"The Barbaric Territory is a stray place, and since the God of War was seriously injured, it has no heart for hegemony, and the Barbaric Territory is very far away from the Yuhua Divine Empire and the Misty Forbidden Land. Who is doing it on them?"

Chu Yuan looked at the sky abruptly, piercing through layers of nothingness, and a series of light spots appeared on the sea of ​​bitterness, and the huge divine boat moved again.

"Could it be the other side of Shenzhou, you are not honest, if so, I will go to the barbaric domain and walk on it to see what is going on!"

The Shenwu Empire has also opened up the channel with the Barbaric Domain in recent years, so that news can circulate with each other, otherwise he will not know the news of the Barbaric Domain in the empire.

Savage Domain War God is very famous, although he is not the real supreme, but his fighting power is terrifying, even if the supreme kills him so easily.

But the barbaric domain exists in a savage place in the universe. At this moment, many masters are besieging the barbaric domain, and there is no lack of immortal realm.

The people of the barbaric domain are fighting hard, they are the most brave fighters who are not afraid of death.

"War God of the Barbaric Territory, I am on the order of my lord from the other shore to lead you to the other side of the Shenzhou Ship. I am not trying to destroy your Barbaric Territory. The owner of the other shore is kind. Seeing your deadline is approaching, I want you to enter the other shore and disintegrate your injuries. I hope you Don't be stubborn and disappoint my lord's kindness, it will not benefit you or the barbaric domain."

Sure enough, they are people from the other side, they want to attract the war **** of the barbaric domain to the other side.

"Haha, this is how the other side is led? If you don't agree, you will use force to besieged, bah! My Man Territory is not afraid of the sky or the earth, not afraid of everything, only the Barbarians who died in battle, and never succumbed!"

Bei Ming Fengye and a large group of patriarchs guarded the barbaric domain, and they disgusted the people on the other side of Shenzhou to the extreme.

The Savage Domain War God was extremely injured, and the price they paid could only sustain the War God's life.

Will Shenzhou Bian be so kind? They didn't believe in how much it would cost to treat a existence like God of War, and there was no cost.

Beiming Fengye, the strong on the other side dealt with him in the world of reincarnation that day, just to weaken the power of the eel, but it was destroyed by Emperor Shenwu.

"Don't be stubborn, we come with kindness, don't enter the other bank, the **** of war will die in this turmoil, enter the other bank, the other bank is hope, where there is no catastrophe, everyone yearns for!"

The strong man from the other side said.

"Your kindness came with swords and soldiers. This kindness is really good!"

Bei Ming Fengye sneered disdainfully.

"Using extraordinary means at extraordinary times." The strong man from the other side said.

"Let me go to the other shore, my injury may have something to do with you, if it weren't for the gods to ask the universe, I'm afraid I would have been taken to the other shore."

In the barbaric domain, a tall and burly middle-aged man with black hair and shawl came out. His energy and blood were weak and not strong, but his eyes were very bright, radiating strong spirits, like the sun and the moon.

He is the God of War!


The people in the barbaric domain are angry.

They knew that God of War's injury was too serious, and he had been sleeping for many years, using this method to delay death, and every time he woke up, he was getting closer to death.

But the crisis from the other side of Shenzhou made him have to wake up.

These people are all coming for him.

"It's okay, it's a blessing or a curse, it's a curse that cannot be avoided, there will be this day."

The God of War said it was difficult to speak, and said every word very slowly.

The tall and burly body squatted, like an old man in the dusk, where there was a little demeanor that was called the **** of war by the emperor.

The barbarians were distressed and distressed, their God of War had become like this.

"God of War, come with me to the other side, this is your only chance to survive." This person is very cold, and regards being the God of War to attract the other side as a great honor.

"For many years, Master Bian hasn't given up on me." The Man Territory War God shook his head, "The price I have to pay is probably to become your guardian **** of the other bank. Losing myself, I am no longer myself, and become the puppet of the master of the other bank. "

"You think too much." The strong man from the other side said.

"I don't think much."

The savage war god's back gradually straightened, his whole body was glowing, his aura gradually climbed to the peak.

He said in a strong tone: "There is no way to go. This is the last time I have used my strength. Fortunately, death is my destiny."


The barbarians cried and sorrowed.

The God of War can no longer fight. When he fights again, it means the curtain ends before death.

"God of War, is this your choice?"

The people on the other side didn't care about the power of the War God of the Barbarian Territory, it seemed to him just a struggle.

He said coldly: "It's okay, even if you die in battle, you can take your body back. My lord's methods are beyond your imagination, and your body is equally extraordinary!"


Many powerful people from the other side are doing it.

They drove the barbaric domain into the formation of the other shore, and the surging sea of ​​bitterness was drowned.

And that person also looked directly at the God of War. He was the main force to deal with the God of War. He also knew that this person was very powerful. Although he looked like he was dying, he burned everything like a meteor in exchange for the final brilliance, still terrifying.

"You, although I don't know it, I don't know which ancient existence before reincarnation, but I can see that you were also a supreme, but when you are willing to believe in the master of the other side, you can not be regarded as the supreme, a running dog of the other side, There is no more arrogance, no more anger, how to display the supreme and invincible combat power, you hand over your supreme power and soul, but the pseudo-respect!"

The savage war **** is shining bright, not weak, his terrifying power twists the world, his black hair is flying, his eyes are like electricity, and he stands upright.

"Without my lord, I would have died a long time ago. You will never know the horror of my lord? Such as the supreme emperor in the world, the emperor of the emperor? You can't compare with my lord."

The man sighed to the God of War: "Is it bad to be alive? I have to choose a dead end."

"It's better to die like a running dog!"

The God of War of the Barbarians has his own pride. He would rather die than go to the other shore, knowing that there is not a good place, and he will not be the God of War if he really goes.

"You will regret this."

This person's tone is getting colder and colder.

With one bombardment, his power traversed the past.

Beiming Fengye's triple heaven only feels in the power of this person~www.ltnovel.com~ They can only be played with and cannot compete.

"You are not the same you used to be!"

God of War is fearless. At this time, his power had reached the peak, with the intention of begging for death, this outbreak, the injuries in his body would be like a scourge, and he would never be able to live again.

"And you can't have your peak power."

This person took the move of the God of War and said coldly: "But you are indeed powerful. You have not become a supreme. You can fight against this level of people with strength alone. No wonder that the emperor is as strong as the God of War. It is a pity that you It’s impossible to become the Supreme."

"At least it is enough to deal with you who have lost their spirits. In my opinion, the lord of the other shore can't even match the Emperor Yuhua. At least all the conspiracies of the Emperor Yuhua are for the hegemony of the universe, rather than just daring to hide in him like him. On the other shore of Shenzhou!"

The **** of war sees through the nature of this person.

He was not afraid, and used his last and strongest combat power to bombard this person.

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