more, and the spirit **** was not decadent because of this, and the waves were overwhelming. He lifted his palm and the five fingers aura turned into an entity.

Lingshen was also very uncomfortable at this moment.

Originally, he had a ten thousand spirit map, and there were not many people in the universe that could help him, but the existence of an emperor sword in Chu Yuan made his advantage disappear.

Chu Yuan was domineering and indifferent.

Every force of his fall is heavy, wiping out the power of the spirit god.

"One finger."

When the spirit **** raised his hand, he pointed to the future, infinite time and space.

Chu Yuan waved his hand to be the reincarnation of heaven and earth. He wiped out the Lingxi finger, and the invincible posture appeared.

The light of the spirit god's body became more and more intense, and when the battle reached this level, he also understood that it would be impossible to defeat this powerful enemy without doing everything possible. In the Wan Lingtu, the various auras burned more and more boiling.

The Shenwu army was not to be left behind, burning its own energy and spirit, desperately falling into the realm, and all of them had to pass on their power to the emperor.

Chu Yuan clenched his fist tightly, and he pierced the universe directly through a **** hole.


The strength of both of them is boiling, fighting to the most critical moment, there are no fancy moves, only the wave of absolute destruction.

"This sword!"

Suddenly, at the strongest moment when Chu Yuan and the spirits were fighting, a strong man suddenly appeared. He looked at the human emperor sword that followed like a shadow, and he was salivating, knowing that the name of the sword was huge.

Tearing the Feathering God Map, breaking through the time and space of desire, breaking the Excalibur Sword, and now making Wan Lingtu helpless.

This is a powerful fetish, who doesn't want to get it?

This person who shot is also very strong, suddenly flashed, he took advantage of Chu Yuan and the spirit **** fight, when he was unintentionally distracted, he acted brazenly and directly shot at the human emperor sword.

He also calculated it when he shot, and even if he couldn't take it, he could withdraw.

"This sword is in hand!"

Just when this person was about to come into contact with the Human Emperor Sword, an infinite will condensed, and it was the figure of the emperor of Chu Yuan. With a cold push with his hands, there were endless brilliant ripples.

This ripple is like a whirlpool, rolling and spinning.

Boom! In an instant, the infinite surging light flooded him, and that will slapped him with the power of reincarnation.

boom! He was beaten to vomit blood!

"It's not easy to retreat. This sword cannot be captured. There is great horror. I cannot bear the will of this sword!"

He retreated in shock.

But what frightened him the most was that this sword swelled and got him involved.

"My sword is also something you can touch at will?"

Chu Yuan was indifferent.

He raised his hand, the Human Emperor Sword flew into his hand, and cut it off with a sword, and a supreme sword light, reincarnation of heaven and earth, directly slashed out, making this person stunned, and the whole body was broken in half.

The sword light swept across, and the body wanted to escape, but was directly swept in.

Chu Yuan grabbed him, swallowed him, and turned it into a flood of power.

It is also unlucky for him, delusional to seize the Human Emperor Sword, but he does not know the horror of the Human Emperor Sword, this supreme artifact, the Human Emperor Sabre, how can he collide and be directly injured by the Supreme Sword.

Otherwise, with his strength, it is really difficult to kill him.

His death also reminded everyone.

Although this sword is good, it is not something that ordinary people can touch, and cannot bear the power of this sword light.

"Lingshen, our battle should also be over!"

Chu Yuan swallowed one person, and his strength skyrocketed again. He hit the strongest blow, piercing the sky like an electric light, and dominating the world. Although the spirit **** was prepared, he was hit back again and again.

"Let's fight for blood!"

Lingshen also fought crazy.

I think he has encountered countless dangers in his cultivation so far, and he has never encountered a strong man like Shenwu Great that cannot be treated with common sense, but he is not afraid to break such a danger

His breath was shocking, and an innate spirit orb quickly rotated.

There is no way, he also desperately under the persecution of Chu Yuan.


The strong people in the Wanlingtu are also burning themselves frantically. As long as the spirit gods are not dead, even if they burn out the spirit, leaving their own body, they can still give birth to new spirituality.

Chu Yuan soared into the sky, hitting the world-famous moves to crush the spirits.

The spirit **** is mad.

"This battle can't be postponed. If it is dragged on, there will be abnormal changes. No one in this universe will see that I can smoothly kill the spirit gods. Someone will even stop them. I will end the battle before they take action."

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across the void.

His biggest opponent is pressure from the outside world, and some people even jumped out suddenly and grabbed his spoils when he and the spirits were waiting to lose both sides.

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